Improving test results.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2015-06-17 15:34:11 -07:00
parent a5e4558df9
commit b8a19d5c79
3 changed files with 153 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ evaluate = (e, env, continuation) ->
when "lambda"
make_function (astSymbolsToLispSymbols cadr exp), (cddr exp), env, continuation
console.log(cdr exp)
evlis (cdr exp), env, (args) ->
evaluate (car exp), env, (fn) ->
invoke fn, args, continuation

test-reports.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
<testsuites name="Mocha Tests">
<testsuite name="Core interpreter" tests="13" failures="2" skipped="0" timestamp="Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:28:41 GMT" time="0.1">
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle true statements" time="0.004"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle false statements" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle return strings" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle return strings when false" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle equivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle inequivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle basic arithmetic" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle some algebra" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a basic setting" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a zero arity thunk" time="0.001">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter1/
at handler (chapter1/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at eprogn (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at module.exports (chapter1/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a two arity thunk" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a recursive function" time="0.001"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle an IIFE" time="0">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter1/
at handler (chapter1/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at eprogn (chapter1/
at evaluate (chapter1/
at module.exports (chapter1/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testsuite name="Core interpreter" tests="8" failures="6" skipped="0" timestamp="Wed, 17 Jun 2015 22:28:41 GMT" time="0.103">
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle if statements" time="0.003">
<failure message="expected [ &#39;false&#39;, &#39;boolean&#39;, __list: true ] to equal false">
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle basic arithmetic" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle some algebra" time="0">
<failure message="Can&#39;t handle a e">
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a basic setting" time="0.001">
<failure message="continuation is not a function">
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at lookup (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at update (chapter3/
at chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a zero arity thunk" time="0.001">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter3/
at handler (chapter3/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a two arity thunk" time="0"/>
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle a recursive function" time="0.001">
<failure message="expected [ &#39;false&#39;, &#39;boolean&#39;, __list: true ] to equal 120">
Index: string
--- string
+++ string
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/
<testcase classname="Core interpreter" name="Should handle an IIFE" time="0">
<failure message="Cannot read property &#39;1&#39; of undefined">
at nvalu (chapter3/
at handler (chapter3/
at astSymbolsToLispSymbols (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at chapter3/
at evlis (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at eprogn (chapter3/
at evaluate (chapter3/
at module.exports (chapter3/
at Context.&lt;anonymous&gt; (test/

View File

@ -2,17 +2,25 @@ chai = require 'chai'
expect = chai.expect
{cons} = require "cons-lists/lists"
lisp = require '../chapter1/interpreter'
{read, readForms} = require '../chapter1/reader'
the_false_value = (cons "false", "boolean")
describe "Core interpreter", ->
it "Should handle if statements", ->
it "Should handle true statements", ->
expect(lisp read "(begin (if (lt 0 1) #t #f))").to.equal(true)
expect(lisp read "(begin (if (lt 1 0) #t #f))").to.equal(false)
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (lt 1 0) "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle false statements", ->
expect(lisp read "(begin (if (lt 1 0) #t #f))").to.deep.equal(the_false_value)
it "Should handle return strings", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (lt 0 1) "y" "n"))').to.equal("y")
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq "y" "y") "y" "n"))').to.equal("y")
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq "y" "x") "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle return strings when false", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (lt 1 0) "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle equivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq? "y" "y") "y" "n"))').to.equal("y")
it "Should handle inequivalent objects that are not intrinsically truthy", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (if (eq? "y" "x") "y" "n"))').to.equal("n")
it "Should handle basic arithmetic", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (+ 5 5))').to.equal(10)
@ -21,7 +29,7 @@ describe "Core interpreter", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (- 9 5))').to.equal(4)
it "Should handle some algebra", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (* (+ 5 5) (* 2 3))').to.equal(60)
expect(lisp read '(begin (* (+ 5 5) (* 2 3)))').to.equal(60)
it "Should handle a basic setting", ->
expect(lisp read '(begin (set! fact 4) fact)').to.equal(4)