from functools import reduce from collections import namedtuple import getopt import gettext import operator import os import shutil import re import subprocess import sys import pprint try: import configparser except ImportError as e: import ConfigParser as configparser _ = gettext.gettext # ___ __ _ ___ _ # / __|___ _ _ / _(_)__ _ | _ \___ __ _ __| |___ _ _ # | (__/ _ \ ' \| _| / _` | | / -_) _` / _` / -_) '_| # \___\___/_||_|_| |_\__, | |_|_\___\__,_\__,_\___|_| # |___/ def find_config_file(options, base): """ Returns the configuration file from a prioritized list of locations. Locations are prioritized as: 1. From the command line. Fail if specified but not found 2. The repository's root directory, as the file .git-lint 3. The repository's root directory, as the file .git-lint/config 4. The user's home directory, as file .git-lint 5. The user's home directory, as the file .git-lint/config If no configuration file is found, this is an error. """ if 'config' in options: config = options['config'] configpath = os.path.abspath(config) if not os.path.isfile(configpath): sys.exit(_('Configuration file not found: {}\n').format(config)) return configpath home = os.environ.get('HOME', None) possibles = [os.path.join(base, '.git-lint'), os.path.join(base, '.git-lint/config')] + ((home and [ os.path.join(home, '.git-lint'), os.path.join(home, '.git-lint/config')]) or []) matches = [p for p in possibles if os.path.isfile(p)] if len(matches) == 0: sys.exit(_('No configuration file found, tried: {}').format(':'.join(possibles))) return matches[0] # (commandLineDictionary, repositoryLocation) -> (configurationDictionary | exit) def load_config(options, base): """Loads the git-lint configuration file. Returns the configuration file as a dictionary of dictionaries. Performs substitutions as specified in the SafeConfigParser specification; the only one performed currently is the 'repodir' will be replaced with the base directory of the repository. Combined with the option to specify the .git-lint configuration as a directory, this allows users to keep per-project configuration files for specific linters. """ Linter = namedtuple('Linter', ['name', 'linter']) path = find_config_file(options, base) configloader = configparser.SafeConfigParser() configloader.set('DEFAULT', 'repodir', base) return [Linter(section, {k: v for (k, v) in configloader.items(section)}) for section in configloader.sections()] # ___ _ _ # / __(_) |_ # | (_ | | _| # \___|_|\__| # def get_git_response_raw(cmd): fullcmd = (['git'] + cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) (out, err) = process.communicate() return (out, err, process.returncode) def get_git_response(cmd): (out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd) return out def split_git_response(cmd): (out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd) return out.splitlines() def run_git_command(cmd): fullcmd = (['git'] + cmd) return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) def get_shell_response(fullcmd): process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) (out, err) = process.communicate() return (out, err, process.returncode) def get_git_base(): (out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw( ['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']) return (returncode == 0 and out.rstrip()) or None def get_git_head(): empty_repository_hash = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904' (out, err, returncode) = get_git_response_raw( ['rev-parse', '--verify HEAD']) return ((err and empty_repository_hash) or 'HEAD') git_base = get_git_base() git_head = get_git_head() # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # | | | | |_(_) (_) |_(_)___ ___ # | |_| | _| | | | _| / -_|_-< # \___/ \__|_|_|_|\__|_\___/__/ # def base_file_cleaner(files): return [file.replace(git_base + '/', '', 1) for file in files] class MatchFilter: def __init__(self, config): self.matcher = self.make_match_filter_matcher([v.linter.get('match', '') for v in config]) def __call__(self, path): return @staticmethod def make_match_filter_matcher(extensions): trimmed = [s.strip() for s in reduce(operator.add, [ex.split(',') for ex in extensions], [])] cleaned = [re.sub(r'^\.', '', s) for s in trimmed] return re.compile(r'\.' + '|'.join(cleaned) + r'$') # ___ _ _ _ _ _ # / __| |_ ___ __| |__ | (_)_ _| |_ ___ _ _ ___ # | (__| ' \/ -_) _| / / | | | ' \ _/ -_) '_(_-< # \___|_||_\___\__|_\_\ |_|_|_||_\__\___|_| /__/ # def executable_exists(script, label): if not len(script): sys.exit( _('Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label)) scriptname = script.split(' ').pop(0) if not len(scriptname): sys.exit( _('Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label)) def is_executable(path): return os.path.exists(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK) if scriptname.startswith('/'): return (is_executable(scriptname) and scriptname) or None possibles = [path for path in [os.path.join(path, scriptname) for path in os.environ.get('PATH').split(':')] if is_executable(path)] return (len(possibles) and possibles.pop(0)) or False def get_working_linter_names(config): return [ for i in config if executable_exists(i.linter['command'],] def get_linter_status(config): working_linter_names = get_working_linter_names(config) broken_linter_names = (set([ for i in config]) - set(working_linter_names)) return working_linter_names, broken_linter_names # ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ # / __|___| |_ | (_)__| |_ ___ / _| / _(_) |___ ___ # | (_ / -_) _| | | (_-< _| / _ \ _| | _| | / -_|_-< # \___\___|\__| |_|_/__/\__| \___/_| |_| |_|_\___/__/ # def get_filelist(options, extras): """ Returns the list of files against which we'll run the linters. """ def base_file_filter(files): """ Return the full path for all files """ return [os.path.join(git_base, file) for file in files] def cwd_file_filter(filenames): """ Return the full path for only those files in the cwd and down """ if os.path.samefile(os.getcwd(), git_base): return base_file_filter(filenames) gitcwd = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), git_base), '') return base_file_filter([filename for filename in filenames if filename.startswith(gitcwd)]) def check_for_conflicts(filesets): """ Scan list of porcelain files for merge conflic state. """ MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS = set(['DD', 'DU', 'AU', 'AA', 'UD', 'UA', 'UU']) status_pairs = set(['' + f[0] + f[1] for f in filesets]) if len(status_pairs & MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS): sys.exit( _('Current repository contains merge conflicts. Linters will not be run.')) return filesets def remove_submodules(files): """ Remove all submodules from the list of files git-lint cares about. """ fixer_re = re.compile('^(\\.\\.\\/)+') submodules = split_git_response(['submodule', 'status']) submodule_names = [fixer_re.sub('', submodule.split(' ')[2]) for submodule in submodules] return [file for file in files if (file not in submodule_names)] def get_porcelain_status(): """ Return the status of all files in the system. """ cmd = ['status', '-z', '--porcelain', '--untracked-files=all', '--ignore-submodules=all'] stream = [entry for entry in get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00') if len(entry) > 0] def parse_stream(acc, stream): """Parse the list of files. T The list is null-terminated, but is not columnar. If there's an 'R' in the index state, it means the file was renamed and the old name is added as a column, so it's a special case as we accumulate the list of files. """ if len(stream) == 0: return acc entry = stream.pop(0) (index, workspace, filename) = (entry[0], entry[1], entry[3:]) if index == 'R': stream.pop(0) return parse_stream(acc + [(index, workspace, filename)], stream) return check_for_conflicts(parse_stream([], stream)) def staging_list(): """ Return the list of files added or modified to the stage """ return [filename for (index, workspace, filename) in get_porcelain_status() if index in ['A', 'M']] def working_list(): """ Return the list of files that have been modified in the workspace. Includes the '?' to include files that git is not currently tracking. """ return [filename for (index, workspace, filename) in get_porcelain_status() if workspace in ['A', 'M', '?']] def all_list(): """ Return all the files git is currently tracking for this repository. """ cmd = ['ls-tree', '--name-only', '--full-tree', '-r', '-z', git_head] return [file for file in get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00') if len(file) > 0] if len(extras): cwd = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) extras_fullpathed = set([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, f)) for f in extras]) not_found = set([f for f in extras_fullpathed if not os.path.isfile(f)]) return ([os.path.relpath(f, cwd) for f in (extras_fullpathed - not_found)], not_found) working_directory_trans = cwd_file_filter if 'base' in options or 'every' in options: working_directory_trans = base_file_filter file_list_generator = working_list if 'all' in options: file_list_generator = all_list if 'staging' in options: file_list_generator = staging_list return (working_directory_trans(remove_submodules(file_list_generator())), []) # ___ _ _ # / __| |_ __ _ __ _(_)_ _ __ _ __ __ ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ _ # \__ \ _/ _` / _` | | ' \/ _` | \ V V / '_/ _` | '_ \ '_ \/ -_) '_| # |___/\__\__,_\__, |_|_||_\__, | \_/\_/|_| \__,_| .__/ .__/\___|_| # |___/ |___/ |_| |_| class Runner: def __init__(self, options): self.runner = ('staging' in options and Runner.staging_wrapper) or Runner.workspace_wrapper def __call__(self, run_linters, filenames): return self.runner(run_linters, filenames) @staticmethod def staging_wrapper(run_linters, filenames): def time_gather(f): stats = os.stat(f) return (f, (stats.st_atime, stats.st_mtime)) times = [time_gather(file) for file in filenames] run_git_command(['stash', '--keep-index']) results = run_linters() run_git_command(['reset', '--hard']) run_git_command(['stash', 'pop', '--quiet', '--index']) for (filename, timepair) in times: os.utime(filename, timepair) return results @staticmethod def workspace_wrapper(run_linters, filenames): return run_linters() # ___ _ _ _ # | _ \_ _ _ _ | (_)_ _| |_ _ __ __ _ ______ # | / || | ' \ | | | ' \ _| | '_ \/ _` (_-<_-< # |_|_\\_,_|_||_| |_|_|_||_\__| | .__/\__,_/__/__/ # |_| class Linters: def __init__(self, linters, filenames): self.linters = linters self.filenames = filenames @staticmethod def encode_shell_messages(prefix, messages): return ['{}{}'.format(prefix, line) for line in messages.splitlines()] @staticmethod def run_external_linter(filename, linter, linter_name): """Run one linter against one file. If the result matches the error condition specified in the configuration file, return the error code and messages, either return nothing. """ cmd = linter['command'] + ' "' + filename + '"' (out, err, returncode) = get_shell_response(cmd) failed = ((out and (linter.get('condition', 'error') == 'output')) or err or (not (returncode == 0))) trimmed_filename = filename.replace(git_base + '/', '', 1) if not failed: return (trimmed_filename, linter_name, 0, []) prefix = (((linter.get('print', 'false').strip().lower() != 'true') and ' ') or ' {}: '.format(trimmed_filename)) output = (Linters.encode_shell_messages(prefix, out) + ((err and Linters.encode_shell_messages(prefix, err)) or [])) return (trimmed_filename, linter_name, (returncode or 1), output) @staticmethod def run_one_linter(linter, filenames): """ Runs one linter against a set of files Creates a match filter for the linter, extract the files to be linted, and runs the linter against each file, returning the result as a list of successes and failures. Failures have a return code and the output of the lint process. """ match_filter = MatchFilter([linter]) files = set([filename for filename in filenames if match_filter(filename)]) return [Linters.run_external_linter(filename, linter.linter, for filename in files] def __call__(self): """ Returns a function to run a set of linters against a set of filenames This returns a function because it's going to be wrapped in a runner to better handle stashing and restoring a staged commit. """ return reduce(operator.add, [Linters.run_one_linter(linter, self.filenames) for linter in self.linters], []) def dryrun(self): def dryrunonefile(filename, linter): trimmed_filename = filename.replace(git_base + '/', '', 1) return (trimmed_filename,, 0, [' {}'.format(trimmed_filename)]) def dryrunonce(linter, filenames): match_filter = MatchFilter([linter]) files_to_check = [filename for filename in filenames if match_filter(filename)] return [dryrunonefile(filename, linter) for filename in files_to_check] return reduce(operator.add, [dryrunonce(linter, self.filenames) for linter in self.linters], []) def run_linters(options, config, extras): def build_config_subset(keys): """ Returns a subset of the configuration, with only those linters mentioned in keys """ return [item for item in config if in keys] """ Runs the requested linters """ all_filenames, unfindable_filenames = get_filelist(options, extras) is_lintable = MatchFilter(config) lintable_filenames = set([filename for filename in all_filenames if is_lintable(filename)]) unlintable_filenames = set(all_filenames) - lintable_filenames working_linter_names, broken_linter_names = get_linter_status(config) cant_lint_filter = MatchFilter(build_config_subset( broken_linter_names)) cant_lint_filenames = [filename for filename in lintable_filenames if cant_lint_filter(filename)] runner = Runner(options) linters = Linters(build_config_subset(working_linter_names), sorted(lintable_filenames)) if 'dryrun' in options: dryrun_results = linters.dryrun() return (dryrun_results, unlintable_filenames, cant_lint_filenames, broken_linter_names, unfindable_filenames) results = runner(linters, lintable_filenames) return (results, unlintable_filenames, cant_lint_filenames, broken_linter_names, unfindable_filenames)