
461 lines
16 KiB

from functools import reduce
from collections import namedtuple
import getopt
import gettext
import operator
import os
import shutil
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import pprint
import configparser
except ImportError as e:
import ConfigParser as configparser
_ = gettext.gettext
# ___ __ _ ___ _
# / __|___ _ _ / _(_)__ _ | _ \___ __ _ __| |___ _ _
# | (__/ _ \ ' \| _| / _` | | / -_) _` / _` / -_) '_|
# \___\___/_||_|_| |_\__, | |_|_\___\__,_\__,_\___|_|
# |___/
def find_config_file(options, base):
""" Returns the configuration file from a prioritized list of locations.
Locations are prioritized as:
1. From the command line. Fail if specified but not found
2. The repository's root directory, as the file .git-lint
3. The repository's root directory, as the file .git-lint/config
4. The user's home directory, as file .git-lint
5. The user's home directory, as the file .git-lint/config
If no configuration file is found, this is an error.
if 'config' in options:
config = options['config']
configpath = os.path.abspath(config)
if not os.path.isfile(configpath):
sys.exit(_('Configuration file not found: {}\n').format(config))
return configpath
home = os.environ.get('HOME', None)
possibles = [os.path.join(base, '.git-lint'),
os.path.join(base, '.git-lint/config')] + ((home and [
os.path.join(home, '.git-lint'),
os.path.join(home, '.git-lint/config')]) or [])
matches = [p for p in possibles if os.path.isfile(p)]
if len(matches) == 0:
sys.exit(_('No configuration file found, tried: {}').format(':'.join(possibles)))
return matches[0]
# (commandLineDictionary, repositoryLocation) -> (configurationDictionary | exit)
def load_config(options, base):
"""Loads the git-lint configuration file.
Returns the configuration file as a dictionary of dictionaries.
Performs substitutions as specified in the SafeConfigParser
specification; the only one performed currently is the 'repodir'
will be replaced with the base directory of the repository.
Combined with the option to specify the .git-lint configuration as
a directory, this allows users to keep per-project configuration
files for specific linters.
Linter = namedtuple('Linter', ['name', 'linter'])
path = find_config_file(options, base)
configloader = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
configloader.set('DEFAULT', 'repodir', base)
return [Linter(section, {k: v for (k, v) in configloader.items(section)})
for section in configloader.sections()]
# ___ _ _
# / __(_) |_
# | (_ | | _|
# \___|_|\__|
def get_git_response_raw(cmd):
fullcmd = (['git'] + cmd)
process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd,
(out, err) = process.communicate()
return (out, err, process.returncode)
def get_git_response(cmd):
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd)
return out
def split_git_response(cmd):
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(cmd)
return out.splitlines()
def run_git_command(cmd):
fullcmd = (['git'] + cmd)
def get_shell_response(fullcmd):
process = subprocess.Popen(fullcmd,
(out, err) = process.communicate()
return (out, err, process.returncode)
def get_git_base():
(out, error, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(
['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'])
return (returncode == 0 and out.rstrip()) or None
def get_git_head():
empty_repository_hash = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904'
(out, err, returncode) = get_git_response_raw(
['rev-parse', '--verify HEAD'])
return ((err and empty_repository_hash) or 'HEAD')
git_base = get_git_base()
git_head = get_git_head()
# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# | | | | |_(_) (_) |_(_)___ ___
# | |_| | _| | | | _| / -_|_-<
# \___/ \__|_|_|_|\__|_\___/__/
def base_file_cleaner(files):
return [file.replace(git_base + '/', '', 1) for file in files]
class MatchFilter:
def __init__(self, config):
self.matcher = self.make_match_filter_matcher([v.linter.get('match', '') for v in config])
def __call__(self, path):
def make_match_filter_matcher(extensions):
trimmed = [s.strip() for s in reduce(operator.add,
[ex.split(',') for ex in extensions], [])]
cleaned = [re.sub(r'^\.', '', s) for s in trimmed]
return re.compile(r'\.' + '|'.join(cleaned) + r'$')
# ___ _ _ _ _ _
# / __| |_ ___ __| |__ | (_)_ _| |_ ___ _ _ ___
# | (__| ' \/ -_) _| / / | | | ' \ _/ -_) '_(_-<
# \___|_||_\___\__|_\_\ |_|_|_||_\__\___|_| /__/
def executable_exists(script, label):
if not len(script):
_('Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label))
scriptname = script.split(' ').pop(0)
if not len(scriptname):
_('Syntax error in command configuration for {} ').format(label))
def is_executable(path):
return os.path.exists(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
if scriptname.startswith('/'):
return (is_executable(scriptname) and scriptname) or None
possibles = [path for path in
[os.path.join(path, scriptname)
for path in os.environ.get('PATH').split(':')]
if is_executable(path)]
return (len(possibles) and possibles.pop(0)) or False
def get_working_linter_names(config):
return [ for i in config
if executable_exists(i.linter['command'],]
def get_linter_status(config):
working_linter_names = get_working_linter_names(config)
broken_linter_names = (set([ for i in config]) - set(working_linter_names))
return working_linter_names, broken_linter_names
# ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _
# / __|___| |_ | (_)__| |_ ___ / _| / _(_) |___ ___
# | (_ / -_) _| | | (_-< _| / _ \ _| | _| | / -_|_-<
# \___\___|\__| |_|_/__/\__| \___/_| |_| |_|_\___/__/
def get_filelist(options, extras):
""" Returns the list of files against which we'll run the linters. """
def base_file_filter(files):
""" Return the full path for all files """
return [os.path.join(git_base, file) for file in files]
def cwd_file_filter(filenames):
""" Return the full path for only those files in the cwd and down """
if os.path.samefile(os.getcwd(), git_base):
return base_file_filter(filenames)
gitcwd = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), git_base), '')
return base_file_filter([filename for filename in filenames
if filename.startswith(gitcwd)])
def check_for_conflicts(filesets):
""" Scan list of porcelain files for merge conflic state. """
MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS = set(['DD', 'DU', 'AU', 'AA', 'UD', 'UA', 'UU'])
status_pairs = set(['' + f[0] + f[1] for f in filesets])
if len(status_pairs & MERGE_CONFLICT_PAIRS):
_('Current repository contains merge conflicts. Linters will not be run.'))
return filesets
def remove_submodules(files):
""" Remove all submodules from the list of files git-lint cares about. """
fixer_re = re.compile('^(\\.\\.\\/)+')
submodules = split_git_response(['submodule', 'status'])
submodule_names = [fixer_re.sub('', submodule.split(' ')[2])
for submodule in submodules]
return [file for file in files if (file not in submodule_names)]
def get_porcelain_status():
""" Return the status of all files in the system. """
cmd = ['status', '-z', '--porcelain',
'--untracked-files=all', '--ignore-submodules=all']
stream = [entry for entry in get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00')
if len(entry) > 0]
def parse_stream(acc, stream):
"""Parse the list of files. T
The list is null-terminated, but is not columnar. If
there's an 'R' in the index state, it means the file was
renamed and the old name is added as a column, so it's a
special case as we accumulate the list of files.
if len(stream) == 0:
return acc
entry = stream.pop(0)
(index, workspace, filename) = (entry[0], entry[1], entry[3:])
if index == 'R':
return parse_stream(acc + [(index, workspace, filename)], stream)
return check_for_conflicts(parse_stream([], stream))
def staging_list():
""" Return the list of files added or modified to the stage """
return [filename for (index, workspace, filename) in get_porcelain_status()
if index in ['A', 'M']]
def working_list():
""" Return the list of files that have been modified in the workspace.
Includes the '?' to include files that git is not currently tracking.
return [filename for (index, workspace, filename) in get_porcelain_status()
if workspace in ['A', 'M', '?']]
def all_list():
""" Return all the files git is currently tracking for this repository. """
cmd = ['ls-tree', '--name-only', '--full-tree', '-r', '-z', git_head]
return [file for file in get_git_response(cmd).split(u'\x00')
if len(file) > 0]
if len(extras):
cwd = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
extras_fullpathed = set([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, f)) for f in extras])
not_found = set([f for f in extras_fullpathed if not os.path.isfile(f)])
return ([os.path.relpath(f, cwd) for f in (extras_fullpathed - not_found)], not_found)
working_directory_trans = cwd_file_filter
if 'base' in options or 'every' in options:
working_directory_trans = base_file_filter
file_list_generator = working_list
if 'all' in options:
file_list_generator = all_list
if 'staging' in options:
file_list_generator = staging_list
return (working_directory_trans(remove_submodules(file_list_generator())), [])
# ___ _ _
# / __| |_ __ _ __ _(_)_ _ __ _ __ __ ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ _
# \__ \ _/ _` / _` | | ' \/ _` | \ V V / '_/ _` | '_ \ '_ \/ -_) '_|
# |___/\__\__,_\__, |_|_||_\__, | \_/\_/|_| \__,_| .__/ .__/\___|_|
# |___/ |___/ |_| |_|
class Runner:
def __init__(self, options):
self.runner = ('staging' in options and Runner.staging_wrapper) or Runner.workspace_wrapper
def __call__(self, run_linters, filenames):
return self.runner(run_linters, filenames)
def staging_wrapper(run_linters, filenames):
def time_gather(f):
stats = os.stat(f)
return (f, (stats.st_atime, stats.st_mtime))
times = [time_gather(file) for file in filenames]
run_git_command(['stash', '--keep-index'])
results = run_linters()
run_git_command(['reset', '--hard'])
run_git_command(['stash', 'pop', '--quiet', '--index'])
for (filename, timepair) in times:
os.utime(filename, timepair)
return results
def workspace_wrapper(run_linters, filenames):
return run_linters()
# ___ _ _ _
# | _ \_ _ _ _ | (_)_ _| |_ _ __ __ _ ______
# | / || | ' \ | | | ' \ _| | '_ \/ _` (_-<_-<
# |_|_\\_,_|_||_| |_|_|_||_\__| | .__/\__,_/__/__/
# |_|
class Linters:
def __init__(self, linters, filenames):
self.linters = linters
self.filenames = filenames
def encode_shell_messages(prefix, messages):
return ['{}{}'.format(prefix, line)
for line in messages.splitlines()]
def run_external_linter(filename, linter, linter_name):
"""Run one linter against one file.
If the result matches the error condition specified in the configuration file,
return the error code and messages, either return nothing.
cmd = linter['command'] + ' "' + filename + '"'
(out, err, returncode) = get_shell_response(cmd)
failed = ((out and (linter.get('condition', 'error') == 'output')) or err or (not (returncode == 0)))
trimmed_filename = filename.replace(git_base + '/', '', 1)
if not failed:
return (trimmed_filename, linter_name, 0, [])
prefix = (((linter.get('print', 'false').strip().lower() != 'true') and ' ') or
' {}: '.format(trimmed_filename))
output = (Linters.encode_shell_messages(prefix, out) +
((err and Linters.encode_shell_messages(prefix, err)) or []))
return (trimmed_filename, linter_name, (returncode or 1), output)
def run_one_linter(linter, filenames):
""" Runs one linter against a set of files
Creates a match filter for the linter, extract the files to be
linted, and runs the linter against each file, returning the
result as a list of successes and failures. Failures have a
return code and the output of the lint process.
match_filter = MatchFilter([linter])
files = set([filename for filename in filenames if match_filter(filename)])
return [Linters.run_external_linter(filename, linter.linter, for filename in files]
def __call__(self):
""" Returns a function to run a set of linters against a set of filenames
This returns a function because it's going to be wrapped in a
runner to better handle stashing and restoring a staged commit.
return reduce(operator.add,
[Linters.run_one_linter(linter, self.filenames) for linter in self.linters], [])
def dryrun(self):
def dryrunonefile(filename, linter):
trimmed_filename = filename.replace(git_base + '/', '', 1)
return (trimmed_filename,, 0, [' {}'.format(trimmed_filename)])
def dryrunonce(linter, filenames):
match_filter = MatchFilter([linter])
files_to_check = [filename for filename in filenames if match_filter(filename)]
return [dryrunonefile(filename, linter) for filename in files_to_check]
return reduce(operator.add, [dryrunonce(linter, self.filenames) for linter in self.linters], [])
def run_linters(options, config, extras):
def build_config_subset(keys):
""" Returns a subset of the configuration, with only those linters mentioned in keys """
return [item for item in config if in keys]
""" Runs the requested linters """
all_filenames, unfindable_filenames = get_filelist(options, extras)
is_lintable = MatchFilter(config)
lintable_filenames = set([filename for filename in all_filenames
if is_lintable(filename)])
unlintable_filenames = set(all_filenames) - lintable_filenames
working_linter_names, broken_linter_names = get_linter_status(config)
cant_lint_filter = MatchFilter(build_config_subset(
cant_lint_filenames = [filename for filename in lintable_filenames
if cant_lint_filter(filename)]
runner = Runner(options)
linters = Linters(build_config_subset(working_linter_names),
if 'dryrun' in options:
dryrun_results = linters.dryrun()
return (dryrun_results, unlintable_filenames, cant_lint_filenames,
broken_linter_names, unfindable_filenames)
results = runner(linters, lintable_filenames)
return (results, unlintable_filenames, cant_lint_filenames,
broken_linter_names, unfindable_filenames)