2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
; -*- mode: clojure -*-
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
; Given a set of command-line arguments, compare that to a mapped
; version of the optlist and return a canonicalized dictionary of all
; the arguments that have been set. For example "-c" and "--config"
; will both be mapped to "config".
; Given a prefix of one or two dashes and a position in the above
; array, creates a function to map either the short or long option
; to the option name.
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
(import os sys inspect getopt gettext)
(def _ gettext.gettext)
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
(defn get-script-name []
(if (getattr sys "frozen" False)
(let [[(, path name) (os.path.split sys.executable)]]
(let [[prefix (.upper sys.exec_prefix)]
[names (filter (fn [a] (let [[fname (get a 1)]]
(not (or (.startswith fname "<") (.startswith (.upper fname) prefx))))
(.stack inspect)))]
[name (.pop names)]]
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
(defn make-opt-assoc [prefix pos]
(fn [acc it] (assoc acc (+ prefix (get it pos)) (get it 1)) acc))
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
(defn make-options-rationalizer [optlist]
(let [[short-opt-assoc (make-opt-assoc "-" 0)]
[long-opt-assoc (make-opt-assoc "--" 1)]
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
[fullset (reduce (fn [acc i] (-> (short-opt-assoc acc i)
(long-opt-assoc i))) optlist {})]]
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
(fn [acc it] (do (assoc acc (get fullset (get it 0)) (get it 1)) acc))))
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
(defn remove-conflicted-options [optlist config]
(let [[keys (.keys config)]
[marked (filter (fn [opt] (in (get opt 1) keys)) optlist)]
[exclude (reduce (fn [memo opt] (+ memo (if (> (len opt) 4) (get opt 4) []))) marked [])]
[excluded (filter (fn [key] (in key exclude)) keys)]
[cleaned (reduce (fn [memo key]
2016-09-21 21:17:28 +00:00
(if (not (in key excluded)) (assoc memo key (get config key))) memo) keys {})]]
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
(, cleaned excluded)))
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
(defclass hyopt []
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
[[--init-- (fn [self optlist args &optional [name ""] [copyright ""] [version "0.0.1"]]
(let [[optstringsshort
(.join "" (map (fn [i] (+ (. i [0]) (cond [(. i [2]) ":"] [true ""]))) optlist))]
(list (map (fn [i] (+ (. i [1]) (cond [(. i [2]) "="] [true ""]))) optlist))]
[(, opt arg)
(getopt.getopt (slice args 1) optstringsshort optstringslong)]
[rationalize-options (make-options-rationalizer optlist)]
[(, newoptions excluded) (remove-conflicted-options
optlist (reduce (fn [acc i] (rationalize-options acc i)) opt {}))]]
(setv self.options newoptions)
(setv self.excluded excluded)
(setv self.filesames arg)
(setv self.name (if name name (get-script-name)))
(setv self.version version)
(setv self.copyright copyright))
[print-help (fn [self]
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
(print (.format (_ "Usage: {} [options] [filenames]") self.name))
(for [item optlist] (print (.format " -{:<1} --{:<12} {}" (get item 0) (get item 1) (get item 3))))
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00
[print-version (fn [self]
(print (.format "{}" self.name self.version))
(if (self.copyright)
(print self.copyright))
2016-09-21 21:16:04 +00:00
2016-09-21 20:36:36 +00:00