Doing development in a side-file. Options and config files are now loaded sanely.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2016-09-20 14:59:20 -07:00
parent d2f2b3969b
commit f9eedbb3e0
3 changed files with 190 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1,68 +1,65 @@
comment = Check to Ensure no debugger commands get checked in
output = Checking for debugger commands in Javascript...
command = grep -n debugger {filename}
files = [".*\.js$"]
command = grep -n debugger
files = .js
print = True
condition = output
output = Running Jshint...
command = jshint -c {config_path}/jshint.rc {filename}
match = [".*\.js$"]
command = jshint -c %(repdir)s/.git-lint/jshint.rc
match = .js
print = False
condition = error
output = Running Coffeelint...
command = coffeelint {filename}
match = [".*\.coffee$"]
command = coffeelint
match = .coffee
print = False
condition = error
output = Running JSCS...
command = jscs -c {config_path}/jscs.rc {filename}
match = [".*\.js$"]
command = jscs -c %(repdir)s/.git-lint/jscs.rc
match = .js
print = False
condition = error
comment = PEP8 with some white space and line length checking turned off
output = Running pep8...
command = pep8 -r --ignore=E501,W293,W391 {filename}
match = [".*\.py$"]
command = pep8 -r --ignore=E501,W293,W391
match = .py
print = False
condition = error
output = Running xmllint...
command = xmllint {filename}
match = [".*\.xml"]
command = xmllint
match = .xml
print = False
condition = error
output = Running eslint...
command = csslint --quiet --config={filename}
match = [".*\.js"]
output = Running csslint...
command = csslint --quiet
match = .js
print = False
condition = error
output = "Running eslint..."
command = "eslint -c {filename}"
match = [".*\.js"]
output = Running eslint...
command = eslint
match = .js
print = False
condition = error
output = "Running jsonlint..."
command = "jsonlint -q -c {filename}"
match = [".*\.json"]
output = Running jsonlint...
command = jsonlint -q
match = .json
print = False
condition = error

View File

@ -27,22 +27,25 @@ Options
``-s`` ``--staging``
Check files in the staging area (useful as a pre-commit hook)
``-a`` ``--all``
Check all files in repository, not just changed files
``-b`` ``--base``
Run checks from your repository's root directory. By default,
``git-lint`` only runs from the current working directory.
``-a`` ``--all``
Check all files in repository from the current directory, not
just changed files
``-e`` ``--everything``
An alias for ``-b -a``, checks every file in the repository
``-o`` ``--only``
Run only specific linters, skipping all others
``-e`` ``--exclude``
Exclude specific linters, running all others
Exclude specific linters, running all others
As a pre-commit hook
As a pre-commit hook:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import git_lint

git_lint_src/load-config.hy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
#!/usr/bin/env hy
(import ConfigParser os subprocess operator re gettext sys getopt)
(def _ gettext.gettext)
(def *version* "0.0.2")
(defn tap [a] (print "TAP:" a) a)
(def optlist [["o" "only" true (_ "A comma-separated list of only those linters to run") ["x"]]
["x" "exclude" true (_ "A comma-separated list of linters to skip") []]
["l" "linters" false (_ "Show the list of configured linters")]
["b" "base" false (_ "Check all changed files in the repository, not just those in the current directory.") []]
["a" "all" false (_ "Scan all files in the repository, not just those that have changed.")]
["e" "every" false (_ "Short for -b -a, scan everything")]
["w" "workspace" false (_ "Scan the workspace") ["s"]]
["s" "staging" false (_ "Scan the staging area (pre-commit).") []]
["g" "changes" false (_ "Report lint failures only for diff'd sections") ["l"]]
["m" "complete" false (_ "Report lint failures for all files") []]
["c" "config" true (_ "Path to config file") []]
["h" "help" false (_ "This help message") []]
["v" "version" false (_"Version information") []]])
; Given a set of command-line arguments, compare that to a mapped
; version of the optlist and return a canonicalized dictionary of all
; the arguments that have been set. For example "-c" and "--config"
; will both be mapped to "config".
; Given a prefix of one or two dashes and a position in the above
; array, creates a function to map either the short or long option
; to the option name.
(defn make-opt-assoc [prefix pos]
(fn [acc it] (assoc acc (+ prefix (get it pos)) (get it 1)) acc))
; Using the above, create a full map of all arguments, then return a
; function ready to look up any argument and return the option name.
(defn make-options-rationalizer [optlist]
(let [
[short-opt-assoc (make-opt-assoc "-" 0)]
[long-opt-assoc (make-opt-assoc "--" 1)]
(reduce (fn [acc i] (-> (short-opt-assoc acc i)
(long-opt-assoc i))) optlist {})]]
(fn [acc it] (do (assoc acc (get fullset (get it 0)) (get it 1)) acc))))
(defn print-version []
(print (.format "git-lint (hy version {})" *version*))
(print "Copyright (c) 2008, 2016 Kenneth M. \"Elf\" Sternberg <>")
(defn print-help []
(print "Usage: git lint [options] [filename]")
(for [item optlist] (print (.format " -{:<1} --{:<12} {}" (get item 0) (get item 1) (get item 3))))
(defn get-git-response [cmd]
(let [[fullcmd (+ ["git"] cmd)]
[process (subprocess.Popen fullcmd
:stdout subprocess.PIPE
:stderr subprocess.PIPE)]
[(, out err) (.communicate process)]]
(, out err process.returncode)))
(defn run-git-command [cmd]
(let [[fullcmd (+ ["git"] cmd)]]
( fullcmd
:stdout subprocess.PIPE
:stderr subprocess.PIPE)))
(defn get-shell-response [fullcmd]
(let [[process (subprocess.Popen fullcmd
:stdout subprocess.PIPE
:stderr subprocess.PIPE
:shell True)]
[(, out err) (.communicate process)]]
(, out err process.returncode)))
(def git-base (let [[(, out error returncode)
(get-git-response ["rev-parse" "--show-toplevel"])]]
(if (not (= returncode 0)) None (.rstrip out))))
(defn find-config-file [options]
(if (.has_key options "config")
(let [[config (get options "config")]
[configpath (os.path.abspath config)]]
(if (os.path.isfile configpath)
(sys.exit (.format (_ "Configuration file not found: {}\n") config))))
(let [[home (os.path.join (.get os.environ "HOME"))]
[possibles (, (os.path.join git-base ".git-lint")
(os.path.join git-base ".git-lint/config")
(os.path.join home ".git-lint")
(os.path.join home ".git-lint/config"))]
[matches (list (filter os.path.isfile possibles))]]
(if (len matches) (get matches 0) (sys.exit (_ "No configuration file found"))))))
(defn load-config-file [path]
(let [[configloader (.SafeConfigParser ConfigParser)]
[config {}]]
(.read configloader path)
(.set configloader "DEFAULT" "repdir" git-base)
(for [section (.sections configloader)]
(let [[pairs {}]]
(for [(, k v) (.items configloader section)]
(assoc pairs k v))
(assoc config section pairs)))
(defn make-match-filter-matcher [extensions]
(->> (map (fn [s] (.split s ",")) extensions)
(reduce operator.add)
(map (fn [s] (.strip s)))
(filter (fn [s] (not (= 0 (len s)))))
(map (fn [s] (.sub re "^\." "" s)))
(.join "|")
((fn [s] (+ "\.(" s ")$")))
((fn [s] (re.compile s re.I)))))
(defn make-match-filter [config]
(let [[matcher (make-match-filter-matcher (map (fn [v] (.get v "match" "" ))
(.itervalues config)))]]
(print matcher)
(fn [path] (.search matcher path))))
(defn print-linters [config]
(print (_ "Currently supported linters:"))
(for [(, linter items) (.iteritems config)]
(print (.format "{:<14} {}" linter (.get items "comment" "")))))
(defn git-lint-main [options]
(print git-base)
(print (os.path.abspath __file__))
(let [[config (load-config-file (find-config-file))]]
(print options)
(print config)
(print (make-match-filter config))))
(defmain [&rest args]
(let [[optstringsshort
(.join "" (map (fn [i] (+ (. i [0]) (cond [(. i [2]) ":"] [true ""]))) optlist))]
(list (map (fn [i] (+ (. i [1]) (cond [(. i [2]) "="] [true ""]))) optlist))]
[(, opt arg)
(getopt.getopt (slice args 1) optstringsshort optstringslong)]
(make-options-rationalizer optlist)]
[options (reduce (fn [acc i] (rationalize-options acc i)) opt {})]
[config (load-config-file (find-config-file options))]]
(cond [(.has_key options "help") (print-help)]
[(.has_key options "version") (print-version)]
[(.has_key options "linters") (print-linters config)]
[true (git-lint-main options)]))
(catch [err getopt.GetoptError]
(print (str err))