
116 lines
3.4 KiB

# This is very clever. Most people don't know that if you return a
# valid object in a constructor, it becomes the new object rather than
# the 'this' of the constructor, as most people expect. The biggest
# problem with this method is that you can't use instanceof; this
# method preserves the Array signature. It is a way of "getting
# around" the Array decoration problem, but it's not perfect.
ConsList = ->
list = Object.create(Array::)
list = Array.apply(list, arguments) || list;
for field of ConsList::
list[field] = ConsList::[field]
Object.defineProperty list, 'isList',
value: true,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writeable: false
Object.defineProperty list, 'toString',
value: ->
helper = (node) ->
return "" if node.length == 0
return node[0].toString() if node.length == 1
return node[0].toString() + " . " + node[1].toString() if not node[1].isList
return node[0].toString() if node[1].length == 0
return node[0].toString() + " " + helper(node[1])
'(' + helper(this) + ')'
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writeable: false
_annotate = (ConsList) ->
nilp = (c) -> !!c.isList and c.length == 0
cons = (a = nil, b = nil) ->
return (new ConsList()) if (nilp a) and (nilp b)
if (a != undefined) then (new ConsList(a, b)) else (new ConsList(b))
nil = (-> new ConsList())()
vectorp = (c) -> == '[object Array]'
cellp = (c) -> !!c.isList
pairp = (c) -> !!c.isList and (c.length == 2)
listp = (c) -> !!c.isList and (c.length == 2) and (cellp cdr c)
recordp = (c) -> == '[object Object]'
car = (c) -> c[0]
cdr = (c) -> c[1]
vectorToList = (v, p, d = true) ->
p = if p? then p else 0
if p >= v.length then return nil
# Annoying, but since lists are represented as nested arrays, they
# have to be intercepted first. The use of duck-typing here is
# frustrating.
item = if pairp(v[p]) then v[p] else
if (d and vectorp(v[p])) then vectorToList(v[p], 0, d) else v[p]
cons(item, vectorToList(v, p + 1, d))
list = (v...) ->
ln = v.length
(nl = (a) ->
cons(v[a], if (a < ln) then (nl(a + 1)) else nil))(0)
listToVector = (l, v = []) ->
return v if nilp l
v.push if pairp (car l) then listToVector(car l) else (car l)
listToVector (cdr l), v
metacadr = (m) ->
ops = {'a': car, 'd': cdr}
seq = vectorToList m.match(/c([ad]+)r/)[1].split('').reverse()
return (l) ->
inner = (l, s) ->
return l if (nilp l) or (nilp s)
inner ops[(car s)](l), (cdr s)
inner l, seq
List: ConsList
cons: cons
nil: nil
car: car
cdr: cdr
list: list
nilp: nilp
cellp: cellp
pairp: pairp
listp: listp
vectorToList: vectorToList
listToVector: listToVector
setcar: (a, l) -> l[0] = a; a
setcdr: (a, l) -> l[1] = a; a
cadr: (l) -> car (cdr l)
cddr: (l) -> cdr (cdr l)
cdar: (l) -> cdr (car l)
caar: (l) -> car (car l)
caddr: (l) -> car (cdr (cdr l))
cdddr: (l) -> cdr (cdr (cdr l))
cadar: (l) -> car (cdr (car l))
cddar: (l) -> cdr (cdr (car l))
caadr: (l) -> car (car (cdr l))
cdadr: (l) -> cdr (car (cdr l))
metacadr: metacadr
_export = _annotate(ConsList)
Object.defineProperty _export, '_annotate',
value: _annotate
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writeable: false
module.exports = _export