Much progress.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,353 +1,237 @@
from hy.core.language import filter, is_integer, map, reduce
import ConfigParser
import os
import subprocess
import operator
import re
import gettext
import sys
import getopt
import gettext
import operator
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from git_lint_options import hyopt
from git_lint_config import get_config
_ = gettext.gettext
VERSION = u'0.0.2'
def tap(a):
print(u'TAP:', a)
return a
optlist = [[u'o', u'only', True, _(u'A comma-separated list of only those linters to run'), [u'exclude']], [u'x', u'exclude', True, _(u'A comma-separated list of linters to skip'), []], [u'l', u'linters', False, _(u'Show the list of configured linters')], [u'b', u'base', False, _(u'Check all changed files in the repository, not just those in the current directory.'), []], [u'a', u'all', False, _(u'Scan all files in the repository, not just those that have changed.')], [u'e', u'every', False, _(u'Short for -b -a: scan everything')], [u'w', u'workspace', False, _(u'Scan the workspace'), [u'staging']], [u's', u'staging', False, _(u'Scan the staging area (useful for pre-commit).'), []], [u'g', u'changes', False, _(u"Report lint failures only for diff'd sections"), [u'complete']], [u'p', u'complete', False, _(u'Report lint failures for all files'), []], [u'c', u'config', True, _(u'Path to config file'), []], [u'h', u'help', False, _(u'This help message'), []], [u'v', u'version', False, _(u'Version information'), []]]
_ = gettext.gettext
VERSION = '0.0.2'
optlist = [
('o', 'only', True, _('A comma-separated list of only those linters to run'), ['exclude']),
('x', 'exclude', True, _('A comma-separated list of linters to skip'), []),
('l', 'linters', False, _('Show the list of configured linters')),
('b', 'base', False, _('Check all changed files in the repository, not just those in the current directory.'), []),
('a', 'all', False, _('Scan all files in the repository, not just those that have changed.')),
('e', 'every', False, _('Short for -b -a: scan everything')], ['w', 'workspace', False, _('Scan the workspace'), ['staging']),
('s', 'staging', False, _('Scan the staging area (useful for pre-commit).'), []),
('g', 'changes', False, _(u"Report lint failures only for diff'd sections"), ['complete']),
('p', 'complete', False, _('Report lint failures for all files'), []], ['c', 'config', True, _('Path to config file'), []),
('h', 'help', False, _('This help message'), []], ['v', 'version', False, _('Version information'), [])]
def get_git_response_raw(cmd):
fullcmd = ([u'git'] + cmd)
process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = process.communicate()
return (out, err, process.returncode)
def _hy_anon_fn_2():
fullcmd = ([u'git'] + cmd)
process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = process.communicate()
(out, err)
return (out, err, process.returncode)
return _hy_anon_fn_2()
def get_git_response(cmd):
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd)
return out
def _hy_anon_fn_4():
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd)
(out, error, returncode)
return out
return _hy_anon_fn_4()
def split_git_response(cmd):
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd)
return out.splitlines()
def _hy_anon_fn_6():
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd)
(out, error, returncode)
return out.splitlines()
return _hy_anon_fn_6()
def run_git_command(cmd):
fullcmd = (['git'] + cmd)
return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def _hy_anon_fn_8():
fullcmd = ([u'git'] + cmd)
return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return _hy_anon_fn_8()
def get_shell_response(fullcmd):
process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(out, err) = process.communicate()
return (out, err, process.returncode)
def _hy_anon_fn_10():
process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(out, err) = process.communicate()
(out, err)
return (out, err, process.returncode)
return _hy_anon_fn_10()
def _hy_anon_fn_12():
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw([u'rev-parse', u'--show-toplevel'])
(out, error, returncode)
return (None if (not (returncode == 0L)) else out.rstrip())
git_base = _hy_anon_fn_12()
def get_git_base():
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'])
return returncode == 0 and out.rstrip() or None
def get_git_head():
empty_repository_hash = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904'
(out, err, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(['rev-parse', '--verify HEAD'])
return (err and empty_repository_hash or 'HEAD')
git_base = get_git_base()
git_head = get_git_head()
def encode_shell_messages(prefix, messages):
return ['{}{}'.format(prefix, line.decode('utf-8')) for line in messages.splitlines()]
def _hy_anon_fn_13():
empty_repository_hash = u'4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904'
(out, err, returncode) = get_git_response_raw([u'rev-parse', u'--verify HEAD'])
(out, err, returncode)
return (u'HEAD' if (not err) else empty_repository_hash)
git_head = _hy_anon_fn_13()
def run_external_checker(path, config):
cmd = config[u'command'].format((command + ' "{}"'), path)
(out, err, returncode) = get_shell_response(cmd)
if ((out and (check.get('error_condition', 'error') == 'output')) or err or (not (returncode == 0))):
prefix = check['print_filename'] and '\t{}:'.format(filename) or '\t'
output = encode_shell_messages(prefix, out) + (err and encode_shell_messages(prefix, err) or [])
return [(returncode or 1), output]
return [0, []]
def _hy_anon_fn_15():
cmd = config[u'command'].format((command + u' "{}"'), path)
(out, err, returncode) = get_shell_response(cmd)
(out, err, returncode)
if ((out and (check.get(u'error_condition', u'error') == u'output')) or err or (not (returncode == 0L))):
def _hy_anon_fn_14():
prefix = (u'\t{}:'.format(filename) if check[u'print_filename'] else u'\t')
output = (encode_shell_messages(prefix, out) + (encode_shell_messages(prefix, err) if err else []))
return [(returncode or 1L), output]
_hy_anon_var_1 = _hy_anon_fn_14()
_hy_anon_var_1 = [0L, []]
return _hy_anon_var_1
return _hy_anon_fn_15()
def make_match_filter_matcher(extensions):
trimmed = reduce(operator.add, [s.strip for s in [ex.split(',') for ex in extension-s]])
cleaned = [re.sub(r'^\.', s.strip(), '') for s in trimmed]
return re.compile(r'\.' + '|'.join(cleaned) + r'$')
def _hy_anon_fn_17(s):
return re.compile(s, re.I)
def _hy_anon_fn_18(s):
return ((u'\\.(' + s) + u')$')
def _hy_anon_fn_19(s):
return re.sub(u'^\\.', u'', s)
def _hy_anon_fn_20(s):
return (not (0L == len(s)))
def _hy_anon_fn_21(s):
return s.strip()
def _hy_anon_fn_22(s):
return s.split(u',')
return _hy_anon_fn_17(_hy_anon_fn_18(u'|'.join(map(_hy_anon_fn_19, filter(_hy_anon_fn_20, set(map(_hy_anon_fn_21, reduce(operator.add, map(_hy_anon_fn_22, extensions)))))))))
def make_match_filter(config):
matcher = make_match_filter_matcher([v.get('match', '') for v in config.itervalues()])
def match_filter(path):
return match_filter
def _hy_anon_fn_26():
def _hy_anon_fn_24(v):
return v.get(u'match', u'')
matcher = make_match_filter_matcher(map(_hy_anon_fn_24, config.itervalues()))
def _hy_anon_fn_25(path):
return _hy_anon_fn_25
return _hy_anon_fn_26()
def executable_exists(script, label):
if (not len(script)):
_hy_anon_var_4 = sys.exit(_(u'Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label))
if not len(script):
sys.exit(_('Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label))
def _hy_anon_fn_31():
scriptname = script.split(u' ')[0L]
paths = os.environ.get(u'PATH').split(u':')
scriptname = script.split(' ').pop(0)
if not len(scriptname):
sys.exit(_('Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label))
def isexecutable(p):
return (os.path.exists(p) and os.access(p, os.X_OK))
if (not len(scriptname)):
_hy_anon_var_3 = sys.exit(_(u'Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label))
if (scriptname[0L] == u'/'):
_hy_anon_var_2 = (scriptname if isexecutable(scriptname) else None)
def isexecutable(path):
return os.path.exists(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
def _hy_anon_fn_30():
if scriptname.startswith('/'):
return isexecutable(scriptname) and scriptname or None
possibles = [path for path in
[os.path.join(path, scriptname) for path in os.environ.get('PATH').split(':')]
if is_executable(path)]
return len(possibles) and possibles.pop(0) or None
def _hy_anon_fn_29(path):
return isexecutable(os.path.join(path, scriptname))
possibles = list(filter(_hy_anon_fn_29, paths))
return (possibles[0L] if len(possibles) else None)
_hy_anon_var_2 = _hy_anon_fn_30()
_hy_anon_var_3 = _hy_anon_var_2
return _hy_anon_var_3
_hy_anon_var_4 = _hy_anon_fn_31()
return _hy_anon_var_4
def get_working_linters(config):
return set([key for key in config.keys()
if executable_exists(config[key]['command'], key)])
def _hy_anon_fn_34():
def found(key):
return executable_exists(config.get(key).get(u'command'), key)
return set(filter(found, config.keys()))
return _hy_anon_fn_34()
def print_linters(config):
print(_(u'Currently supported linters:'))
print(_('Currently supported linters:'))
working = get_working_linters(config)
broken = (set(config.keys()) - working)
for key in sorted(working):
print('{:<14} {}'.format(key, config[key].get('comment', '')))
for key in sorted(broken):
print('{:<14} {}'.format(key, _('(WARNING: executable not found)')))
def _hy_anon_fn_36():
working = get_working_linters(config)
broken = (set(config.keys()) - working)
for key in sorted(working):
print(u'{:<14} {}'.format(key, config.get(key).get(u'comment', u'')))
for key in sorted(broken):
print(u'{:<14} {}'.format(key, _(u'(WARNING: executable not found)')))
return _hy_anon_fn_36()
def base_file_filter(files):
return [os.path.join(git_base, file) for file in files]
def _hy_anon_fn_38(f):
return os.path.join(git_base, f)
return map(_hy_anon_fn_38, files)
def cwd_file_filter(files):
gitcwd = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), git_base), '')
return base_file_filter([file for file in files
if file.startswith(gitcwd)])
def _hy_anon_fn_41():
gitcwd = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), git_base), u'')
def _hy_anon_fn_40(f):
return f.startswith(gitcwd)
return base_file_filter(filter(_hy_anon_fn_40, files))
return _hy_anon_fn_41()
def base_file_cleaner(files):
return [file.replace(git_base, '', 1) for file in files]
def _hy_anon_fn_43(f):
return f.replace(git_base, 1L)
return map(_hy_anon_fn_43, files)
MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS = set([u'DD', u'DU', u'AU', u'AA', u'UD', u'UA', u'UU'])
def check_for_conflicts(files):
def _hy_anon_fn_46():
def _hy_anon_fn_45(_hy_anon_var_5):
(index, workspace, filename) = _hy_anon_var_5
(index, workspace, filename)
return ((u'' + index) + workspace)
status_pairs = map(_hy_anon_fn_45, files)
conflicts = (set(MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS) & set(status_pairs))
return (sys.exit(_(u'Current repository contains merge conflicts. Linters will not be run.')) if len(conflicts) else files)
return _hy_anon_fn_46()
MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS = set(['DD', 'DU', 'AU', 'AA', 'UD', 'UA', 'UU'])
def check_for_conflicts(filesets):
status_pairs = set(['' + f[0] + f[1] for f in files])
if len(status_pairs & MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS):
sys.exit(_('Current repository contains merge conflicts. Linters will not be run.'))
return filesets
def remove_submodules(files):
fixer_re = re.compile('^(\\.\\.\\/)+')
submodules = split_git_response(['submodule', 'status'])
submodule_names = [fixer_re.sub('', submodule.split(' ')[2]) for submodule in submodules]
return [file for file in files if (file not in submodule_names)]
def _hy_anon_fn_52():
def split_out_paths(s):
return s.split(u' ')[2L]
fixer_re = re.compile(u'^(\\.\\.\\/)+')
def fixer_to_base(s):
return fixer_re.sub(u'', s)
submodule_entries = split_git_response([u'submodule', u'status'])
def _hy_anon_fn_50(s):
return fixer_to_base(split_out_paths(s))
submodule_names = map(_hy_anon_fn_50, submodule_entries)
def _hy_anon_fn_51(s):
return (not (s in submodule_names))
return filter(_hy_anon_fn_51, files)
return _hy_anon_fn_52()
def get_porcelain_status():
cmd = [u'status', u'-z', u'--porcelain', u'--untracked-files=all', u'--ignore-submodules=all']
stream = [entry for entry in get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00')
if len(entry) > 0]
acc = []
def _hy_anon_fn_57():
cmd = [u'status', u'-z', u'--porcelain', u'--untracked-files=all', u'--ignore-submodules=all']
while len(stream) > 0:
entry = stream.pop(0)
(index, workspace, filename) = (entry[0], entry[1], entry[3:])
if index == 'R':
acc = acc + [(index, workspace, filename)]
return acc
def nonnull(s):
return (len(s) > 0L)
stream = list(filter(nonnull, get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00')))
def parse_stream(acc, stream):
if (0L == len(stream)):
_hy_anon_var_6 = acc
def _hy_anon_fn_55():
temp = stream.pop(0L)
index = temp[0L]
workspace = temp[1L]
filename = temp[3L:]
(stream.pop(0L) if (index == u'R') else None)
return parse_stream((acc + [(index, workspace, filename)]), stream)
_hy_anon_var_6 = _hy_anon_fn_55()
return _hy_anon_var_6
return check_for_conflicts(parse_stream([], stream))
return _hy_anon_fn_57()
def staging_list():
return [filename for (index, workspace, filename) in get_porcelain_status()
if index in ['A', 'M']]
def _hy_anon_fn_59(_hy_anon_var_7):
(index, workspace, filename) = _hy_anon_var_7
(index, workspace, filename)
return filename
def _hy_anon_fn_60(_hy_anon_var_8):
(index, workspace, filename) = _hy_anon_var_8
(index, workspace, filename)
return (index in [u'A', u'M'])
return map(_hy_anon_fn_59, filter(_hy_anon_fn_60, get_porcelain_status()))
def working_list():
return [filename for (index, workspace, filename) in get_porcelain_status()
if workspace in ['A', 'M', '?']]
def _hy_anon_fn_62(_hy_anon_var_9):
(index, workspace, filename) = _hy_anon_var_9
(index, workspace, filename)
return filename
def _hy_anon_fn_63(_hy_anon_var_10):
(index, workspace, filename) = _hy_anon_var_10
(index, workspace, filename)
return (workspace in [u'A', u'M', u'?'])
return map(_hy_anon_fn_62, filter(_hy_anon_fn_63, get_porcelain_status()))
def all_list():
cmd = ['ls-tree', '--name-only', '--full-tree', '-r', '-z', git_head]
return [file for file in get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00')
if len(file) > 0]
def _hy_anon_fn_66():
cmd = [u'ls-tree', u'--name-only', u'--full-tree', u'-r', u'-z', git_head]
def _hy_anon_fn_65(s):
return (len(s) > 0L)
return filter(_hy_anon_fn_65, get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00'))
return _hy_anon_fn_66()
def get_filelist(options):
keys = options.keys()
def _hy_anon_fn_69():
keys = options.keys()
working_directory_trans = (base_file_filter if len((set(keys) & set([u'base', u'every']))) else cwd_file_filter)
file_list_generator = (staging_list if (u'staging' in keys) else (all_list if (u'all' in keys) else (working_list if True else None)))
working_directory_trans = cwd_file_filter
if len(set(keys) & set([u'base', u'every'])):
working_directory_trans = base_file_filter
file_list_generator = working_list
if 'staging' in keys:
file_list_generator = staging_list
return working_directory_trans(remove_submodules(file_list_generator))
def _hy_anon_fn_68():
return working_directory_trans(remove_submodules(file_list_generator()))
return set(_hy_anon_fn_68())
return _hy_anon_fn_69()
def staging_wrapper(run_linters):
def _hy_anon_fn_74():
def time_gather(f):
stats = os.stat(f)
return (f, (stats.atime, stats.mtime))
def _hy_anon_fn_71():
stats = os.stat(f)
return (f, (stats.atime, stats.mtime))
return _hy_anon_fn_71()
times = list(map(time_gather, files))
times = [time_gather(file) for file in files]
run_git_command([u'stash', u'--keep-index'])
def _hy_anon_fn_73():
results = run_linters()
run_git_command([u'reset', u'--hard'])
run_git_command([u'stash', u'pop', u'--quiet', u'--index'])
for (filename, timepair) in times:
os.utime(filename, timepair)
return results
return _hy_anon_fn_73()
return _hy_anon_fn_74()
results = run_linters()
run_git_command([u'reset', u'--hard'])
run_git_command([u'stash', u'pop', u'--quiet', u'--index'])
for (filename, timepair) in times:
os.utime(filename, timepair)
return results
def workspace_wrapper(run_linters):
return run_linters()
def pick_runner(options):
if 'staging' in options.keys():
return staging_wrapper
return workspace_wrapper
def _hy_anon_fn_77():
keys = options.keys()
return (staging_wrapper if (u'staging' in keys) else workspace_wrapper)
return _hy_anon_fn_77()
def lmap(pred, iter):
return list(map(pred, iter))
def encode_shell_messages(prefix, messages):
def _hy_anon_fn_80(line):
return u'{}{}'.format(prefix, line.decode(u'utf-8'))
return lmap(_hy_anon_fn_80, messages.splitlines())
def run_external_linter(filename, linter):
@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ import sys
import os.path
import gettext
import ConfigParser
_ = gettext.gettext
def _find_config_file(options, base):
if options.has_key('config'):
if 'config' in options:
config = options['config']
configpath = os.path.abspath(config)
if not os.path.isfile(configpath):
@ -18,12 +20,13 @@ def _find_config_file(options, base):
os.path.join(home, '.git-lint'),
os.path.join(home, '.git-lint/config'))
matches = filter(os.path.isfile, possibles)
matches = [p for p in possibles if os.path.isfile(p)]
if len(matches) == 0:
sys.exit(_('No configuration file found')))
sys.exit(_('No configuration file found'))
return matches[0]
def get_config(options, base):
path = find_config_file(options, base)
configloader = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
@ -4,39 +4,25 @@ import sys
import inspect
import getopt
import gettext
_ = gettext.gettext
def get_script_name():
if getattr(sys, u'frozen', False):
def _hy_anon_fn_1():
(path, name) = os.path.split(sys.executable)
(path, name)
return name()
_hy_anon_var_1 = _hy_anon_fn_1()
def _hy_anon_fn_4():
prefix = sys.exec_prefix.upper()
def _hy_anon_fn_3(a):
def _hy_anon_fn_2():
fname = a[1L]
return (not (fname.startswith(u'<') or fname.upper().startswith(prefx)))
return inspect.stack()
names = filter(_hy_anon_fn_3)
name = names.pop()
return name()
_hy_anon_var_1 = _hy_anon_fn_4()
return _hy_anon_var_1
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
(path, name) = os.path.split(sys.executable)
return name
prefix = sys.exec_prefix.upper()
names = [name for name in [frame[1] for frame in inspect.stack()]
if name.startswith('<') or names.upper().startswith(prefix)]
return names.pop()
def make_options_rationalizer(optlist):
""" Takes a list of option tuples, and returns a function that takes the output of getopt
and reduces it to the longopt key and associated values.
"""Takes a list of option tuples, and returns a function that takes
the output of getopt and reduces it to the longopt key and
associated values as a dictionary.
def make_opt_assoc(prefix, pos):
@ -45,14 +31,14 @@ def make_options_rationalizer(optlist):
return acc
return associater
short_opt_assoc = make_opt_assoc(u'-', 0)
long_opt_assoc = make_opt_assoc(u'--', 1)
short_opt_assoc = make_opt_assoc('-', 0)
long_opt_assoc = make_opt_assoc('--', 1)
def make_full_set(acc, i):
return long_opt_assoc(short_opt_assoc(acc, i), i)
fullset = reduce(make_full_set, optlist, {})
def rationalizer(acc, it):
acc[fullset[it[0]]] = it[1]
return acc
@ -60,46 +46,42 @@ def make_options_rationalizer(optlist):
return rationalizer
def remove_conflicted_options(optlist, config):
keys = config.keys()
marked = filter(lambda o: o[1] in keys, optlist)
def remove_conflicted_options(optlist, request):
"""Takes our list of option tuples, and a cleaned copy of what was
requested from getopt, and returns a copy of the request
without any options that are marked as superseded, along with
the list of superseded options
def get_excluded_keys(memo, opt):
return memo + (len(opt) > 4 and opt[4] or [])
exclude = reduce
def _hy_anon_fn_13(memo, opt):
return (memo + (opt[4L] if (len(opt) > 4L) else []))
exclude = reduce(_hy_anon_fn_13, marked, [])
def _hy_anon_fn_14(key):
return (key in exclude)
excluded = filter(_hy_anon_fn_14, keys)
def _hy_anon_fn_15(memo, key):
if (not (key in excluded)):
memo[key] = config[key]
_hy_anon_var_2 = None
_hy_anon_var_2 = None
return memo
cleaned = reduce(_hy_anon_fn_15, keys, {})
return (cleaned, excluded)
return _hy_anon_fn_16()
keys = request.keys()
marked = [option for option in optlist if option[1] in keys]
exclude = reduce(get_excluded_keys, marked, [])
excluded = [key for key in keys if key in exclude]
cleaned = {key: request[key] for key in keys
if key not in excluded}
return (cleaned, excluded)
class RationalOptions:
def __init__(self, optlist, args, name=u'', copyright=u'', version=u'0.0.1'):
def __init__(self, optlist, args, name='', copyright='', version='0.0.1'):
def shortoptstogo(i):
return i[0] + (i[2] and ':' or '')
def longoptstogo(i):
return i[1] + (i[2] and '=' or '')
optstringsshort = ''.join(map(shortoptstogo, optlist))
optstringslong = map(longoptstogo, optlist))
(options, arg) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], optstringsshort, optstringslong)
optstringsshort = ''.join([shortoptstogo(opt) for opt in optlist])
optstringslong = [longoptstogo(opt) for opt in optlist]
(options, arg) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], optstringsshort,
# Turns what getopt returns into something more human-readable
rationalize_options = make_options_rationalizer(optlist)
# Remove any options that
(newoptions, excluded) = remove_conflicted_options(
optlist, reduce(rationalize_options, options, {}))
Reference in New Issue