41 lines
1.3 KiB
41 lines
1.3 KiB
# grunt-ruby-haml
# Copyright (c) 2013 Elf M. Sternberg
# Licensed under the MIT license.
_ = require 'underscore'
module.exports = (grunt) ->
hamlize = (src, destPath, options, done) ->
args =
cmd: "haml"
args: [ "--unix-newlines", "--no-escape-attrs", "--double-quote-attributes", src ]
grunt.util.spawn args, (err, result) ->
[ext, result] = if options.templatize
[".js", "define(function() { return " + _.template(result.stdout).source + "});"]
["html", result.stdout]
dest = destPath
destPath = (if dest then dest else path.dirname(src))
if destPath.indexOf(ext, destPath.length - ext.length) == -1
dest = path.join(destPath, path.basename(src, ".haml") + ext)
grunt.file.write dest, result
grunt.registerMultiTask "rubyHaml", "Compile HAML with Ruby", ->
options = @options({templatize: false})
done = @async()
sources = _.flatten(([i, file.dest] for i in file.src for file in @files when file.src.length > 0), true)
return done() if sources.length is 0
grunt.util.async.forEachSeries sources, ((path, cb) ->
hamlize path[0], path[1], options, cb
), done