[test] Added Coffeelint to list to of features.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ node_modules: package.json
mkdir -p node_modules
mkdir -p node_modules
npm install
npm install
coffeelint $(SOURCES)
test: clean node_modules
test: clean node_modules
@JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 ./node_modules/.bin/mocha \
@JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 ./node_modules/.bin/mocha \
--reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register || true
--reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register || true
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
lookup = require './lookup'
{car, cdr, cadr, caadr, cdadr} = require './lists'
lispeval = (element, scope) ->
switch (car element)
when 'number' then parseInt (cadr element), 10
when 'string' then (cadr element)
when 'symbol' then lookup scope, (cadr element)
when 'list'
proc = lispeval (caadr element), scope
args = cdadr element
proc args, scope
else throw new Error ("Unrecognized type in parse: #{(car element)}")
module.exports = lispeval
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
lispeval = require './eval'
{cons, nil, nilp, car, cdr, listToVector} = require './lists'
module.exports =
create_vm_expression_evaluator: (defining_scope, params, body) ->
(cells, scope) ->
args = (amap = (cells, accum) ->
return accum if nilp cells
amap((cdr cells), accum.concat(lispeval (car cells), scope)))(cells, [])
body.apply null, args
create_lisp_expression_evaluator: (defining_scope, params, body) ->
(cells, scope) ->
# Takes the current scope, which has been passed in during the
# execution phase, and evaluate the contents of the parameters
# in the context in which this call is made (i.e. when the
# function is *called*, rather than defined.
new_scope = (cmap = (cells, params, nscope) ->
return nscope if (nilp cells) or (nilp params)
nscope[(car params)] = lispeval (car cells), scope
cmap((cdr cells), (cdr params), nscope))(cells, params, {})
# Execute and evaluate the body, creating an inner scope that
# consists of: (1) the bound variables (the parameters)
# evaluated in the context of the function call, because that's
# where they were encountered (2) the free variables evaluated
# in the context of the defining scope, because that's where
# *they* were encountered.
# While this inspiration comes from Coglan, the clearest
# explanation is from Lisperator's 'make_lambda' paragraph at
# http://lisperator.net/pltut/eval1/
inner_scope = cons(new_scope, defining_scope)
(nval = (body, memo) ->
return memo if nilp body
nval((cdr body), lispeval((car body), inner_scope)))(body)
create_special_form_evaluator: (defining_scope, params, body) ->
(cells, scope) -> body(cells, scope)
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
{listToString, listToVector, pairp, cons, car, cdr, caar, cddr, cdar, cadr, caadr, cadar, caddr, nilp, nil, setcdr, metacadr} = require "cons-lists/lists"
ntype = (node) -> car node
nvalu = (node) -> cadr node
evlis = (exps, d) ->
if (pairp exps) then evaluate((car exps), d) + " " + evlis((cdr exps), d) else ""
indent = (d) ->
([0..d].map () -> " ").join('')
evaluate = (e, d = 0) ->
[type, exp] = [(ntype e), (nvalu e)]
if type == "symbol" then exp
else if type in ["number", "boolean"] then exp
else if type == "string" then '"' + exp + '"'
else if type == "list" then "\n" + indent(d) + "(" + evlis(exp, d + 2) + ")"
else throw "Don't recognize a #{type}"
module.exports = (c) -> evaluate c, 0
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
lispeval = require './eval'
{cons, car, cdr, nilp, nil, cadar, cadr, caddr} = require './lists'
{create_lisp_expression_evaluator, create_vm_expression_evaluator, create_special_form_evaluator} = require './fn'
scope = cons
'+': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a + b
'-': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a - b
'*': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a * b
'/': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a / b
'==': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a == b
'#t': true
'#f': false
'define': create_special_form_evaluator scope, [], (nodes, scope) ->
current = (car scope)
current[(cadar nodes)] = lispeval((cadr nodes), scope)
'lambda': create_special_form_evaluator scope, [], (nodes, scope) ->
param_nodes = cadar nodes
reducer = (l) ->
if (nilp l) then nil else cons (cadar l), reducer(cdr l)
param_names = reducer(param_nodes)
create_lisp_expression_evaluator scope, param_names, (cdr nodes)
'if': create_special_form_evaluator scope, [], (nodes, scope) ->
if lispeval (car nodes), scope
lispeval (cadr nodes), scope
lispeval (caddr nodes), scope
module.exports = scope
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"cons-lists": "git+https://github.com/elfsternberg/cons-lists.git"
"cons-lists": "git+https://github.com/elfsternberg/cons-lists.git"
"devDependencies": {
"devDependencies": {
"coffeelint": "~1.10.0",
"chai": "^2.0.0",
"chai": "^2.0.0",
"mocha": "^2.1.0",
"mocha": "^2.1.0",
"mocha-jenkins-reporter": "^0.1.7"
"mocha-jenkins-reporter": "^0.1.7"
Reference in New Issue