FEAT: Completed chapter 3 interpreter implementation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{listToString, listToVector, pairp, cons, car, cdr, caar, cddr, cdar, cadr, caadr, cadar, caddr, nilp, nil, setcdr, metacadr} = require "cons-lists/lists"
{listToString, listToVector, pairp, cons, car, cdr, caar, cddr, cdar, cadr, caadr, cadar, caddr, nilp, nil, setcdr, metacadr, setcar} = require "cons-lists/lists"
readline = require "readline"
{inspect} = require "util"
print = require "./print"
@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ nvalu = (node) -> cadr node
class Value
# Represents the base class of a continuation. Calls to invoke resume
# the contained continuation, which is typecast to one of the specific
# continuation needs of conditional, sequence, etc...
class Continuation
constructor: (@k) ->
invoke: (v, env, kont) ->
@ -43,28 +47,33 @@ class FullEnv extends Environment
# This is the classic environment pair; either it's *this*
# environment, or it's a parent environment, until you hit the
# NullEnv.
# NullEnv. Once the name has been found, the continuation is called
# with the found value.
class VariableEnv extends FullEnv
constructor: (@others, @name, @value) ->
lookup: (name, kont) ->
if name == @name
resume kont, @value
kont.resume @value
@others.lookup name, kont
update: (nam, kont, value) ->
if name == @name
@value = value
resume kont, value
kont.resume value
@others.update name, kont, value
# "Renders the quote term to the current continuation"; in a more
# familiar parlance, calls resume in the current context with the
# quoted term uninterpreted.
evaluateQuote = (v, env, kont) ->
resume kont, v
kont.resume v
# IF
# Evaluates the conditional expression, creating a continuation with
# the current environment that, when resumed, evaluates either the
# true or false branch, again in the current enviornment.
evaluateIf = (exps, env, kont) ->
evaluate (car e), env, new IfCont(kont, (cadr e), (caddr e), env)
@ -73,7 +82,9 @@ class IfCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @ift, @iff, @env) ->
resume: (v) -> evaluate (if v then @ift else @iff), @env, @k
# Sequences: evaluates the current expression with a continuation that
# represents "the next expression" in the sequence. Upon resumption,
# calls this function with that next expression.
evaluateBegin = (exps, env, kont) ->
if (pairp exps)
@ -82,18 +93,21 @@ evaluateBegin = (exps, env, kont) ->
evaluate (car exps), env, kont
resume kont, "Begin empty value"
kont.resume("Begin empty value")
class BeginCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @exps, @env) ->
resume: (v) -> evaluateBegin (cdr @exps), @env, @k
# In this continuation, we simply pass the continuation and the name
# to the environment to look up. The environment knows to call the
# continuation with the value.
evaluateVariable = (name, env, kont) ->
env.lookup(name, kont)
# This is the same dance as lookup, only with the continuation being
# called after an update has been performed.
evaluateSet = (name, exp, env, kont) ->
evaluate exp, env, (new setCont(kont, name, env))
@ -103,16 +117,26 @@ class SetCont extend Continuation
resume: (value) ->
update @env, @name, @k, value
# Calls the current contunation, passing it a new function wrapper.
evaluateLambda = (names, exp, env, kont) ->
resume kont, new Function names, exp, env
kont.resume new Function names, exp, env
# Upon invocation, evaluates the body with a new environment that
# consists of the original names, their current values as called, and
# the continuation an the moment of invocation, which will continue
# (resume) execution once the function is finished.
# By the way: this is pretty much the whole the point.
class Function extends Value
constructor: (@variables, @body, @env) ->
invoke: (values, env, kont) ->
evaluateBegin @body, (extend @env, @variables, values), kont
# Helper function to build name/value pairs for the current execution
# context.
extend = (env, names, values) ->
if (pairp names) and (pairp values)
new VariableEnv (extend env (cdr names) (cdr values)), (car names), (car values)
@ -121,7 +145,13 @@ extend = (env, names, values) ->
new VariableEnv env, names, values
# Now we start the invocation: this is applying the function. Let's
# take it stepwise.
# Create a function environment. Calls the evaluateArguments(), which
# in turns goes down the list of arguments and creates a new
# environment, and then the continuation is to actually appy the nev
# environment to the existing function.
evaluateApplication = (exp, exps, env, kont) ->
evaluate exp, env, (new EvFunCont kont, exps, env)
@ -131,27 +161,38 @@ class EvFunCont extends Continuation
resume: (f) ->
evaluateArguments (@exp, @k, new ApplyCont @k, f, @env)
# Evaluate the first list, creating a new list of the arguments. Upon
# completion, resume the continuation with the gather phase
evaluateArguments = (exp, env, kont) ->
if (pairp exp)
evaluate (car exp), env, (new ArgumentCont kont, exp, env)
resume kont, "No more arguments"
class ApplyCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @fn, @env) ->
resume: (v) ->
invoke @fn, v, @env, @k
kont.resume("No more arguments")
class ArgumentCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @exp, @env) ->
resume: (v) ->
evaluateArguments (cdr @env, @env, new GatherCont @k, v)
# Gather the arguments as each ArgumentCont is resumed into a list to
# be passed to our next step.
class GatherCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @v) ->
resume: (v) ->
@k.resume (cons @v, v)
# Upon resumption, invoke the function.
class ApplyCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @fn, @env) ->
resume: (v) ->
invoke @fn, v, @env, @k
# A special continuation that represents what we want the interpreter
# to do when it's done processing.
class BottomCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @f) ->
resume: (v) ->
@ -162,11 +203,6 @@ class Primitive extends Value
invoke: (args, env, kont) ->
@nativ.apply null, (listToVector args), env, kont
env_init = new NullEnv()
interpreter = (ast, kont) ->
evaluate ast, env_init, new BottomCont null, kont
evaluate = (e, env, kont) ->
[type, exp] = [(ntype e), (nvalu e)]
if type == "symbol"
@ -196,7 +232,7 @@ defprimitive = (name, nativ, arity) ->
definitial name, new Primitive name, (args, env, kont) ->
vmargs = listToVector(args)
if (vmargs.length == arity)
resume kont (nativ.apply null, vmargs
kont.resume (nativ.apply null, vmargs)
throw "Incorrect arity")
@ -210,127 +246,47 @@ for i in [
"fib", "fact", "visit", "primes", "length"]
definitial i
defpredicate = (name, nativ, arity) ->
defprimitive name, ((a, b) -> if nativ.call(null, a, b) then true else the_false_value), arity
defprimitive "cons", cons, 2
defprimitive "car", car, 2
defprimitive "cdr", cdr, 2
defprimitive "set-cdr!", setcdr, 2
defprimitive "set-car!", setcar, 2
defprimitive "+", ((a, b) -> a + b), 2
defprimitive "*", ((a, b) -> a * b), 2
defprimitive "-", ((a, b) -> a - b), 2
defprimitive "/", ((a, b) -> a / b), 2
defpredicate "lt", ((a, b) -> a < b), 2
defpredicate "gt", ((a, b) -> a > b), 2
defpredicate "lte", ((a, b) -> a <= b), 2
defpredicate "gte", ((a, b) -> a >= b), 2
defpredicate "eq?", ((a, b) -> a == b), 2
defpredicate "pair?" ((a) -> pairp a), 1
defpredicate "nil?" ((a) -> nilp a), 1
defpredicate "symbol?" ((a) -> /\-?[0-9]+$/.test(a) == false), 1
extend = (env, variables, values) ->
if (pairp variables)
if (pairp values)
(cons (cons (car variables), (car values)),
(extend env, (cdr variables), (cdr values)))
definitial "call/cc", new Primitive "call/cc", (values, env, kont) ->
if nilp cdr values
(car values).invoke (cons kont), env, kont
throw "Too few values"
else if (nilp variables)
if (nilp values) then env else throw "Too many values"
if (symbolp variables)
(cons (cons variables, values), env)
throw "Incorrect arity for call/cc", [r, k]
make_function = (variables, body, env) ->
(values) -> eprogn body, (extend env, variables, values)
definitial "apply", new Primitive "apply", (values, env, kont) ->
if pairp cdr values
f = car values
args = (() ->
(flat = (args) ->
if nilp cdr args then (car args) else (cons (car args), (flat cdr args)))(cdr values))()
f.invoke args, env, kont
invoke = (fn, args) ->
(fn args)
definitial "list", new Primitive "list", (values, env, kont) ->
(values, env, kont) -> kont.resume(values)
# Takes a list of nodes and calls evaluate on each one, returning the
# last one as the value of the total expression. In this example, we
# are hard-coding what ought to be a macro, namely the threading
# macros, "->"
env_init = new NullEnv()
eprogn = (exps, env) ->
if (pairp exps)
if pairp (cdr exps)
evaluate (car exps), env
eprogn (cdr exps), env
evaluate (car exps), env
interpreter = (ast, kont) ->
evaluate ast, env_init, new BottomCont null, kont
evlis = (exps, env) ->
if (pairp exps)
(cons (evaluate (car exps), env), (evlis (cdr exps), env))
lookup = (id, env) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
cdar env
lookup id, (cdr env)
update = (id, env, value) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
setcdr value, (car env)
update id, (cdr env), value
# This really ought to be the only place where the AST meets the
# interpreter core. I can't help but think that this design precludes
# pluggable interpreter core.
astSymbolsToLispSymbols = (node) ->
return nil if nilp node
throw "Not a list of variable names" if not (ntype(node) is 'list')
handler = (node) ->
return nil if nilp node
cons (nvalu car node), (handler cdr node)
handler(nvalu node)
# Takes an AST node and evaluates it and its contents. A node may be
# ("list" (... contents ...)) or ("number" 42) or ("symbol" x), etc.
cadddr = metacadr('cadddr')
class Component
invoke: -> throw "Not a function"
class Environment
lookup: -> throw "Not an environment"
class NullEnv extends Environment
lookup: -> throw "Unknown Variable"
class FullEnv extends Environment
constructor: (@others, @name) ->
lookup: (id) -> lookup id, @others
class VariableEnv extends FullEnv
constructor:(@others, @name, @value) ->
lookup: (id) ->
class Primitive extends Invokable
invoke: (args, kont) -> @fn args, kont
module.exports = (c) -> evaluate c, env_global
module.exports = intepreter
Reference in New Issue