fcc -
Fast Class Generator
Elf M. Sternberg
11 October 2001
Version 0.8a
is a tool to rapidly generate the basic framework of C++
class and components. fcc
can generate inline files, testing
components, and basic copyright notices.
Table of Contents
-class list of class names
-author author's name
[-namespace namespace_name]
[-project project_name]
[-copyright [copyright]]
[-base_filename base_filename]
[-settings_file filename]
takes the name of one or more classes and generates the
appropriate code and header files for those classes. By default, it
includes a constructor, destructor, private copy constructor, private
assignment operator, unit testing, and appropriate inlines. It also
generates a raw BSD-style makefile.
- -class list of class names
- Names of classes to be
generated. The files will be named after the first class name on the
list. Class names must be separated by whitespace.
- -author author's name
- Your name here.
- -namespace namespace name
- Wrap the output in a
specified namespace.
- -verbose
- Explain in excruciating detail what the program
is doing.
- -no_unit_test
- Do not generate unit-testing definitions in
the source files. This is an empty method; it's up to the user to
define appropriate tests.
- -no_makefile
- Do not generate a makefile for this code.
- -project project_name
- Define a project for this makefile. Right now
this option does nothing.
- -sccs_keywords
- Generate IDs appropriate to SCCS.
- -continuus_keywords
- Generate keywords for the Continuus
Version System.
- -open_source_notice
- Add some comments about how this code
is open source and permission to copy in granted yadda yadda...
- -copyright [copyright]
- Adds your copyright notice to the
- -base_filename base_filename
- Set the name of the
files output. Defaults to first class name listed if not set.
- -no_copy_ctor
- Do not provide a copy constructor in the
output code.
- -no_assignment_operator
- Do not provide an assignment
operator in the output code.
- -no_ctor
- Do not provide a default constructor in the
output code.
- -no_dtor
- Do not provide a destructor in the output code.
- -public_copy_ctor
- Put the copy constructor in the public
section instead of the private section.
- -public_assignment_operator
- Put the assignment operator in
the public section instead of the private section.
- -no_dump_diagnostics
- Do not provide a debugging method.
- -no_check_valid
- Do not provide a Programming By Contract
style method to check for invariants.
- -no_icc
- Do not provide a file for class inlines.
- -settings_file filename
- Get options from a settings
file. Right now this option does nothing.
- Python
- fcc
requires Python version >= 2.0
Version: 0.8a of May 5, 2001
- Copyright
- © 2001, Elf M. Sternberg
http://www.drizzle.com/ elf
- License
- This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the
terms of the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING or visit
for terms of use and
- Misc
- If you find this software useful, please drop me some email
- Misc
- This man page was generated using latex2man by Dr. Jurgen
Vollmer, and is available from the CTAN archives.
Elf M. Sternberg
Email: elf@drizzle.com
WWW: http://www.drizzle.com/ elf.