
44 lines
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;; Lesson 9: User Input via STDIN.
%include "functions.asm"
%define ILEN 255 ; Amount of space to reserve
;; sys/unistd_64.h
%define SYS_read 0
;; unistd.h
%define STDIN 0
section .data
msg1 db "Please enter your name: ", 0h
msg2 db "Hello, ", 0h
section .bss
sinput resb ILEN ; Reserve 255 bytes of space. The space has no guarantees that I know of.
section .text
global _start
;; Again, the challenge with x86_64 is knowing what register to us.
;; In this case, RSI - Source Indexing.
mov rsi, msg1
call puts
mov rax, SYS_read ; General purpose register
mov rdi, STDIN ; Destination Index
mov rsi, sinput ; Source register
mov rdx, ILEN ; Common counter
;; And remembering to use 'syscall' instead of interrupt-80
mov rsi, msg2
call puts
mov rsi, sinput
call puts
call exit_program