Removing unused files.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2016-09-26 15:01:59 -07:00
parent d153fba7d0
commit c4200eb3a4
2 changed files with 0 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import sys
import os.path
import gettext
import configparser
except ImportError as e:
import ConfigParser as configparser
_ = gettext.gettext
# (commandLineDictionary, repositoryLocation) -> (configurationFilePath | exit)
def find_config_file(options, base):
""" Returns the configuration file from a prioritized list of locations.
Locations are prioritized as:
1. From the command line. Fail if specified but not found
2. The repository's root directory, as the file .git-lint
3. The repository's root directory, as the file .git-lint/config
4. The user's home directory, as file .git-lint
5. The user's home directory, as the file .git-lint/config
If no configuration file is found, this is an error.
if 'config' in options:
config = options['config']
configpath = os.path.abspath(config)
if not os.path.isfile(configpath):
sys.exit(_('Configuration file not found: {}\n').format(config))
return configpath
home = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'))
possibles = (os.path.join(base, '.git-lint'),
os.path.join(base, '.git-lint/config'),
os.path.join(home, '.git-lint'),
os.path.join(home, '.git-lint/config'))
matches = [p for p in possibles if os.path.isfile(p)]
if len(matches) == 0:
sys.exit(_('No configuration file found'))
return matches[0]
# (commandLineDictionary, repositoryLocation) -> (configurationDictionary | exit)
def get_config(options, base):
"""Loads the git-lint configuration file.
Returns the configuration file as a dictionary of dictionaries.
Performs substitutions as specified in the SafeConfigParser
specification; the only one performed currently is the 'repodir'
will be replaced with the base directory of the repository.
Combined with the option to specify the .git-lint configuration as
a directory, this allows users to keep per-project configuration
files for specific linters.
path = find_config_file(options, base)
configloader = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
configloader.set('DEFAULT', 'repodir', base)
return {section: {k: v for (k, v) in configloader.items(section)}
for section in configloader.sections()}

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
import os
import sys
import getopt
import gettext
_ = gettext.gettext
def make_rational_options(optlist, args):
# OptionTupleList -> (getOptOptions -> dictionaryOfOptions)
def make_options_rationalizer(optlist):
"""Takes a list of option tuples, and returns a function that takes
the output of getopt and reduces it to the longopt key and
associated values as a dictionary.
def make_opt_assoc(prefix, pos):
def associater(acc, it):
acc[(prefix + it[pos])] = it[1]
return acc
return associater
short_opt_assoc = make_opt_assoc('-', 0)
long_opt_assoc = make_opt_assoc('--', 1)
def make_full_set(acc, i):
return long_opt_assoc(short_opt_assoc(acc, i), i)
fullset = reduce(make_full_set, optlist, {})
def rationalizer(acc, it):
acc[fullset[it[0]]] = it[1]
return acc
return rationalizer
# (OptionTupleList, dictionaryOfOptions) -> (dictionaryOfOptions, excludedOptions)
def remove_conflicted_options(optlist, request):
"""Takes our list of option tuples, and a cleaned copy of what was
requested from getopt, and returns a copy of the request
without any options that are marked as superseded, along with
the list of superseded options
def get_excluded_keys(memo, opt):
return memo + (len(opt) > 4 and opt[4] or [])
keys = request.keys()
marked = [option for option in optlist if option[1] in keys]
exclude = reduce(get_excluded_keys, marked, [])
excluded = [key for key in keys if key in exclude]
cleaned = {key: request[key] for key in keys
if key not in excluded}
return (cleaned, excluded)
def shortoptstogo(i):
return i[0] + (i[2] and ':' or '')
def longoptstogo(i):
return i[1] + (i[2] and '=' or '')
optstringsshort = ''.join([shortoptstogo(opt) for opt in optlist])
optstringslong = [longoptstogo(opt) for opt in optlist]
(options, filenames) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], optstringsshort,
# Turns what getopt returns into something more human-readable
rationalize_options = make_options_rationalizer(optlist)
# Remove any options that
(retoptions, excluded) = remove_conflicted_options(
optlist, reduce(rationalize_options, options, {}))
return (retoptions, filenames, excluded)