#!/usr/bin/env hy ; -*- mode: clojure -*- (import ConfigParser os subprocess operator re gettext sys getopt) (.append sys.path "Users/ksternberg/build/git-lint/git_lint_src") (import [git-lint-options [hyopt]]) (import [git-lint-config [get-config]]) (def _ gettext.gettext) (def *version* "0.0.2") (defn tap [a] (print "TAP:" a) a) ; short-name long-name takes-args description precludes (def optlist [["o" "only" true (_ "A comma-separated list of only those linters to run") ["exclude"]] ["x" "exclude" true (_ "A comma-separated list of linters to skip") []] ["l" "linters" false (_ "Show the list of configured linters")] ["b" "base" false (_ "Check all changed files in the repository, not just those in the current directory.") []] ["a" "all" false (_ "Scan all files in the repository, not just those that have changed.")] ["e" "every" false (_ "Short for -b -a: scan everything")] ["w" "workspace" false (_ "Scan the workspace") ["staging"]] ["s" "staging" false (_ "Scan the staging area (useful for pre-commit).") []] ["g" "changes" false (_ "Report lint failures only for diff'd sections") ["complete"]] ["p" "complete" false (_ "Report lint failures for all files") []] ["c" "config" true (_ "Path to config file") []] ["h" "help" false (_ "This help message") []] ["v" "version" false (_"Version information") []]]) (defn get-git-response-raw [cmd] (let [[fullcmd (+ ["git"] cmd)] [process (subprocess.Popen fullcmd :stdout subprocess.PIPE :stderr subprocess.PIPE)] [(, out err) (.communicate process)]] (, out err process.returncode))) (defn get-git-response [cmd] (let [[(, out error returncode) (get-git-response-raw cmd)]] out)) (defn split-git-response [cmd] (let [[(, out error returncode) (get-git-response-raw cmd)]] (.splitlines out))) (defn split-git-response [cmd] (let [[(, out error returncode) (get-git-response-raw cmd)]] (.splitlines out))) (defn run-git-command [cmd] (let [[fullcmd (+ ["git"] cmd)]] (subprocess.call fullcmd :stdout subprocess.PIPE :stderr subprocess.PIPE))) (defn get-shell-response [fullcmd] (let [[process (subprocess.Popen fullcmd :stdout subprocess.PIPE :stderr subprocess.PIPE :shell True)] [(, out err) (.communicate process)]] (, out err process.returncode))) (def git-base (let [[(, out error returncode) (get-git-response-raw ["rev-parse" "--show-toplevel"])]] (if (not (= returncode 0)) None (.rstrip out)))) ; That mystery number is the precise hash code for a repository for has been initialized, ; but for which nothing has ever been added or committed. An empty repository has no refs ; at all so you can't use HEAD in this one very rare case. (def git-head (let [[empty-repository-hash "4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"] [(, out err returncode) (get-git-response-raw ["rev-parse" "--verify HEAD"])]] (if (not err) "HEAD" empty-repository-hash))) (defn make-match-filter-matcher [extensions] (->> (map (fn [s] (.split s ",")) extensions) (reduce operator.add) (map (fn [s] (.strip s))) (set) (filter (fn [s] (not (= 0 (len s))))) (map (fn [s] (.sub re "^\." "" s))) (.join "|") ((fn [s] (+ "\.(" s ")$"))) ((fn [s] (re.compile s re.I))))) (defn make-match-filter [config] (let [[matcher (make-match-filter-matcher (map (fn [v] (.get v "match" "" )) (.itervalues config)))]] (fn [path] (print matcher.pattern) (.search matcher path)))) ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;| | (_)_ _| |_ ___ _ _ _____ _____ __ _ _| |_ __ _| |__| |___ __| |_ __ _| |_ _ _ ___ ;| |__| | ' \ _/ -_) '_| / -_) \ / -_) _| || | _/ _` | '_ \ / -_) (_-< _/ _` | _| || (_-< ;|____|_|_||_\__\___|_| \___/_\_\___\__|\_,_|\__\__,_|_.__/_\___| /__/\__\__,_|\__|\_,_/__/ ; (defn executable-exists [script label] (if (not (len script)) (sys.exit (.format (_ "Syntax error in command configuration for {} ") label)) (let [[scriptname (get (.split script " ") 0)] [paths (.split (.get os.environ "PATH") ":")] [isexecutable (fn [p] (and (os.path.exists p) (os.access p os.X_OK)))]] (if (not (len scriptname)) (sys.exit (.format (_ "Syntax error in command configuration for {} ") label)) (if (= (get scriptname 0) "/") (if (isexecutable scriptname) scriptname None) (let [[possibles (list (filter (fn [path] (isexecutable (os.path.join path scriptname))) paths))]] (if (len possibles) (get possibles 0) None))))))) (defn print-linters [config] (print (_ "Currently supported linters:")) (for [(, linter items) (.iteritems config)] (if (not (executable-exists (.get items "command" "") linter)) (print (.format "{:<14} {}" linter (_ "(WARNING: executable not found)"))) (print (.format "{:<14} {}" linter (.get items "comment" "")))))) ; ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ;| __(_) |___ _ __ __ _| |_| |_ / _(_) | |_ ___ _ _ ___ ;| _|| | / -_) | '_ \/ _` | _| ' \ | _| | | _/ -_) '_(_-< ;|_| |_|_\___| | .__/\__,_|\__|_||_| |_| |_|_|\__\___|_| /__/ ; |_| (defn remove-submodules [files] (let [[split-out-paths (fn [s] (get (.split s " ") 2))] [fixer-re (re.compile "^(\.\.\/)+")] [fixer-to-base (fn [s] (.sub fixer-re "" s))] [submodule-entries (split-git-response ["submodule" "status"])] [submodule-names (map (fn [s] (fixer-to-base (split-out-paths s))) submodule-entries)]] (filter (fn [s] (not (in s submodule-names))) files))) (defn base-file-filter [files] (map (fn [f] (os.path.join git-base f)) files)) (defn cwd-file-filter [files] (let [[gitcwd (os.path.join (os.path.relpath (os.getcwd) git-base) "")]] (base-file-filter (filter (fn [f] (.startswith f gitcwd)) files)))) (defn base-file-cleaner [files] (map (fn [f] (.replace f git-base 1)) files)) ; ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;| _ \__ ___ __ __ / _(_) |___ | (_)__| |_ __ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _| |_ ___ _ _ ___ ;| / _` \ V V / | _| | / -_) | | (_-< _| / _` / -_) ' \/ -_) '_/ _` | _/ _ \ '_(_-< ;|_|_\__,_|\_/\_/ |_| |_|_\___| |_|_/__/\__| \__, \___|_||_\___|_| \__,_|\__\___/_| /__/ ; |___/ (def *merge-conflict-pairs* (set ["DD" "DU" "AU" "AA" "UD" "UA" "UU"])) (defn check-for-conflicts [files] (let [[status-pairs (map (fn [(, index workspace filename)] (+ "" index workspace)) files)] [conflicts (& (set *merge-conflict-pairs*) (set status-pairs))]] (if (len conflicts) (sys.exit (_ "Current repository contains merge conflicts. Linters will not be run.")) files))) (defn get-porcelain-status [] (let [[cmd ["status" "-z" "--porcelain" "--untracked-files=all" "--ignore-submodules=all"]] [nonnull (fn [s] (> (len s) 0))] [stream (list (filter nonnull (.split (get-git-response cmd) "\0")))] [parse-stream (fn [acc stream] (if (= 0 (len stream)) acc (let [[temp (.pop stream 0)] [index (get temp 0)] [workspace (get temp 1)] [filename (slice temp 3)]] (if (= index "R") (.pop stream 0)) (parse-stream (+ acc [(, index workspace filename)]) stream))))]] (check-for-conflicts (parse-stream [] stream)))) (defn staging-list [] (map (fn [(, index workspace filename)] filename) (filter (fn [(, index workspace filename)] (in index ["A" "M"])) (get-porcelain-status)))) (defn working-list [] (map (fn [(, index workspace filename)] filename) (filter (fn [(, index workspace filename)] (in workspace ["A" "M" "?"])) (get-porcelain-status)))) (defn all-list [] (let [[cmd ["ls-tree" "--name-only" "--full-tree" "-r" "-z" git-head]]] (filter (fn [s] (> (len s) 0)) (.split (get-git-response cmd) "\0")))) ; _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; /_\ ______ ___ _ __ | |__| |___ / _(_) |___ | (_)__| |_ __ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _| |_ ___ _ _ ; / _ \ (_-<_-" "0.0.4")]] (if (= git-base None) (sys.exit (_ "Not currently in a git repository.")) (try (let [[options (.get_options opts)] [config (get-config options git-base)]] (cond [(.has_key options "help") (opts.print-help)] [(.has_key options "version") (opts.print-version)] [(.has_key options "linters") (print-linters config)] [true (run-gitlint options config opts.filenames)])) (catch [err getopt.GetoptError] (do (opts.print-help)))))))