First Commit

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2021-08-30 21:13:12 -07:00
commit e5198fabcb
5 changed files with 660 additions and 0 deletions

1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Two old Java programs that need to be modernized. Eventually.

219 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
class DominoClock
constructor: ({@container}) ->
@container.append('<canvas class="canvas_itself"></canvas>')
@canvas = $('canvas', @container).get(0)
@canvas.width = @width = @container.width()
@canvas.height = @hight = @container.height()
@ctx = @canvas.getContext('2d')
if @height > 3 * @width
@square_d = @width
@square_d = @height / 3
tock: (element, time) ->
dot: (x, y) ->
@ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
@ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @height, @width)
if time in [1, 5, 8, 9, 11]
dot startx + dotrad, starty + dotrad
if time in [2, 5, 6, 10, 11]
dot startx + squard - (2 * dotrad), starty + dotrad
if time in [3, 6, 7, 9, 11]
dot startx + squard - (2 * dotrad), starty + squared - (2 * dotrad)
if time in [4, 7, 8, 10, 11]
dot startx + dotrad, starty + squared - (2 * dotrad)
paint: ->
d = new Date()
hour = d.getHours() + 1
hour = if hour > 12 then hour - 12 else hour
min = d.getMinutes()
sec = d.getSeconds()
@tock(@elements.hour, @startx, @starty, hour)
@tock(@elements.mins, @startx, @starty + @square_d, (min / 5))
@tock(@elements.secs, @startx, @starty + (2 * @square_d), (sec / 5))
start: ->
@running = true
stop: ->
clearTimeout @waiting
@running = false
run: =>
if @running
@waiting = setTimeout(120, @run)
$ ->
clock = new DominoClock($('container'))
public class DominoClock extends Applet implements Runnable {
int StartX, StartY, SquareD, DotRad;
Color bgColor, dominoColor, dotColor;
Thread clock = null;
String background;
public void init() {
try {
background = getParameter( "bgcolor" );
} catch (NullPointerException e) {};
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(0);
bgColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(0);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
bgColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
try {
background = getParameter( "dominocolor" );
} catch (NullPointerException e) {};
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(14331680);
dominoColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(14331680);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
dominoColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
try {
background = getParameter( "dotcolor" );
} catch (NullPointerException e) {};
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(3100495);
dotColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(3100495);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
dotColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
Dimension D = size();
if (D.height > (3 * D.width)) {
SquareD = D.width;
StartX = 0;
StartY = 0; // (D.height / 3) - SquareD;
else {
SquareD = (D.height / 3);
StartY = 0;
StartX = 0; //.width - (SquareD / 3);
DotRad = (int) (Math.sqrt(2 * SquareD * SquareD) / 6);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int Hour, Min, Sec;
Date D = new Date();
Hour = D.getHours();
if (Hour > 12) Hour = Hour - 12;
Min = D.getMinutes();
Sec = D.getSeconds();
Tock(StartX, StartY, Hour, g);
Tock(StartX, StartY + SquareD, (Min / 5), g);
Tock(StartX, StartY + (2 * SquareD), (Sec / 5), g);
public void update(Graphics g) {
paint(g); // Overridden to prevent flicker.
public void start() {
clock = new Thread(this);
public void stop() {
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException e) {}
Tock: (int time) ->
@ctx.clearRect(0, 0, @height, @width)
dot: (x, y) ->
@ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.fillStyle = "#8ED6FF";
context.lineWidth = 5;
context.strokeStyle = "black";
g.fillRect(StartX, StartY, SquareD, SquareD);
if ((time == 1) || (time == 5) || (time == 8) || (time == 9) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + DotRad, StartY + DotRad, DotRad, DotRad);
if ((time == 2) || (time == 5) || (time == 6) || (time == 10) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), StartY + DotRad, DotRad, DotRad);
if ((time == 3) || (time == 6) || (time == 7) || (time == 9) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), StartY + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), DotRad, DotRad);
if ((time == 4) || (time == 7) || (time == 8) || (time == 10) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + DotRad, StartY + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), DotRad, DotRad);
g.drawLine(StartX, StartY + SquareD - 1, StartX + SquareD, StartY + SquareD - 1);
public static void main(String args[]) {
Frame f1 = new Frame("Domino Clock");
DominoClock s1 = new DominoClock();
f1.add("Center", s1);
f1.resize(300, 300);;

149 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
//Draw a clock based upon the Domino display.
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class DominoClock extends Applet implements Runnable {
int StartX, StartY, SquareD, DotRad;
Color bgColor, dominoColor, dotColor;
Thread clock = null;
String background;
public void init() {
try {
background = getParameter( "bgcolor" );
} catch (NullPointerException e) {};
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(0);
bgColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(0);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
bgColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
try {
background = getParameter( "dominocolor" );
} catch (NullPointerException e) {};
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(14331680);
dominoColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(14331680);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
dominoColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
try {
background = getParameter( "dotcolor" );
} catch (NullPointerException e) {};
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(3100495);
dotColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(3100495);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
dotColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
Dimension D = size();
if (D.height > (3 * D.width)) {
SquareD = D.width;
StartX = 0;
StartY = 0; // (D.height / 3) - SquareD;
else {
SquareD = (D.height / 3);
StartY = 0;
StartX = 0; //.width - (SquareD / 3);
DotRad = (int) (Math.sqrt(2 * SquareD * SquareD) / 6);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int Hour, Min, Sec;
Date D = new Date();
Hour = D.getHours();
if (Hour > 12) Hour = Hour - 12;
Min = D.getMinutes();
Sec = D.getSeconds();
Tock(StartX, StartY, Hour, g);
Tock(StartX, StartY + SquareD, (Min / 5), g);
Tock(StartX, StartY + (2 * SquareD), (Sec / 5), g);
public void update(Graphics g) {
paint(g); // Overridden to prevent flicker.
public void start() {
clock = new Thread(this);
public void stop() {
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException e) {}
private void Tock(int StartX, int StartY, int time, Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(StartX, StartY, SquareD, SquareD);
if ((time == 1) || (time == 5) || (time == 8) || (time == 9) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + DotRad, StartY + DotRad, DotRad, DotRad);
if ((time == 2) || (time == 5) || (time == 6) || (time == 10) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), StartY + DotRad, DotRad, DotRad);
if ((time == 3) || (time == 6) || (time == 7) || (time == 9) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), StartY + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), DotRad, DotRad);
if ((time == 4) || (time == 7) || (time == 8) || (time == 10) || (time == 11))
g.fillOval(StartX + DotRad, StartY + SquareD - (2 * DotRad), DotRad, DotRad);
g.drawLine(StartX, StartY + SquareD - 1, StartX + SquareD, StartY + SquareD - 1);
public static void main(String args[]) {
Frame f1 = new Frame("Domino Clock");
DominoClock s1 = new DominoClock();
f1.add("Center", s1);
f1.resize(300, 300);;

PendorDate.jad Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page:
// Decompiler options: packimports(3)
// Source File Name:
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Date;
public class PendorDate extends Applet
implements Runnable
public void init()
String s = getParameter("font");
if(s == null)
s = "Times";
String s1 = getParameter("size");
if(s1 == null)
s1 = "18";
int i = Integer.valueOf(s1).intValue();
String s2 = getParameter("bgcolor");
if(s2 != null && s2.charAt(0) == '#' && s2.length() == 7)
Integer integer = new Integer(0);
integer = Integer.valueOf(s2.substring(1, 7), 16);
bgColor = new Color(integer.intValue());
bgColorSet = Boolean.TRUE;
String s3 = getParameter("fgcolor");
if(s3 == null || s3.charAt(0) != '#' || s3.length() != 7)
fgColor =;
} else
Integer integer1 = new Integer(0);
integer1 = Integer.valueOf(s3.substring(1, 7), 16);
fgColor = new Color(integer1.intValue());
font = new Font(s, 0, i);
public void paint(Graphics g)
Date date = new Date();
String s = new String();
int i = aiMonths[date.getMonth()] + date.getDate();
if(date.getMonth() > 2 && date.getYear() % 4 == 0 && date.getYear() % 2000 != 0)
i = (i * 24 + date.getHours()) - 16;
int j = date.getYear() + 16;
int k = i / 30;
int l = i % 30;
int i1 = (int)((double)(date.getSeconds() + date.getMinutes() * 60) / 2.25D);
int j1 = i1 / 40;
i1 %= 40;
Dimension dimension = size();
if(bgColorSet == Boolean.TRUE)
g.fillRect(0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height);
s = "The time on Pendor is " + String.valueOf(l) + ":";
if(j1 < 10)
s = s + "0";
s = s + String.valueOf(j1) + ":";
if(i1 < 10)
s = s + "0";
s = s + String.valueOf(i1);
int k1;
for(k1 = 0; k1 <= 17; k1++)
if(aiPMonths[k1] >= k)
s = s + " on " + asWNames[(k1 - 1) % 6] + ", " + asMNames[k1 - 1] + " " + String.valueOf(k - aiPMonths[k1 - 1]) + ", 0" + String.valueOf(j);
g.drawString(s, 2, font.getSize());
public void start()
clock = new Thread(this);
public void stop()
public void run()
catch(InterruptedException _ex) { }
} while(true);
public PendorDate()
bgColorSet = Boolean.FALSE;
dateDisplay = Boolean.TRUE;
Thread clock;
Font font;
Color bgColor;
Color fgColor;
Boolean bgColorSet;
Boolean dateDisplay;
private static short aiMonths[] = {
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273,
304, 334
private static short aiPMonths[] = {
0, 1, 25, 49, 73, 97, 121, 145, 146, 147,
171, 195, 211, 243, 267, 291, 292
private static String asMNames[] = {
"Yestar", "Narrin", "Nenim", "Sulim", "Virta", "Lothess", "Narnya", "Attendes", "Loende", "Cerim",
"Urim", "Yavar", "Narquel", "Hiss", "Ring", "Mettare"
private static String asWNames[] = {
"Seren", "Anar", "Noren", "Aldea", "Erwer", "Elenya"

157 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// Copyright (c) 1995 Elf M. Sternberg.
// v1.0 - Displays the time on Pendor in an applet
// by Elf Sternberg (
// Based in part on code by Chris Southern (
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class PendorDate extends Applet implements Runnable {
Thread clock; // applet thread
Font font; // display font
Color bgColor; // applet bgcolor
Color fgColor; // applet fgcolor
Boolean bgColorSet = Boolean.FALSE; // bgColor set?
Boolean dateDisplay = Boolean.TRUE;
public void init() {
String FontName = getParameter("font");
if ( FontName == null ) FontName = "Times";
String FontSize = getParameter("size");
if ( FontSize == null) FontSize = "18";
int size = Integer.valueOf(FontSize).intValue();
String background = getParameter( "bgcolor" );
if (( background == null ) ||
( background.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( background.length() != 7 )) {
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(0);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( background.substring(1,7), 16 );
bgColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
bgColorSet = Boolean.TRUE;
String foreground = getParameter( "fgcolor" );
if (( foreground == null ) ||
( foreground.charAt(0) != '#' ) ||
( foreground.length() != 7 )) {
fgColor =;
} else {
Integer rgbValue = new Integer(0);
rgbValue = Integer.valueOf( foreground.substring(1,7), 16 );
fgColor = new Color(rgbValue.intValue());
// Setup Applet
font = new Font(FontName, Font.PLAIN, size );
private static short aiMonths[] = {
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
private static short aiPMonths[] = {
0, 1, 25, 49, 73, 97, 121, 145, 146, 147, 171, 195, 211, 243, 267, 291, 292 };
private static String asMNames[] = {
"Yestar", "Narrin", "Nenim", "Sulim", "Virta", "Lothess",
"Narnya", "Attendes", "Loende", "Cerim", "Urim", "Yavar",
"Narquel", "Hiss", "Ring", "Mettare" };
private static String asWNames[] = {
"Seren", "Anar", "Noren", "Aldea", "Erwer", "Elenya" };
// paint - display the clock, and process am & pm stuff
public void paint( Graphics g ) {
Date d = new Date();
String strOut = new String();
int iDay, iYer, iYday, iHour, iSec, iMin, i;
iDay = aiMonths[d.getMonth()] + d.getDate();
if (d.getMonth() > 2 )
if (d.getYear() % 4 == 0)
if (d.getYear() % 2000 != 0)
// Leap Year/GMT patch. Ick.
iDay = (iDay * 24) + d.getHours() - 16;
iYer = d.getYear() + 16;
iYday = iDay / 30;
iHour = iDay % 30;
iSec = (int) ((d.getSeconds() + (d.getMinutes() * 60)) / 2.25);
iMin = iSec / 40;
iSec = iSec % 40;
Dimension appletSize = size();
g.setFont( font );
if ( bgColorSet == Boolean.TRUE ) {
g.setColor( bgColor );
g.fillRect( 0, 0, appletSize.width, appletSize.height );
g.setColor( fgColor );
strOut = "The time on Pendor is " + String.valueOf(iHour) + ":";
if (iMin < 10)
strOut = strOut + "0";
strOut = strOut + String.valueOf(iMin) + ":";
if (iSec < 10)
strOut = strOut + "0";
strOut = strOut + String.valueOf(iSec);
for(i = 0; i <= 17; i++)
if (aiPMonths[i] >= iYday)
strOut = strOut + " on " + asWNames[(i - 1) % 6] + ", " + asMNames[(i-1)] + " " +
String.valueOf(iYday - aiPMonths[i - 1]) + ", 0" + String.valueOf(iYer);
g.drawString(strOut, 2, font.getSize() );
// start - start the applet
public void start() {
clock = new Thread( this );
// stop - stop the applet
public void stop() {
// run - main
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {}