/*global QUnit:false, module:false, test:false, asyncTest:false, expect:false*/ /*global start:false, stop:false ok:false, equal:false, notEqual:false, deepEqual:false*/ /*global notDeepEqual:false, strictEqual:false, notStrictEqual:false, raises:false*/ (function($) { /* ======== A Handy Little QUnit Reference ======== http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit Test methods: expect(numAssertions) stop(increment) start(decrement) Test assertions: ok(value, [message]) equal(actual, expected, [message]) notEqual(actual, expected, [message]) deepEqual(actual, expected, [message]) notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message]) strictEqual(actual, expected, [message]) notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message]) raises(block, [expected], [message]) */ module('jQuery#awesome', { setup: function() { this.elems = $('#qunit-fixture').children(); } }); test('is chainable', 1, function() { // Not a bad test to run on collection methods. strictEqual(this.elems.awesome(), this.elems, 'should be chaninable'); }); test('is awesome', 1, function() { strictEqual(this.elems.awesome().text(), 'awesomeawesomeawesome', 'should be thoroughly awesome'); }); module('jQuery.awesome'); test('is awesome', 1, function() { strictEqual($.awesome(), 'awesome', 'should be thoroughly awesome'); }); module(':awesome selector', { setup: function() { this.elems = $('#qunit-fixture').children(); } }); test('is awesome', 1, function() { // Use deepEqual & .get() when comparing jQuery objects. deepEqual(this.elems.filter(':awesome').get(), this.elems.last().get(), 'knows awesome when it sees it'); }); }(jQuery));