mod errors; // mod reference_parser; mod store; mod store_private; mod structs; pub use crate::errors::NoteStoreError; pub use crate::store::NoteStore; pub use crate::structs::{RawZettle}; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use chrono; use tokio; async fn fresh_inmemory_database() -> NoteStore { let storagepool = NoteStore::new("sqlite://:memory:").await; assert!(storagepool.is_ok(), "{:?}", storagepool); let storagepool = storagepool.unwrap(); let reset = storagepool.reset_database().await; assert!(reset.is_ok(), "{:?}", reset); storagepool } // Request for the page by slug. If the page exists, return it. // If the page doesn't, return NotFound // #[tokio::test(threaded_scheduler)] async fn fetching_unfound_page_by_slug_works() { let storagepool = fresh_inmemory_database().await; let foundkasten = storagepool.get_kasten_by_slug("nonexistent-kasten").await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(foundkasten.len(), 0, "{:?}", foundkasten); } // Request for the page by title. If the page exists, return it. // If the page doesn't exist, create it then return it anyway. // There should be at least one note, the root note. #[tokio::test(threaded_scheduler)] async fn fetching_unfound_page_by_title_works() { let title = "Nonexistent Page"; let now = chrono::Utc::now(); let storagepool = fresh_inmemory_database().await; let newpageresult = storagepool.get_kasten_by_title(&title).await; assert!(newpageresult.is_ok(), "{:?}", newpageresult); let newpage = newpageresult.unwrap(); assert_eq!(newpage.content, title, "{:?}", newpage.content); assert_eq!(, "nonexistent-page"); assert_eq!(newpage.children.len(), 0); assert_eq!(newpage.kind, "page"); assert!((newpage.creation_date - now).num_minutes() < 1); assert!((newpage.updated_date - now).num_minutes() < 1); assert!((newpage.lastview_date - now).num_minutes() < 1); assert!(newpage.deleted_date.is_none()); } // // fn make_new_note(content: &str) -> structs::NewNote { // structs::NewNoteBuilder::default() // .content(content.to_string()) // .build() // .unwrap() // } // // #[tokio::test(threaded_scheduler)] // async fn can_nest_notes() { // let title = "Nonexistent Page"; // let storagepool = fresh_inmemory_database().await; // let newpageresult = storagepool.get_page_by_title(&title).await; // let newpage = newpageresult.unwrap(); // // let root = &newnotes[0]; // // let note1 = make_new_note("1"); // let note1_uuid = storagepool.insert_nested_note(¬e1, &root.uuid, 0).await; // assert!(note1_uuid.is_ok(), "{:?}", note1_uuid); // let note1_uuid = note1_uuid.unwrap(); // // let note2 = make_new_note("2"); // let note2_uuid = storagepool.insert_nested_note(¬e2, &root.uuid, 0).await; // assert!(note2_uuid.is_ok(), "{:?}", note2_uuid); // let note2_uuid = note2_uuid.unwrap(); // // let note3 = make_new_note("3"); // let note3_uuid = storagepool.insert_nested_note(¬e3, ¬e1_uuid, 0).await; // assert!(note3_uuid.is_ok(), "{:?}", note3_uuid); // let _note3_uuid = note3_uuid.unwrap(); // // let note4 = make_new_note("4"); // let note4_uuid = storagepool.insert_nested_note(¬e4, ¬e2_uuid, 0).await; // assert!(note4_uuid.is_ok(), "{:?}", note4_uuid); // let _note4_uuid = note4_uuid.unwrap(); // // let newpageresult = storagepool.get_page_by_title(&title).await; // let (newpage, newnotes) = newpageresult.unwrap(); // // assert_eq!(newpage.title, title, "{:?}", newpage.title); // assert_eq!(newpage.slug, "nonexistent-page"); // // assert_eq!(newnotes.len(), 5); // assert_eq!(newnotes[0].notetype, "root"); // assert_eq!(newpage.note_id, newnotes[0].id); // } }