comment = Check to Ensure no debugger commands get checked in
output = Checking for debugger commands in Javascript...
command = grep -n debugger
match = .js
print =  True
condition = output

output = Running Jshint...
command = jshint -c %(repodir)s/.git-lint/jshint.rc
match = .js
print = False
condition = error

output = Running Coffeelint...
command = coffeelint
match = .coffee
print = False
condition = error

output = Running JSCS...
command = jscs -c %(repodir)s/.git-lint/jscs.rc
match = .js
print = False
condition = error

comment = PEP8 with some white space and line length checking turned off
output = Running pep8...
command = pep8 -r --ignore=E501,W293,W391
match = .py
print = False
condition = error

output = Running xmllint...
command = xmllint
match = .xml
print = False
condition = error

output = Running csslint...
command = csslint --quiet
match = .css
print = False
condition = error

output = Running eslint...
command = eslint
match = .js
print = False
condition = error

output = Running jsonlint...
command = jsonlint -q
match = .json
print = False
condition = error

output = Running Text Style Check
match = .rst
command = git-lint-style --min=6 --max=12
print = False
condition = error