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2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(def *version* "0.0.1")
(require hy.contrib.anaphoric)
(import eyeD3 os re sys getopt string
[collections [defaultdict]]
[django.utils.encoding [smart_str]])
(def optlist [["g" "genre" true "Set the genre"]
["a" "album" true "Set the album"]
["r" "artist" true "Set the artist"]
["n" "usedir" false "Use the directory as the album name, even if it's set in ID3"]
["t" "usefilename" false "Use the filename as the title, even if it's set in ID3"]
["h" "help" false "This help message"]
["v" "version" false "Version information"]])
(defn print-version []
(print (.format "mp_suggest (hy version {})" *version*))
(sys.exit 0))
(defn find-opt-reducer [acc it]
(let [[(, o a) it]
[optmap (ap-reduce (do (assoc acc (+ "-" (. it [0])) (. it [1])) acc) optlist {})]]
(if (.has_key optmap o) (let [[full (car (get optmap o))]
[hasargs (car (cdr (get optmap o)))]]
(assoc acc full (if hasargs a true))))
(defn artist-album []
(let [[aa (.split (. (.split (.getcwd os) "/") [-1]) " - ")]
[sp (fn [i] (.strip i))]]
(if (= (len aa) 1)
(, "VA" (get aa 0))
(, (sp (get aa 0)) (sp (get aa 1))))))
(defn title-strategy [orig]
(->> (.strip orig)
(.sub re "\.[Mm][Pp]3$" "")
(.sub re "_" " ")
(.sub re "^.* - " "")
(.sub re "^[\d\. ]+" "")
(.sub re ".* \d{2} " "")))
(defn derive-tags [mp3s]
(defn derive-tag [pos mp3]
(let [[tag (.Tag eyeD3)]]
( mp3)
(, mp3 (str (.getArtist tag)) (str (.getAlbum tag))
(str (.getGenre tag)) (str (.getTitle tag)) pos))
(catch [err]
(, mp3 "" "" "" ""))))
(ap-map (apply derive-tag it) mp3s))
(defn print-help []
(print "Usage:")
(ap-each optlist (print (.format " -{} --{} {}" (get it 0) (get it 1) (get it 3))))
(sys.exit 0))
(defn clean-paren [s]
(if (not (= (.find s "(") -1))
(.sub re "\(.*?\)" "" s)
(defn is-ascii [s]
(= (.decode (.encode s "ascii" "ignore") "ascii") s))
(defn ascii-or-nothing [s]
(if (is-ascii s) s ""))
(defn find-likely [l]
(let [[cts
(map (fn [i] (, (get i 1) (get i 0)))
(do (assoc acc it (+ 1 (get acc it))) acc) l (defaultdict int))))
(if (= (len cts) 0)
(get (get cts 0) 1))))
(defn sfix [s]
(let [[seq (.split (.strip s))]]
(smart_str (string.join (ap-map (.capitalize it) seq) " "))))
(defn suggest [opts]
(let [[mp3s
(->> (os.listdir ".")
(ap-filter (and (> (len it) 4) (= (slice (.lower it) -4) ".mp3")))
[(, loc_artist loc_album) (artist-album)]
(if (.has_key opts "genre")
(get opts "genre")
(clean-paren (find-likely (map (fn [m] (get m 3)) mp3s))))]
(map (fn [m] (get m 2)) mp3s)))]
[(.has_key opts "album") (get opts "album")]
[(not (= "" pos_album)) pos_album]
[true (sfix loc_album)])]
(if (.has_key opts "artist")
(get opts "artist")
(sfix loc_artist))]]
(print genre album artist)))
(defmain [&rest args]
(let [[optstringsshort
(string.join (ap-map (. it [0]) optlist) ":")]
(list (ap-map (+ (. it [1]) (cond [(. it [2]) "="] [true ""])) optlist))]
[(, opt arg)
(getopt.getopt (slice args 1) optstringsshort optstringslong)]
(ap-reduce (find-opt-reducer acc it) opt {})]]
(cond [(.has_key options "h") (print-help)]
[(.has_key options "v") (print-version)]
[true (suggest options)]))))