[[extra.list]] title = "React ⚛" url="/docs/react" content = 'React is a library for writing responsive web pages. Professionally, I write React, and I write a lot of it.' [[extra.list]] title = "Typescript" url="/docs/typescript" content = "Typescript is a superset of Javascript that provides a language of types and type flow. It's my preferred front-end language." [[extra.list]] title = "CSS" url="/docs/css" content = "CSS is the language of styles for web development." [[extra.list]] title = "Sass" url="/docs/sass" content = "Sass is a high-level language that compiles down to CSS." [[extra.list]] title = "Rust" url="/docs/rust" content = "Rust is a system programming language that provides the speed of C/C++, but imposes a strict discipline on memory management that creates much safer and more reliable code."