
198 lines
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{listToString, listToVector, pairp, cons, car, cdr, caar, cddr, cdar,
cadr, caadr, cadar, caddr, nilp, nil, setcdr, metacadr} = require "cons-lists/lists"
readline = require "readline"
{inspect} = require "util"
{Symbol} = require '../chapter1/reader_types'
class LispInterpreterError extends Error
name: 'LispInterpreterError'
constructor: (@message) ->
env_init = nil
env_global = env_init
definitial = (name, value = nil) ->
env_global = (cons (cons name, value), env_global)
defprimitive = (name, nativ, arity) ->
definitial name, ((args, callback) ->
vmargs = listToVector(args)
if (vmargs.length == arity)
callback nativ.apply null, vmargs
throw new LispInterpreterError "Incorrect arity")
defpredicate = (name, nativ, arity) ->
defprimitive name, ((a, b) -> if, a, b) then true else the_false_value), arity
the_false_value = (cons "false", "boolean")
definitial "#t", true
definitial "#f", the_false_value
definitial "nil", nil
definitial "foo"
definitial "bar"
definitial "fib"
definitial "fact"
defprimitive "cons", cons, 2
defprimitive "car", car, 2
defprimitive "set-cdr!", setcdr, 2
defprimitive "+", ((a, b) -> a + b), 2
defprimitive "*", ((a, b) -> a * b), 2
defprimitive "-", ((a, b) -> a - b), 2
defprimitive "/", ((a, b) -> a / b), 2
defpredicate "lt", ((a, b) -> a < b), 2
defpredicate "eq?", ((a, b) -> a == b), 2
# MISTAKE: Variables are always of type Symbol. This is probably a
# mistake.
extend = (env, variables, values) ->
if (pairp variables)
if (pairp values)
(cons (cons (car variables), (car values)),
(extend env, (cdr variables), (cdr values)))
throw new LispInterpreterError "Too few values"
else if (nilp variables)
if (nilp values) then env else throw new LispInterpreterError "Too many values"
if (variables instanceof Symbol)
(cons (cons variables.v, values), env)
make_function = (variables, body, env, callback) ->
callback (values, cb) -> eprogn body, (extend env, variables, values), cb
invoke = (fn, args, callback) ->
fn args, callback
# Takes a list of nodes and calls evaluate on each one, returning the
# last one as the value of the total expression. In this example, we
# are hard-coding what ought to be a macro, namely the threading
# macros, "->"
eprogn = (exps, env, callback) ->
if (pairp exps)
if pairp (cdr exps)
evaluate (car exps), env, (next) ->
eprogn (cdr exps), env, callback
evaluate (car exps), env, callback
callback nil
evlis = (exps, env, callback) ->
if (pairp exps)
evlis (cdr exps), env, (rest) ->
evaluate (car exps), env, (calc) ->
callback cons calc, rest
callback nil
lookup = (id, env) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
cdar env
lookup id, (cdr env)
update = (id, env, value, callback) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
setcdr value, (car env)
callback value
update id, (cdr env), value, callback
callback nil
# This really ought to be the only place where the AST meets the
# interpreter core. I can't help but think that this design precludes
# pluggable interpreter core.
# TODO: Reengineer this with a call to normalize
astSymbolsToLispSymbols = (node) ->
nvalu = (node) -> cadr node
return nil if nilp node
throw (new LispInterpreterError "Not a list of variable names") if not ((car node) is 'list')
handler = (node) ->
return nil if nilp node
cons (nvalu car node).v, (handler cdr node)
handler(nvalu node)
# Takes an AST node and evaluates it and its contents. A node may be
# ("list" (... contents ...)) or ("number" 42) or ("symbol" x), etc.
cadddr = metacadr('cadddr')
metadata_evaluation =
listp: (node) -> (car node) == 'list'
symbolp: (node) -> (car node) == 'symbol'
numberp: (node) -> (car node) == 'number'
stringp: (node) -> (car node) == 'string'
nvalu: (node) -> cadr node
mksymbols: astSymbolsToLispSymbols
straight_evaluation =
listp: (node) -> node.__type == 'list'
symbolp: (node) -> node instanceof Symbol
commentp: (node) -> node instanceof Comment
numberp: (node) -> typeof node == 'number'
stringp: (node) -> typeof node == 'string'
boolp: (node) -> typeof node == 'boolean'
nullp: (node) -> node == null
vectorp: (node) -> (not straight_evaluation.listp node) and == '[object Array]'
recordp: (node) -> (not node._prototype?) and == '[object Object]'
objectp: (node) -> (node._prototype?) and == '[object Object]'
nilp: (node) -> nilp(node)
nvalu: (node) -> node
mksymbols: (node) -> node
makeEvaluator = (ix = straight_evaluation, ty="straight") ->
(exp, env, callback) ->
if ix.symbolp exp
return callback lookup (ix.nvalu exp).v, env
else if ([ix.numberp, ix.stringp].filter (i) -> i(exp)).length > 0
return callback ix.nvalu exp
else if ix.listp exp
body = ix.nvalu exp
head = car body
if ix.symbolp head
return switch (ix.nvalu head).v
when "quote" then callback cdr body
when "if"
evaluate (cadr body), env, (res) ->
w = unless res == the_false_value then caddr else cadddr
evaluate (w body), env, callback
when "begin" then eprogn (cdr body), env, callback
when "set!"
evaluate (caddr body), env, (newvalue) ->
update (ix.nvalu cadr body).v, env, newvalue, callback
when "lambda"
make_function (ix.mksymbols cadr body), (cddr body), env, callback
evaluate (car body), env, (fn) ->
evlis (cdr body), env, (args) ->
invoke fn, args, callback
evaluate (car body), env, (fn) ->
evlis (cdr body), env, (args) ->
invoke fn, args, callback
throw new LispInterpreterError ("Can't handle a #{type}")
nodeEval = makeEvaluator(metadata_evaluation, "node")
lispEval = makeEvaluator(straight_evaluation, "lisp")
evaluate = (exp, env, cb) ->
(if exp? and exp.__node then nodeEval else lispEval)(exp, env, cb)
module.exports = (c, cb) -> evaluate c, env_global, cb