#!/usr/local/bin/hy (import psycopg2 psycopg2.extras datetime [flask [Flask jsonify send-from-directory]]) (def app (Flask __name__)) (defn connect [] (psycopg2.connect "host='localhost' dbname='officehours' user='officehours' password='eatabug'")) (defn tap [a] (print (str a)) a) (defn select [curs cmd &rest args] (.execute curs cmd (list args)) (.fetchall curs)) (defn during-to-utc [d] (let [[ud (.isoformat (getattr (get d 0) "upper"))] [ld (.isoformat (getattr (get d 0) "lower"))]] (, ld ud))) ; This is purely for demonstration purposes. (with-decorator (.route app "/") (defn home [] (send-from-directory "static" "index.html"))) (with-decorator (.route app "/oh/hours/") (print start) (jsonify { start: start })) ;(with-decorator ; (.route app "/") ; (defn hello [] ; (let [[conn (connect)] ; [curs (.cursor conn)] ; [week (psycopg2.extras.DateTimeRange (datetime.datetime 2015 1 31 0 0) ; (datetime.datetime 2015 2 7 23 59))] ; [cmd1 (+ "SELECT during FROM staff_appointments WHERE staff_id IN " ; "(SELECT staff_id FROM staff_client_relationships " ; "WHERE client_id = %s) AND during && %s")] ; [appointments (select curs cmd1 3 week)] ; [cmd2 (+ "SELECT during, appointment_id, client_id FROM staff_appointments " ; "WHERE client_id = %s AND during && %s")] ; [client_appointments (select curs cmd2 3 week)] ; [cmd3 (+ "SELECT during FROM officehours WHERE staff_id IN " ; "(SELECT staff_id FROM staff_client_relationships " ; "WHERE client_id = %s) AND during && %s")] ; [officehours (select curs cmd3 3 week)]] ; (jsonify { "appointments" (list (map during-to-utc appointments)) ; "officehours" (list (map during-to-utc officehours)) })))) (if (= __name__ "__main__") (do (setv app.debug True) (.run app)))