[feat] labeled 'block' and 'return' added! Woot!
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,18 +20,21 @@ class Value
# continuation needs of conditional, sequence, etc...
class Continuation
constructor: (@k) ->
invoke: (v, env, kont) ->
if nilp cdr v
@k.resume (car v)
constructor: (@kont) ->
invoke: (value, env, kont) ->
if nilp cdr value
@kont.resume (car value)
throw new LispInterpreterError "Continuations expect one argument"
unwind: (value, ktarget) ->
if (@kont == ktarget) then (@kont.resume value) else (@kont.unwind value, ktarget)
# Abstract class representing the environment
class Environment
lookup: -> throw new LispInterpreterError "Nonspecific invocation"
update: -> throw new LispInterpreterError "Nonspecific invocation"
blockLookup: -> throw new LispInterpreterError "Not an Environment"
# Base of the environment stack. If you hit this, your variable was
# never found for lookup/update. Note that at this time in the
@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ class Environment
class NullEnv extends Environment
lookup: (e) -> throw new LispInterpreterError "Unknown variable #{e}"
update: (e) -> throw new LispInterpreterError "Unknown variable #{e}"
blockLookup: (name) -> throw new LispInterpreterError "Unknown block label #{name}"
# This appears to be an easy and vaguely abstract handle to the
# environment. The book is not clear on the distinction between the
@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ class FullEnv extends Environment
@others.lookup name, kont
update: (name, kont, value) ->
@others.update name, kont, value
blockLookup: (name, kont, value) ->
@others.blockLookup(name, kont, value)
# This is the classic environment pair; either it's *this*
# environment, or it's a parent environment, until you hit the
@ -88,10 +94,10 @@ evaluateIf = (exps, env, kont) ->
evaluate (car exps), env, new IfCont(kont, (cadr exps), (caddr exps), env)
class IfCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @ift, @iff, @env) ->
constructor: (@kont, @ift, @iff, @env) ->
@_type = "IfCont"
resume: (value) ->
evaluate (if value == the_false_value then @iff else @ift), @env, @k
evaluate (if value == the_false_value then @iff else @ift), @env, @kont
# Sequences: evaluates the current expression with a continuation that
# represents "the next expression" in the sequence. Upon resumption,
@ -107,9 +113,9 @@ evaluateBegin = (exps, env, kont) ->
kont.resume("Begin empty value")
class BeginCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @exps, @env) ->
constructor: (@kont, @exps, @env) ->
@_type = "BeginCont"
resume: (v) -> evaluateBegin (cdr @exps), @env, @k
resume: (v) -> evaluateBegin (cdr @exps), @env, @kont
# In this continuation, we simply pass the continuation and the name
# to the environment to look up. The environment knows to call the
@ -125,10 +131,10 @@ evaluateSet = (name, exp, env, kont) ->
evaluate exp, env, (new SetCont(kont, name, env))
class SetCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @name, @env) ->
constructor: (@kont, @name, @env) ->
@_type = "SetCont"
resume: (value) ->
@env.update @name, @k, value
@env.update @name, @kont, value
# Calls the current contunation, passing it a new function wrapper.
@ -171,10 +177,10 @@ evaluateApplication = (exp, exps, env, kont) ->
evaluate exp, env, (new EvFunCont kont, exps, env)
class EvFunCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @exp, @env) ->
constructor: (@kont, @exp, @env) ->
@_type = "EvFunCont"
resume: (f) ->
evaluateArguments @exp, @env, (new ApplyCont(@k, f, @env))
evaluateArguments @exp, @env, (new ApplyCont(@kont, f, @env))
# Evaluate the first list, creating a new list of the arguments. Upon
# completion, resume the continuation with the gather phase
@ -186,37 +192,64 @@ evaluateArguments = (exp, env, kont) ->
class ArgumentCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @exp, @env) ->
constructor: (@kont, @exp, @env) ->
@_type = "ArgumentCont"
resume: (v) ->
evaluateArguments (cdr @exp), @env, (new GatherCont @k, v)
evaluateArguments (cdr @exp), @env, (new GatherCont @kont, v)
# Gather the arguments as each ArgumentCont is resumed into a list to
# be passed to our next step.
class GatherCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @v) ->
constructor: (@kont, @value) ->
@_type = "GatherCont"
resume: (v) ->
@k.resume (cons @v, v)
resume: (value) ->
@kont.resume (cons @value, value)
# Upon resumption, invoke the function.
class ApplyCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @fn, @env) ->
constructor: (@kont, @fn, @env) ->
@_type = "ApplyCont"
resume: (v) ->
@fn.invoke v, @env, @k
resume: (value) ->
@fn.invoke value, @env, @kont
# A special continuation that represents what we want the interpreter
# to do when it's done processing.
class BottomCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@k, @f) ->
constructor: (@kont, @func) ->
@_type = "BottomCont"
resume: (value) ->
unwind: (value, ktarget) ->
throw new LispInterpreterError "Obsolete continuation"
evaluateBlock = (label, body, env, kont) ->
k = new BlockCont(kont, label)
evaluateBegin body, (new BlockEnv env, label, kont), k
class BlockCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @label) ->
@_type = "BlockCont"
resume: (value) ->
@kont.resume value
class BlockEnv extends FullEnv
constructor: (@others, @name, @kont) ->
blockLookup: (name, kont, value) ->
if (name == @name)
kont.unwind value, @kont
@others.blockLookup(name, kont, value)
evaluateReturnFrom = (label, form, env, kont) ->
evaluate form, env, (new ReturnFromCont kont, env, label)
class ReturnFromCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @env, @label) ->
resume: (v) ->
@env.blockLookup @label, @kont, v
class Primitive extends Value
constructor: (@name, @nativ) ->
@ -247,6 +280,11 @@ evaluate = (e, env, kont) ->
when "begin" then evaluateBegin (cdr exp), env, kont
when "set!" then evaluateSet (nvalu cadr exp), (caddr exp), env, kont
when "lambda" then evaluateLambda (astSymbolsToLispSymbols cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, kont
when "block" then evaluateBlock (nvalu cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, kont
when "return-from" then evaluateReturnFrom (nvalu cadr exp), (caddr exp), env, kont
when "catch" then evaluateCatch (cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, kont
when "throw" then evaluateThrow (cadr exp), (caddr exp), env, kont
when "unwind-protect" then evaluateUnwindProtect (cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, kont
else evaluateApplication (car exp), (cdr exp), env, kont
evaluateApplication (car exp), (cdr exp), env, kont
Reference in New Issue