fcc -
Fast Class Generator

Elf M. Sternberg

11 October 2001

Version 0.8a

fcc is a tool to rapidly generate the basic framework of C++ class and components. fcc can generate inline files, testing components, and basic copyright notices.

Table of Contents


fcc -class list of class names -author author's name [-namespace namespace_name] [-overwrite] [-verbose] [-no_unit_test] [-no_makefile] [-project project_name] [-sccs_keywords] [-continuus_keywords] [-open_source_notice] [-copyright [copyright]] [-base_filename base_filename] [-no_copy_ctor] [-no_assignment_operator] [-no_ctor] [-no_dtor] [-public_copy_ctor] [-public_assignment_operator] [-no_dump_diagnostics] [-no_check_valid] [-no_icc] [-settings_file filename]


fcc takes the name of one or more classes and generates the appropriate code and header files for those classes. By default, it includes a constructor, destructor, private copy constructor, private assignment operator, unit testing, and appropriate inlines. It also generates a raw BSD-style makefile.


-class list of class names
Names of classes to be generated. The files will be named after the first class name on the list. Class names must be separated by whitespace.

-author author's name
Your name here.

-namespace namespace name
Wrap the output in a specified namespace.

Explain in excruciating detail what the program is doing.

Do not generate unit-testing definitions in the source files. This is an empty method; it's up to the user to define appropriate tests.

Do not generate a makefile for this code.

-project project_name
Define a project for this makefile. Right now this option does nothing.

Generate IDs appropriate to SCCS.

Generate keywords for the Continuus Version System.

Add some comments about how this code is open source and permission to copy in granted yadda yadda...

-copyright [copyright]
Adds your copyright notice to the code.

-base_filename base_filename
Set the name of the files output. Defaults to first class name listed if not set.

Do not provide a copy constructor in the output code.

Do not provide an assignment operator in the output code.

Do not provide a default constructor in the output code.

Do not provide a destructor in the output code.

Put the copy constructor in the public section instead of the private section.

Put the assignment operator in the public section instead of the private section.

Do not provide a debugging method.

Do not provide a Programming By Contract style method to check for invariants.

Do not provide a file for class inlines.

-settings_file filename
Get options from a settings file. Right now this option does nothing.


fcc requires Python version >= 2.0


Version: 0.8a of May 5, 2001

License and Copyright

© 2001, Elf M. Sternberg
http://www.drizzle.com/ elf

This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING or visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for terms of use and distribution.

If you find this software useful, please drop me some email

This man page was generated using latex2man by Dr. Jurgen Vollmer, and is available from the CTAN archives.


Elf M. Sternberg
Email: elf@drizzle.com
WWW: http://www.drizzle.com/ elf.