Moved to a slightly different strategy with inheritance from Array (!).
Not sure how portable this is; it works fine in V8, but that's not saying much. I like it more, though, and it supports a couple of features I'm looking for. This may be a case of designing the language around the compiler, but it's a pretty interesting step.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,32 +1,55 @@
vectorp = (a) -> == '[object Array]'
cellp = (a) -> vectorp(a) and a.__type == 'list'
# This is very clever. Most people don't know that if you return a
# valid object in a constructor, it becomes the new object rather than
# the 'this' of the constructor, as most people expect. The biggest
# problem with this method is that you can't use instanceof; this
# method preserves the Array signature. It is a way of "getting
# around" the Array decoration problem, but it's not perfect.
pairp = (a) -> cellp(a) and (a.length == 2)
ConsList = ->
list = Object.create(Array::)
list = Array.apply(list, arguments) || list;
for field of ConsList::
list[field] = ConsList::[field]
Object.defineProperty list, 'isList',
value: true,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writeable: false
Object.defineProperty list, 'toString',
value: ->
return '()' if this.length == 0
rs = if this.length == 2
if this[1].isList
if this[1].length == 1 then ""
' ' + this[1].toString()
' . ' + this[1].toString()
' ' + this[1].toString()
'(' + this[0] + rs + ')'
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writeable: false
listp = (a) -> (pairp a) and (cellp cdr a)
nil = (-> new ConsList())()
recordp = (a) -> == '[object Object]'
nilp = (a) -> cellp(a) and a.length == 0
vectorp = (c) -> == '[object Array]'
cellp = (c) -> !!c.isList
pairp = (c) -> c.isList and (c.length == 2)
listp = (c) -> c.isList and (c.length == 2) and (cellp cdr c)
recordp = (c) -> == '[object Object]'
nilp = (c) -> cellp(c) and c.length == 0
makeAsCell = (l) ->
Object.defineProperty l, '__type',
value: 'list'
configurable: false
enumerable: false
writable: false
nil = (-> makeAsCell([]))()
cons = (a, b = nil) ->
cons = (a = nil, b = nil) ->
return nil if (nilp a) and (nilp b)
makeAsCell (if (not (a?)) then b else [a, b])
if (a) then ConsList(a, b) else ConsList(b)
car = (a) -> a[0]
cdr = (a) -> a[1]
car = (c) -> c[0]
cdr = (c) -> c[1]
vectorToList = (v, p) ->
p = if p? then p else 0
Reference in New Issue