vectorp = (a) -> == '[object Array]' listp = (a) -> vectorp(a) and a.__list == true recordp = (a) -> == '[object Object]' cons = (a, b = nil) -> # Supporting an identity l = if not (a?) then [] else if (nilp a) then b else [a, b] l.__list = true l nil = cons() car = (a) -> a[0] cdr = (a) -> a[1] nilp = (a) -> listp(a) and a.length == 0 vectorToList = (v, p) -> p = if p? then p else 0 if p >= v.length then return nil # Annoying, but since lists are represented as nested arrays, they # have to be intercepted first. The use of duck-typing here is # frustrating, but I suppose the eventual runtime will be doing # something like this anyway for base types. item = if listp(v[p]) then v[p] else if vectorp(v[p]) then vectorToList(v[p]) else v[p] cons(item, vectorToList(v, p + 1)) list = (v...) -> vectorToList v listToVector = (l, v = []) -> return v if nilp l v.push if listp (car l) then listToVector(car l) else (car l) listToVector (cdr l), v # This is the simplified version. It can't be used stock with reader, # because read() returns a rich version decorated with extra # information. listToString = (l) -> return "" if nilp l if listp (car l) "(" + (listToString(car l)).replace(/\ *$/, "") + ") " + listToString(cdr l) else p = if typeof (car l) == 'string' then '"' else '' p + (car l).toString() + p + ' ' + listToString(cdr l) module.exports = cons: cons nil: nil car: car cdr: cdr list: list nilp: nilp listp: listp vectorp: vectorp recordp: recordp vectorToList: vectorToList listToVector: listToVector listToString: listToString cadr: (l) -> car (cdr l) cddr: (l) -> cdr (cdr l) cdar: (l) -> cdr (car l) caddr: (l) -> car (cdr (cdr l)) cdddr: (l) -> cdr (cdr (cdr l)) cadar: (l) -> car (cdr (car l)) cddar: (l) -> cdr (cdr (car l)) caadr: (l) -> car (car (cdr l)) cdadr: (l) -> cdr (car (cdr l))