# officehours A small experiment with Flask/Hy/Postgres. Doesn't do much yet. ## Initialization Start with initializing the virtual environment and Postgres \# From the project directory: $ virtualenv venv $ . ./venv/bin/activate $ pip install hy psycopg2 flask $ sudo -u postgres psql postgres \> CREATE DATABASE officehours; \> CREATE USER officehours; \> ALTER USER officehours WITH UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD ''; \> ALTER USER officehours LOGIN; \> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE officehours TO officehours; \> \\CONNECT officehours; \> CREATE EXTENSION citext; \> CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist; \> CREATE EXTENSION plv8; \> ^d Current functionality is demonstrated with: $ psql -h localhost -U officehours -d officehours -f officehours.sql $ hy play.hy