path = require("path") _und = require("underscore") async = require("async") fs = require("fs") coffee = require('coffee-script') HAML_TO_HTML = ['src/index.haml'] HAML_TO_JS = ['src/*_tmpl.haml'] LESS_TO_CSS = ['src/*.less'] COFFEE_TO_JS = ['src/*.coffee'] DIST = "./dist" module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-coffee" grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-recess" grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-requirejs" grunt.initConfig pkg: "" meta: banner: "/*! <%= pkg.title || %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - " + "<%=\"yyyy-mm-dd\") %>\n" + "<%= pkg.homepage ? \"* \" + pkg.homepage + \"\n\" : \"\" %>" + "* Copyright (c) <%=\"yyyy\") %> <%= %>;" + " Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, \"type\").join(\", \") %> */" qunit: files: [ "test/**/*.html" ] lint: files: [ "grunt.js", "src/**/*.js", "test/**/*.js" ] watch: files: "" tasks: "lint qunit" server: port: 8081 base: DIST haml: dev: src: HAML_TO_HTML dest: DIST hamltojs: dev: src: HAML_TO_JS dest: DIST coffee: dev: src: COFFEE_TO_JS dest: DIST options: bare: false recess: dev: src: LESS_TO_CSS dest: path.join(DIST, '/style.css') options: compile: true jshint: options: curly: true eqeqeq: true immed: true latedef: true newcap: true noarg: true sub: true undef: true boss: true eqnull: true browser: true globals: jQuery: true requirejs: dir: "dist-compiled" appDir: "dist" baseUrl: "." paths: jquery: "../assets/jquery/jquery-1.7.2" pragmas: doExclude: true modules: [ name: "priority" ] skipModuleInsertion: false optimizeAllPluginResources: true findNestedDependencies: true install: src: [ "assets/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.js" "assets/require.js" "assets/lawnchair/lawnchair.js" "assets/jquery/bootstrap-modal.js" "assets/images/*.png" ] dest: "dist" mocha: src: [ "test/*" ] uglify: {} grunt.registerTask "default", "coffee:dev recess:dev haml:dev hamltojs:dev install" # _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _____ __ __ _ # | || | /_\ | \/ | | | |_ ___ | || |_ _| \/ | | # | __ |/ _ \| |\/| | |__ | _/ _ \ | __ | | | | |\/| | |__ # |_||_/_/ \_\_| |_|____| \__\___/ |_||_| |_| |_| |_|____| # grunt.registerHelper "haml", (src, dest, done) -> args = cmd: "haml" args: [ "--unix-newlines", "--no-escape-attrs", "--double-quote-attributes", src ] grunt.utils.spawn args, (err, result) -> console.log err if err out = path.basename(src, ".haml") grunt.file.write path.join(dest, out + ".html"), result.stdout done() grunt.registerMultiTask "haml", "Compile HAML", -> done = @async() sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src) dest = this.file.dest async.forEachSeries sources, ((path, cb) -> grunt.helper "haml", path, dest, cb ), done # _ _ _____ __ __ _ _ _ ___ # | || |_ _| \/ | | | |_ ___ _ | / __| # | __ | | | | |\/| | |__ | _/ _ \ | || \__ \ # |_||_| |_| |_| |_|____| \__\___/ \__/|___/ # grunt.registerHelper "templatize", (src, dest, done) -> file = out = path.basename(src, ".html") grunt.file.write path.join(dest, out + ".js"), "define(function() { return " + _und.template(result.stdout).source + "});" done() grunt.registerMultiTask "templatize", "Compile Underscored HTML to Javascript", -> done = @async() sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src) dest = this.file.dest return done() if sources.length is 0 async.forEachSeries sources, ((path, cb) -> grunt.helper "templatize", path, dest, cb ), done # _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ___ # | || | /_\ | \/ | | | |_ ___ _ | / __| # | __ |/ _ \| |\/| | |__ | _/ _ \ | || \__ \ # |_||_/_/ \_\_| |_|____| \__\___/ \__/|___/ # grunt.registerHelper "hamltojs", (src, dest, done) -> args = cmd: "haml" args: [ "--unix-newlines", "--no-escape-attrs", "--double-quote-attributes", src ] grunt.utils.spawn args, (err, result) -> console.log err if err out = path.basename(src, ".haml") grunt.file.write path.join(dest, out + ".js"), "define(function() { return " + _und.template(result.stdout).source + "});" done() grunt.registerMultiTask "hamltojs", "Compile Underscored HAML to Javascript", -> done = @async() sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src) dest = this.file.dest return done() if sources.length is 0 async.forEachSeries sources, ((path, cb) -> grunt.helper "hamltojs", path, dest, cb ), done # ___ # / __|___ _ __ _ _ # | (__/ _ \ '_ \ || | # \___\___/ .__/\_, | # |_| |__/ grunt.registerHelper "install", (src, dest, done) -> grunt.file.copy src, path.join(dest, path.basename(src)) done() if done grunt.registerTask "install", -> sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(grunt.config([ @name, "src" ])) dest = grunt.config([ @name, "dest" ]) sources.forEach (path) -> grunt.helper "install", path, dest, null # __ __ _ _____ _ # | \/ |___ __| |_ __ _ |_ _|__ __| |_ ___ # | |\/| / _ \/ _| ' \/ _` | | |/ -_|_-< _(_-< # |_| |_\___/\__|_||_\__,_| |_|\___/__/\__/__/ # grunt.registerHelper "mocha", (command, test, done) -> args = cmd: "mocha" args: [ "--compilers", "coffee:coffee-script", "-R", "xunit", "-C", test ] grunt.utils.spawn args, (err, result) -> if err console.log err.stderr done() return fs.appendFileSync "tmp/results.xml", result.stdout done() grunt.registerTask "mocha", "Run Mocha Tests", -> done = @async() task = @name sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(grunt.config([ @name, "src" ])) dest = grunt.config([ @name, "dest" ]) sources.sort() grunt.file.mkdir "tmp" fs.writeFileSync "tmp/results.xml", "" async.forEachSeries sources, ((path, cb) -> grunt.helper "mocha", grunt.config([ task, "cmd" ]), path, cb ), done # ___ _ ___ __ __ # / __|_ _ _ _ _ _| |_ / __|___ / _|/ _|___ ___ # | (_ | '_| || | ' \ _| (__/ _ \ _| _/ -_) -_) # \___|_| \_,_|_||_\__|\___\___/_| |_| \___\___| # grunt.registerTask "gruntjs", "convert to grunt.js", -> jFileName = path.join __dirname, "grunt.js" cFileName = path.join __dirname, "" jStat = fs.statSync jFileName cStat = fs.statSync cFileName jmTime = jStat.mtime cmTime = cStat.mtime if cmTime < jmTime grunt.verbose.writeln "grunt.js newer than, skipping compile" return cSource = fs.readFileSync cFileName, "utf-8" try jSource = coffee.compile cSource, bare: true catch e e fs.writeFileSync jFileName, jSource, "utf-8" grunt.log.writeln "compiled #{cFileName} to #{jFileName}"