/* * grunt-couchapp https://github.com/elf/grunt-couchapp * * Copyright (c) 2012 Ken "Elf" Mathieu Sternberg * Licensed under the MIT license. */ var path, couchapp, nanolib, urls; path = require('path'); couchapp = require('couchapp'); urls = require('url'); var genDB = function(db) { var parts, dbname, auth; parts = urls.parse(db); dbname = parts.pathname.replace(/^\//, ''); auth = parts.auth ? (parts.auth + '@') : ''; return { name: dbname, url: parts.protocol + '//' + auth + parts.host }; }; var genDB = function(db) { var parts, dbname, auth; parts = urls.parse(db); dbname = parts.pathname.replace(/^\//, ''); auth = parts.auth ? (parts.auth + '@') : ''; return { name: dbname, url: parts.protocol + '//' + auth + parts.host }; }; module.exports = function(grunt) { // ========================================================================== // TASKS // ========================================================================== grunt.registerMultiTask("couchapp", "Install Couchapp", function() { var appobj, done; done = this.async(); appobj = require(path.join(process.cwd(), path.normalize(this.data.app))); return couchapp.createApp(appobj, this.data.db, function(app) { return app.push(done); }); }); grunt.registerMultiTask("rmcouchdb", "Delete a Couch Database", function() { var done, parts, nano, dbname, _this, db; _this = this; done = this.async(); db = genDB(this.data.db); try { nano = require('nano')(db.url); if (db.name) { nano.db.destroy(db.name, function(err) { if (err) { if (err.status_code && err.status_code === 404) { if (_this.data.options && _this.data.options.okay_if_missing) { grunt.log.writeln("Database " + db.name + " not present... skipping."); return done(null, null) ; } else { grunt.warn("Database " + db.name + " does not exist."); } } else { grunt.warn(err); } } return done(err, null); }); } else { grunt.log.writeln("No database specified... skipping."); return done(null, null); } } catch (e) { grunt.warn(e); done(e, null); } }); grunt.registerMultiTask("mkcouchdb", "Make a Couch Database", function() { var done, parts, nano, dbname, _this, db; _this = this; done = this.async(); parts = urls.parse(this.data.db); db = genDB(this.data.db); try { if (db.name) { nano = require('nano')(db.url); nano.db.create(db.name, function(err, res) { if (err) { if (_this.data.options && _this.data.options.okay_if_exists) { grunt.log.writeln("Database " + db.name + " exists, skipping"); return done(null, null); } else { grunt.warn("Database " + db.name + " exists, aborting."); return done(err, null); } } else { grunt.log.writeln("Database " + db.name + " created."); return done(null, null); } }); } else { var err_msg = "No database specified to create!"; grunt.warn(err_msg); return done(new Error(err_msg), null); } } catch (e) { grunt.warn(e); done(e, null); } }); };