\documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{babel} \IfFileExists{fancyhdr.sty}{ \usepackage[fancyhdr,pdf]{latex2man} }{ \IfFileExists{fancyheadings.sty}{ \usepackage[fancy,pdf]{latex2man} }{ \usepackage[nofancy,pdf]{latex2man} \message{no fancyhdr or fancyheadings package present, discard it} }} \setVersionWord{Version:} \setVersion{0.1a} \begin{document} \begin{Name}{1}{mp\_suggest}{Elf M. Sternberg}{Utilities}{mp\_suggest \\--\\ MP3 Encoding Suggestions} \Prog{mp\_suggest} is a tool to compare your existing MP3 files to their ID3 entries and suggest possible new entries. \end{Name} \section{Synopsis} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Prog{mp\_suggest} \OptArg{-g --genre}{Set the genre externally} \OptArg{-p --artist}{Set the artist externally} \OptArg{-a --album}{Set the album externally} \Opt{-n --usedir}{Use the album name found in the directory} \Opt{-n --usefilename}{Use the fine name to set the title} \Opt{-h --help}{This help message} \Opt{-v --version}{Version information} \section{Description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Prog{mp\_suggest} works on a directory of MP3 files and attempts to determine the album name, artist name, genre, title, and album order from various clue: the content of ID3 files, the sort order, and the name of the directory. It assumes that your MP3 filenames vaguely resemble the names of the songs, that they're organized with track number prefixes, and ideally that the directory is in ``Artist Name - Album Name'' format. It then generates a shell script suitable to piping into bash to change the details of all the MP3 files to match your specifications. The commands can be tweaked, and all of them override the techniques \Prog{mp\_suggest} uses to derive information. \section{Requirements} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{description}\setlength{\itemsep}{1cm} \item[Hy] \Prog{mp\_suggest} requires Hy version $>=$ 0.10.0, as well as a local install of bothe eyeD3 and django. I'll try to get these fixed eventually. \end{description} \section{Version} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Version: 0.0.1 of December 6, 2014 \section{License and Copyright} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{description} \item[Copyright] \copyright\ 2001, Elf M. Sternberg \\ \Email{elf.sternberg@gmail.com} \\ \URL{http://elfsternberg.com} \item[License] This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING or visit \URL{http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html} for terms of use and distribution. \item[Misc] If you find this software useful, please drop me some email \end{description} \section{Author} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \noindent Elf M. Sternberg \\ Email: \Email{elf.sternberg@gmail.com} \\ WWW: \URL{http://elfsternberg.com}. \LatexManEnd \end{document}