-- Users known by the application. "Nickname" is a misnomer. Nom de -- user was too pretentious. It's how the customer wishes to be -- addressed, but "address" would be confusing. -- requires extensions citex, btree_gist --DROP VIEW IF EXISTS staff_members; --DROP VIEW IF EXISTS client_members; --DROP VIEW IF EXISTS usernames; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS staff_appointments; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS appointments; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS officehours; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS staff_client_relationships; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS relationship; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS staff_members; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS staff; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS client_members; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS clients; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS usernames; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users CASCADE; -- DROP VIEW IF EXISTS relationships; CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, email CITEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, nickname TEXT NOT NULL ); -- Users who are currently staff CREATE TABLE staff ( staff_id INTEGER UNIQUE REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, active BOOLEAN ); -- Users who are currently clients CREATE TABLE clients ( client_id INTEGER UNIQUE REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, active BOOLEAN ); -- This is interesting, because we've basically created a M:1 -- relationship of staff and clients, but a 1:1 relationship of -- clients to staff. That satisfies the current assignment, mostly. -- An appointment can then be made my a client, and there's only one -- staff person who it could apply to, so the query is straightforward -- then. -- -- If we wanted a client to have more than one coach, we'd have to -- remove the UNIQUE constraint and let there be more than one -- client-staff relationships. CREATE TABLE relationship ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, client_id INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, staff_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES staff(staff_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); -- Staff members may create office hours, but to prevent confusion we -- should not allow a single staff-member's officehour entries to -- overlap. The && is the "overlaps" (has points in common) operator -- for ranges. CREATE TABLE officehours ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, staff_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES staff(staff_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, during TSRANGE, EXCLUDE USING gist (staff_id WITH =, during WITH &&) ); -- This one is tricky. We're basically saying that the client has an -- appointment, and that's all we care about. BUT the INSERT must -- find the staff member with whom this client has a relationship, and -- assert that the staff member has office hours at that time, and -- that no other client off that staff member has already chosen an -- overlapping appointment. CREATE TABLE appointments ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, during TSRANGE, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE VIEW usernames AS SELECT id, nickname FROM users; CREATE VIEW staff_members AS (SELECT users.nickname AS staff_name, users.id AS staff_id FROM users WHERE users.id IN (SELECT staff_id FROM staff WHERE active=true)); CREATE VIEW client_members AS (SELECT users.nickname AS client_name, users.id AS client_id FROM users WHERE users.id IN (SELECT client_id FROM clients WHERE active=true)); CREATE VIEW staff_client_relationships AS (SELECT staff_name, staff_members.staff_id AS staff_id, client_name, client_members.client_id AS client_id FROM relationship INNER JOIN staff_members ON relationship.staff_id = staff_members.staff_id INNER JOIN client_members ON relationship.client_id = client_members.client_id); CREATE VIEW staff_appointments AS (SELECT staff_name, staff_client_relationships.staff_id AS staff_id, client_name, staff_client_relationships.client_id AS client_id, during FROM appointments INNER JOIN staff_client_relationships ON appointments.client_id = staff_client_relationships.client_id); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS add_appointment(INT, TSRANGE); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_appointment(q_client_id INT, q_timerange TSRANGE) RETURNS VOID as $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT officehours.id FROM officehours INNER JOIN relationship ON relationship.staff_id = officehours.staff_id WHERE relationship.client_id = q_client_id AND (q_timerange <@ officehours.during)) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'There are no office hours for your coach at that time.'; END IF; IF EXISTS (SELECT appointments.id FROM appointments WHERE client_id IN ( SELECT client_id FROM relationship WHERE staff_id IN ( SELECT staff_id FROM relationship WHERE client_id = q_client_id)) AND (q_timerange && appointments.during)) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'That appointment slot is already taken.'; INSERT INTO appointments (client_id, during) SELECT q_client_id, q_timerange; END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Some basic testing starts below: -- INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ('Alice', 'alice@example.com'); -- INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ('Bob', 'bob@example.com'); -- INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ('Carol', 'carol@example.com'); -- INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ('Doug', 'doug@example.com'); -- SELECT * from usernames; -- INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ('Ellen', 'ellen@example.com'); -- INSERT INTO users (nickname, email) VALUES ('Fred', 'fred@example.com'); -- SELECT * from usernames; -- INSERT INTO staff (staff_id) SELECT id from users where email IN ('alice@example.com', 'bob@example.com'); -- INSERT INTO clients (client_id) SELECT id from users where email NOT IN ('alice@example.com', 'bob@example.com'); -- UPDATE staff SET active = True; -- UPDATE clients SET active = True; -- INSERT INTO relationship (staff_id, client_id) VALUES (1, 3); -- INSERT INTO relationship (staff_id, client_id) VALUES (1, 4); -- INSERT INTO relationship (staff_id, client_id) VALUES (2, 5); -- INSERT INTO relationship (staff_id, client_id) VALUES (2, 6); -- Note the plural: -- WITH staff_members AS (SELECT users.nickname AS staff_name, users.id AS staff_id FROM users WHERE users.id IN (SELECT staff_id FROM staff WHERE active=true)) -- SELECT staff_name from staff_members; -- SELECT client_name from client_members; -- INSERT INTO officehours (staff_id, during) VALUES (1, '[2015-02-07 10:00, 2015-02-07 17:00)'); -- INSERT INTO officehours (staff_id, during) VALUES (2, '[2015-02-07 12:00, 2015-02-07 15:00)'); -- Insert an appointment with a client -- WHERE the client's staffer has those office hours (DOES OVERLAP) -- SELECT * FROM officehours INNER JOIN relationship -- ON relationship.staff_id = officehours.staff_id -- WHERE relationship.client_id = 3; -- SELECT add_appointment(3, '[2015-02-07 10:00, 2015-02-07 10:30)'); -- SELECT add_appointment(4, '[2015-02-07 10:30, 2015-02-07 11:00)'); -- SELECT add_appointment(5, '[2015-02-07 13:00, 2015-02-07 13:30)'); -- SELECT add_appointment(6, '[2015-02-07 13:30, 2015-02-07 14:00)'); -- INSERT INTO appointments (client_id, during) -- SELECT 3, '[2015-02-07 10:00, 2015-02-07 10:30)' -- WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM officehours INNER JOIN relationship -- ON relationship.staff_id = officehours.staff_id -- WHERE relationship.client_id = 3 -- AND (officehours.during && '[2015-02-07 10:00, 2015-02-07 10:30)')) -- AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * from appointments INNER JOIN -- -- SELECT * FROM officehours INNER JOIN relationship -- ON relationship.staff_id = officehours.staff_id -- WHERE relationship.client_id = 3 -- AND (officehours.during && '[2015-02-07 10:00, 2015-02-07 10:30)'); -- -- SELECT client_id, during FROM appointments WHERE client_id IN ( -- SELECT client_id FROM relationship WHERE staff_id IN ( -- SELECT staff_id FROM relationship WHERE client_id = 3)); --