f726ef1b93Adding an animation frame between the render() and the update() allowed for enough of a reflow that Firefox is able to get the tile sizes correctly.
Elf M. Sternberg2025-01-21 10:42:44 -0800
80a9c7aa35Fixed a bunch of coordinate issues. The Z-index is responding correctly. Positioning without overlapping is still broken.Elf M. Sternberg2025-01-20 16:34:46 -0800
2b2959febbThis is gonna need some cleanup, but it now correctly positions, repositions, reports, and maintains the position of the target *and* the pointer.Elf M. Sternberg2024-11-17 10:22:14 -0800
93fb8f1c2eThis is gonna need some cleanup, but it now correctly positions, repositions, reports, and maintains the position of the target *and* the pointer.Elf M. Sternberg2024-11-17 10:20:54 -0800