Fixed test pass. Almost have CPS running.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2015-06-30 08:05:58 -07:00
parent df6f3f17ae
commit 9d9624632a
6 changed files with 73 additions and 194 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ bin/_mocha

View File

@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ node_modules: package.json
test: clean node_modules
@JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 ./node_modules/.bin/mocha \
--reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register || true
# @node_modules/.bin/mocha
ltest: node_modules
@node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register
rm -f report.xml test-reports.xml

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{car, cdr, cons, nil, nilp, pairp, vectorToList} = require 'cons-lists/lists'
{car, cdr, cons, nil, nilp, pairp, vectorToList, list} = require 'cons-lists/lists'
{inspect} = require "util"
NEWLINES = ["\n", "\r", "\x0B", "\x0C"]
WHITESPACE = [" ", "\t"].concat(NEWLINES)
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ skipWS = (inStream) ->
# (type, value, line, column) -> (node {type, value, line, column)}
makeObj = (type, value, line, column) ->
cons(type, cons(value, cons(line, cons(column, nil))))
list(type, value, line, column)
# msg -> (IO -> Node => Error)
handleError = (message) ->

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ readline = require "readline"
{inspect} = require "util"
print = require "../chapter1/print"
env_init = nil
env_global = env_init
@ -15,10 +14,10 @@ definitial = (name, value = nil) ->
defprimitive = (name, nativ, arity) ->
definitial name, ((args) ->
definitial name, ((args, callback) ->
vmargs = listToVector(args)
if (vmargs.length == arity)
nativ.apply null, vmargs
callback nativ.apply null, vmargs
throw "Incorrect arity")
@ -60,43 +59,43 @@ extend = (env, variables, values) ->
make_function = (variables, body, env, continuation) ->
continuation (values, cb) -> eprogn body, (extend env, variables, values), cb
make_function = (variables, body, env, callback) ->
callback (values) -> eprogn body, (extend env, variables, values)
invoke = (fn, args, cb) ->
fn args, cb
invoke = (fn, args, callback) ->
fn args, callback
# Takes a list of nodes and calls evaluate on each one, returning the
# last one as the value of the total expression. In this example, we
# are hard-coding what ought to be a macro, namely the threading
# macros, "->"
eprogn = (exps, env, cb) ->
eprogn = (exps, env, callback) ->
if (pairp exps)
if pairp (cdr exps)
evaluate (car exps), env, (next) ->
eprogn (cdr exps), env, cb
eprogn (cdr exps), env, callback
evaluate (car exps), env, cb
evaluate (car exps), env, callback
cb nil
callback nil
evlis = (exps, env, cb) ->
evlis = (exps, env, callback) ->
if (pairp exps)
evaluate (car exps), env, (stepv) ->
evlis (cdr exps), env, (next) ->
cb cons stepv, next
evlis (cdr exps), env, (rest) ->
evaluate (car exps), env, (calc) ->
callback cons calc, rest
callback nil
lookup = (id, env, continuation) ->
lookup = (id, env) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
continuation (cdar env)
cdar env
lookup id, (cdr env), continuation
lookup id, (cdr env)
continuation nil
update = (id, env, value, callback) ->
if (pairp env)
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ update = (id, env, value, callback) ->
update id, (cdr env), value, callback
callback nil
# This really ought to be the only place where the AST meets the
# interpreter core. I can't help but think that this design precludes
@ -126,37 +125,38 @@ astSymbolsToLispSymbols = (node) ->
cadddr = metacadr('cadddr')
evaluate = (e, env, continuation) ->
evaluate = (e, env, callback) ->
[type, exp] = [(ntype e), (nvalu e)]
if type in ["number", "string", "boolean", "vector"]
return continuation exp
else if type == "symbol"
return lookup exp, env, continuation
if type == "symbol"
return callback lookup exp, env
else if type in ["number", "string", "boolean", "vector"]
return callback exp
else if type == "list"
head = car exp
if (ntype head) == 'symbol'
switch (nvalu head)
when "quote" then continuation cdr exp
return switch (nvalu head)
when "quote"
callback cdr exp
when "if"
evaluate (cadr exp), env, (result) ->
unless result == the_false_value
evaluate (caddr exp), env, continuation
evaluate (cadddr exp), env, continuation
when "begin" then eprogn (cdr exp), env, continuation
when "set!" then evaluate (caddr exp), env, (value) ->
update (nvalu cadr exp), env, value, continuation
evaluate (cadr exp), env, (res) ->
w = unless res == the_false_value then caddr else cadddr
evaluate (w exp), env, callback
when "begin"
eprogn (cdr exp), env, callback
when "set!"
evaluate (caddr exp), env, (newvalue) ->
update (nvalu cadr exp), env, newvalue, callback
when "lambda"
make_function (astSymbolsToLispSymbols cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, continuation
make_function (astSymbolsToLispSymbols cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, callback
evlis (cdr exp), env, (args) ->
evaluate (car exp), env, (fn) ->
invoke fn, args, continuation
evaluate (car exp), env, (fn) ->
evlis (cdr exp), env, (args) ->
invoke fn, args, callback
evlis (cdr exp), env, (args) ->
evaluate (car exp), env, (fn) ->
invoke fn, args, continuation
evaluate (car exp), env, (fn) ->
evlis (cdr exp), env, (args) ->
invoke fn, args, callback
throw new Error("Can't handle a #{type}")
module.exports = (c, continuation) -> evaluate c, env_global, continuation
module.exports = (c, cb) -> evaluate c, env_global, cb

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
<testsuites name="Mocha Tests">
<testsuite name="Core interpreter" tests="13" failures="2" skipped="0" timestamp="Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:28:41 GMT" time="0.1">
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle true statements" time="0.004"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle false statements" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle return strings" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle return strings when false" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle equivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle inequivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle basic arithmetic" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle some algebra" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a basic setting" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a zero arity thunk" time="0.001">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter1/
at handler (chapter1/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at eprogn (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at module.exports (chapter1/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a two arity thunk" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a recursive function" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle an IIFE" time="0">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter1/
at handler (chapter1/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at eprogn (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at module.exports (chapter1/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testsuite name="Core interpreter" tests="8" failures="6" skipped="0" timestamp="Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:28:41 GMT" time="0.103">
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle if statements" time="0.003">
<failure message="expected [ &#39;false&#39;, &#39;boolean&#39;, __list: true ] to equal false">
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle basic arithmetic" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle some algebra" time="0">
<failure message="Can&#39;t handle a e">
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a basic setting" time="0.001">
<failure message="continuation is not a function">
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a zero arity thunk" time="0.001">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter3/
at handler (chapter3/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a two arity thunk" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a recursive function" time="0.001">
<failure message="expected [ &#39;false&#39;, &#39;boolean&#39;, __list: true ] to equal 120">
Index: string
--- string
+++ string
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle an IIFE" time="0">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter3/
at handler (chapter3/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at chapter3/
at evlis (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/

View File

@ -2,17 +2,31 @@ chai = require 'chai'
expect = chai.expect
lisp = require '../chapter3/interpreter'
{cons} = require "cons-lists/lists"
olisp = require '../chapter3/interpreter'
{read, readForms} = require '../chapter1/reader'
the_false_value = (cons "false", "boolean")
lisp = (ast) ->
ret = undefined
olisp ast, (i) -> ret = i
return ret
describe "Core interpreter #3", ->
it "Should handle if statements", ->
it "Should handle true statements", ->
expect(lisp read "(begin (if (lt 0 1) #t #f))").to.equal(true)
expect(lisp read "(begin (if (lt 1 0) #t #f))").to.equal(false)
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (lt 1 0) "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle false statements", ->
expect(lisp read "(begin (if (lt 1 0) #t #f))").to.deep.equal(the_false_value)
it "Should handle return strings", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (lt 0 1) "y" "n"))').to.equal("y")
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq "y" "y") "y" "n"))').to.equal("y")
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq "y" "x") "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle return strings when false", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (lt 1 0) "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle equivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq? "y" "y") "y" "n"))').to.equal("y")
it "Should handle inequivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq? "y" "x") "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle basic arithmetic", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (+ 5 5))').to.equal(10)
@ -21,7 +35,7 @@ describe "Core interpreter #3", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (- 9 5))').to.equal(4)
it "Should handle some algebra", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (* (+ 5 5) (* 2 3))').to.equal(60)
expect(lisp read '(begin (* (+ 5 5) (* 2 3)))').to.equal(60)
it "Should handle a basic setting", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (set! fact 4) fact)').to.equal(4)