
530 lines
17 KiB

# Average number of words visible on any given iteration.
clone = (obj) ->
return obj if not obj? or typeof obj isnt 'object'
newInstance = new obj.constructor()
for key of obj
newInstance[key] = clone obj[key]
# A dimensioned object is one that appears on the board: it has an X
# and Y coordinate, a width and a height. From this, we can create a
# bounding box using the "shape" function. Dimensioned objects can be
# compared to other dimensioned objects to assert whether or not
# they're in collision. Some objects have bounding boxes that pull in
# or push out the borders abstractly, in order to provide for "fuzzy"
# collisions that correspond to drop shadows or similar visual effects.
shape = (x, y, w, h) -> [{x: x, y: y}, {x: x + w, y: y}, {x: x + w, y: y + h}, {x: x, y: y + h}]
class Dimensioned
_width: null
_height: null
_left_p: null
_top_p: null
_left: null
_top: null
_pos: null
constructor: (@el) ->
unset_dims: ->
@_left = @_top = @_width = @_height = @_pos = null
reset_dims: ->
[@left(), @top(), @width(), @height()]
positioned: -> return @_width? and @height?
visibleReposition: ->
@el.css {top: @top(), left: @left()}
reposition: ->
parent = @el.offsetParent()
[@_top, @_left] = [parseInt(@_top_p * parent.height()), parseInt(@_left_p * parent.width())]
@_pos = {left: @_left, top: @_top}
width: -> @_width = if @_width? then @_width else @el.outerWidth()
height: -> @_height = if @_height? then @_height else @el.outerHeight()
pos: -> @_pos = if @_pos? then @_pos else @el.position()
left: -> @_left = if @_left?
@_left = @pos().left
@_left_p = @_left / @el.offsetParent().width()
top: -> @_top = if @_top?
@_top = @pos().top
@_top_p = @_top / @el.offsetParent().height()
dims: -> [@width(), @height()]
shape: ->
shape @left(), @top(), @width(), @height()
# I can't decide if this is the right way to go, with a two-pass "set
# it all up, then make it all blow up," but it works quite well, all
# things considered. And after much consideration (like, one minute
# of realizing I never, ever used the features) it became obvious I
# didn't need Dimensioned.
class Heart
constructor: (@parent, @top, @left, symbol) ->
dv = '<div class="heart" style="display:none;top:' + parseInt(@top) + 'px;left:' + \
parseInt(@left) + 'px' + '">' + symbol + '</div>'
@el = $(dv)
@el.css {'font-size': 'larger'} if Math.random() > 0.6
@rot_dist = parseInt(90 * Math.random()) * (if Math.random() < 0.5 then 1 else -1)
[@dir, @dst, @dur] = [Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI, Math.random() * 110, Math.random() * 1200 + 700]
explode: ->
el = $(@el){opacity: 0.0, top: parseInt(@top + (Math.sin(@dir) * @dst)), left: parseInt(@left + (Math.cos(@dir) * @dst)), rotate: @rot_dist}, @dur, "easeOutCubic", (() -> el.remove()))
explode_hearts = (@board, @el) ->
randomsymbol = -> ['&#x0266A;','&#x02605;','&#x02736;'][parseInt(Math.random() * 3)]
symbol = if Math.random() < 0.3 then randomsymbol() else '&#x02665;'
parent = @board.el
[top, left, height, width] = [, @el.left(), @el.height(), @el.width()]
hearts = for i in [0..(22 + (6 - Math.floor(Math.random() * 12)))]
new Heart(parent, top + (0.5 * height), left + (0.5 * width), symbol)
(h.explode() for h in hearts)
# The board is the principle object on which all other objects are
# dependent. I decided to make it a 'Dimensioned' because I'm going
# to be constantly querying its height and width.
class Board extends Dimensioned
append: (ob) -> @el.append(ob)
css: (width, height) ->
width: width
height: height
class Footer extends Dimensioned
# A Tile is a word tile. It has a single word.
class Tile extends Dimensioned
'font-size': "15px"
'font-size': "19px"
visible: false
# Initial tilt.
rotation: (Math.random() * 30) - 15
constructor: (@word, @board, @master) ->
@el = $('<div class="word">' + @word.w + '</div>')
@el.css @base_style
@rotation = (Math.random() * 30) - 15
helper: "original"
refreshPositions: false
revertDuration: 1
start: (event) =>
mod = (Math.random() * 16) - 8
@rotation = if Math.abs(@rotation + mod) > 15 then @rotation - mod else @rotation + mod
style = clone(@drag_style)
style.rotate = @rotation
@el.animate(style, 200, () => @new_width = @el.width())
stop: (event) =>
# Drop the thing dead center, at least on the x-axis,
# and animate its return to the new font size.
mod = (Math.random() * 16) - 8
@rotation = if Math.abs(@rotation + mod) > 15 then @rotation - mod else @rotation + mod
style = clone(@base_style)
style.rotate = @rotation
style['left'] = parseInt(@el.position().left + (0.5 * (@new_width - @width())))
@el.animate style, 200, 'easeOutQuad', () =>
explode_hearts(@board, @)
fadeOut: -> $.Deferred((d) => @el.fadeOut('fast', (() => @unset_dims(); @visible = false; d.resolve()))).promise()
# Shape for deteriming poemed collision
fuzzyshape: -> shape @left() - WIDTH_FUZZ, @top() - HEIGHT_FUZZ, @width() + (2 * WIDTH_FUZZ), @height() + (2 * HEIGHT_FUZZ)
get_new_pos: ->
bh = => parseInt(Math.random() * (@board.height() - @height()) * 0.985)
bw = => parseInt(Math.random() * (@board.width() - @width()) * 0.98)
[top, left] = [bh(), bw()]
[top, left] = [bh(), bw()] until @master.unoccupied(left, top, @width(), @height())
[top, left]
flyIn: ->
fd = (mod) ->
m = parseInt(40 * Math.random())
if (Math.random() < 0.5) then mod + m else -1 * m
left: fd(@board.width())
top: fd(@board.height())
dfd = $.Deferred()
x = Math.random()
[top, left] = @get_new_pos()
@el.fadeIn().animate {top: top, left: left, rotate: @rotation}, 1500, 'easeOutQuint', () =>
@visible = true
class PoemDisplay extends Dimensioned
el: $('#results')
_max_box: null
dialog: $('#message')
dtimer: null
constructor: (@board) ->
@el.css({top: @board.height()})
sentSuccess: (data, textStatus) =>
$('p', @dialog).html "Your poem has been immortalized! It can be seen on Twitter at <a href='!/html5magnets'>@html5magnets</a>."
if data.error
$('p', @dialog).html data.message
if dtimer != null
dtimer = null
dtimer = setTimeout (() => @dialog.dialog("close")), 7500
sentError: (query, textStatus) =>
console.log(query, textStatus)
sendToServer: (haiku) =>
$.ajax '',
type: "POST"
data: {"message": haiku}
dataType: 'json'
success: @sentSuccess
error: @sentError
update: (lines) ->
lines = (l for l in lines when l.length > 0)
if lines.length == 0
res = for words in lines
line = words[0].w
for word in words[1...words.length]
line += if word.s == 1 then word.w else '&nbsp;' + word.w
@el.append($('<p>' + line + '</p>'))
sentence = for words in lines
line = words[0].w
for word in words[1...words.length]
line += if word.s == 1 then word.w else ' ' + word.w
haiku_add = 0
if sentence.length > 1
haiku = sentence.join(" / ")
if haiku.length < 140
haiku_add = 38
@el.append('<div id="tweetthis"><img src="tweetthis.png"></div>')
$('#tweetthis').click(() => @sendToServer(lines))
if lines.length != @lastlines
lh = $('p', @el).height()
setTimeout((() => @el.animate {top: @board.height() - ((lh * (lines.length + 1.7)) + haiku_add)}), 1)
max_box: =>
return shape(@board.height() - (16 * 6.7), 0, 480, (16 * 6.7))
# A poem is three or more *moved* words in fuzzy collision.
class Poem
words: []
constructor: (@master) ->
@poembox = new PoemDisplay(@master.board)
real_poem: (poem = null) ->
poem = @words if not poem?
if poem.length > 1 then poem else []
has: (word) ->
return (w for w in @words when w == word).length > 0
find_bbox: (words = null, sp = 0) ->
words = @words if not words
return null if words.length < 2
[ul, ur, lr, ll] = words[0].shape()
[mx, my, nx, ny] = [ul.x, ul.y, lr.x, lr.y]
for i in [1...words.length]
[ul1, ur1, lr1, ll1] = words[i].shape()
mx = ul1.x if ul1.x < mx
my = ul1.y if ul1.y < my
nx = lr1.x if lr1.x > nx
ny = lr1.y if lr1.y > ny
return [{x: mx - sp, y: my - sp}, {x: nx + sp, y: my - sp}, {x: nx + sp, y: ny + sp}, {x: nx + sp, y: my - sp}]
check_dismissal: (word) ->
# If the word is colliding with another word in the poem, it
# is not being dismissed.
fuzzyshape = word.fuzzyshape()
for w in @words
if w != word and colliding(fuzzyshape, w.fuzzyshape())
return @words
# Remove word from @words
@words = @real_poem(w for w in @words when w != word)
return @words if @words.length < 2
# Reconstitute poem from what remains
find_split_poem = (poem) =>
# Why 2? Because a poem of length 1 is just a word!
throw "Don't run on an empty poem!" if poem.length < 2
# Transfer all words in *poem2* that are in collision with
# words in poem1. If the poems don't change, return them,
# otherwise repeat the process.
edgefollow = (poem1, poem2) =>
to_xfr = (w2 for w2 in poem2 when \
((w1 for w1 in poem1 when \
colliding(w1.fuzzyshape(), w2.fuzzyshape())).length > 0))
# Words are not being shuffled around
return [poem1, poem2] if to_xfr.length == 0
# Else...
poem1 = poem1.concat(to_xfr)
poem2 = (w for w in poem2 when w not in poem1)
edgefollow(poem1, poem2)
wordlist = (i for i in poem)
first_word = wordlist.pop()
[lpoem, rpoem] = edgefollow([first_word], wordlist)
return [] if lpoem.length < 2 and lpoem.length < 2
return rpoem if lpoem.length < 2
return lpoem if rpoem.length < 2
return if Math.vector.magnitude(@find_bbox(lpoem)[0]) < Math.vector.magnitude(@find_bbox(rpoem)[0])
@words = @real_poem(find_split_poem(@words))
if @words
# Looks at the bounding box for the current poem and adds any words
# to it that are in collision with the existing poem.
# :: [tiles] -> [tiles]
research_poem: (poem) ->
nbbox = @find_bbox(poem)
newpoem = (i for i in poem)
potentials = (w for w in @master.visible() when \
(w not in newpoem) and colliding(w.fuzzyshape(), nbbox))
# [word, poem] -> boolean
collides_with_existing_poem = (nw1, poem1) ->
fzs1 = nw1.fuzzyshape()
acw1 = nw1.word
((nw2 for nw2 in poem1 when \
acw1 != nw2.word and \
colliding(nw2.fuzzyshape(), fzs1)).length > 0)
addenda = (nw for nw in potentials when collides_with_existing_poem(nw, newpoem))
if addenda.length == 0 then newpoem else @research_poem(newpoem.concat(addenda))
# Looks to see if the word has come into collision with another
# word, creating a new poem.
# :: tile -> [tiles]
maybe_new_poem: (word) ->
throw "Do not call maybe_new_poem on a working poem." if @words.length > 0
fuzzyshape = word.fuzzyshape()
@words = @real_poem((w for w in @master.visible() when \
colliding(w.fuzzyshape(), fuzzyshape)))
if @words.length
@words = @research_poem(@words)
check_for_addition: (word) ->
# See if this word collides with any of the words in our poem:
fuzzyshape = word.fuzzyshape()
for w in @words
if colliding(fuzzyshape, w.fuzzyshape()) and w != word
# One collision is all it takes.
@words = @research_poem(@words)
check: (word) ->
return @words = @maybe_new_poem(word) if @words.length == 0
if @has(word)
@words = @check_dismissal(word)
return @words = if @words.length == 0 then @maybe_new_poem(word) else @words
# This word doesn't create a new poem, and it isn't present in
# our existing poem.
return @words = @check_for_addition(word)
inorder: ->
return @poembox.update([]) if @words.length < 2
nbbox = @find_bbox(@words)
avg_height = 0
for w in @words
avg_height = avg_height + w.height()
avg_height = parseInt(avg_height / @words.length)
ret = []
for i in (i for i in [nbbox[0].y...nbbox[2].y] by avg_height)
zbot = i + avg_height
zone_words = (w for w in @words when >= i and < zbot)
zone_words.sort (a, b) -> a.left() - b.left()
ret.push((i.word for i in zone_words))
class Magnets extends Dimensioned
constructor: (@wordlist) ->
@el = $(window)
@footer = new Footer($('#footer'))
@board = new Board($('#board'))
@recbox = $('#recbox')
@results = $('#results')
@words = (new Tile(word, @board, @) for word in @wordlist)
@poem = new Poem(@)
resize: =>
@board.css('100%', @height() - @footer.height())
(word.visibleReposition() for word in @words when word.visible)
unoccupied:(left, top, width, height) ->
reserved = []
if @poem.real_poem().length > 0
reserved.push(@poem.find_bbox(null, 10))
target = shape(left, top, width, height)
for s in reserved
if colliding(target, s)
return false
visible: ->
(w for w in @words when w.visible)
poemed: (word) ->
livewords: -> (w for w in @words when w.visible)
reword: =>
poemed = (w for w in @words when @poem.has(w))
flyprob = AVG_VISIBLE / (@words.length - poemed.length)
$.when.apply(null, (w.fadeOut() for w in @words when not @poem.has(w))).then () =>
$.when.apply(null, (w.flyIn() for w in @words when not @poem.has(w) and Math.random() < flyprob)).then () =>
(w.reset_dims() for w in @words when w.visible)
class MusicPlayer
constructor: (control, tunes) ->
@control = $(control)'state', 'on')
@active = true
@music = new buzz.sound(tunes, {preload:true, autoload: true, loop: true})
@music.bind 'canplaythrough', () =>
@music.fadeTo(60, 10000) (ev) =>
@active = if @active then @fadeOut() else @fadeIn()
fadeOut: ->
@music.fadeOut(600, () => @music.pause())
$('img', @control).attr('src', 'mute.png')
fadeIn: ->
$('img', @control).attr('src', 'unmute.png')
$ ->
url: 'js/wordlist.js'
data: {}
success: (data) -> (new Magnets(data)).resize().reword()
error: -> console.log(arguments)
dataType: 'json'
v = new MusicPlayer('#muteunmute',
$( "#message" ).dialog
autoOpen: false
show: "fadeIn"
hide: "fadeOut"