262 lines
7.3 KiB
262 lines
7.3 KiB
var COFFEE_TO_JS, DIST, HAML_TO_HTML, HAML_TO_JS, LESS_TO_CSS, async, coffee, fs, path, _und;
path = require("path");
_und = require("underscore");
async = require("async");
fs = require("fs");
coffee = require('coffee-script');
HAML_TO_HTML = ['src/index.haml'];
HAML_TO_JS = ['src/*_tmpl.haml'];
LESS_TO_CSS = ['src/*.less'];
COFFEE_TO_JS = ['src/*.coffee'];
DIST = "./dist";
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: "<json:PriorityIgnore.json>",
meta: {
banner: "/*! <%= pkg.title || pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - " + "<%= grunt.template.today(\"yyyy-mm-dd\") %>\n" + "<%= pkg.homepage ? \"* \" + pkg.homepage + \"\n\" : \"\" %>" + "* Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today(\"yyyy\") %> <%= pkg.author.name %>;" + " Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, \"type\").join(\", \") %> */"
qunit: {
files: ["test/**/*.html"]
lint: {
files: ["grunt.js", "src/**/*.js", "test/**/*.js"]
watch: {
files: "<config:lint.files>",
tasks: "lint qunit"
server: {
port: 8081,
base: DIST
haml: {
dev: {
dest: DIST
hamltojs: {
dev: {
src: HAML_TO_JS,
dest: DIST
coffee: {
dev: {
dest: DIST,
options: {
bare: false
recess: {
dev: {
dest: path.join(DIST, '/style.css'),
options: {
compile: true
jshint: {
options: {
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
sub: true,
undef: true,
boss: true,
eqnull: true,
browser: true
globals: {
jQuery: true
requirejs: {
dir: "dist-compiled",
appDir: "dist",
baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
jquery: "../assets/jquery/jquery-1.7.2"
pragmas: {
doExclude: true
modules: [
name: "priority"
skipModuleInsertion: false,
optimizeAllPluginResources: true,
findNestedDependencies: true
install: {
src: ["assets/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.js", "assets/require.js", "assets/lawnchair/lawnchair.js", "assets/images/*.png"],
dest: "dist"
mocha: {
src: ["test/*_mocha.coffee"]
uglify: {}
grunt.registerTask("default", "coffee:dev recess:dev haml:dev hamltojs:dev install");
grunt.registerHelper("haml", function(src, dest, done) {
var args;
args = {
cmd: "haml",
args: ["--unix-newlines", "--no-escape-attrs", "--double-quote-attributes", src]
return grunt.utils.spawn(args, function(err, result) {
var out;
if (err) {
out = path.basename(src, ".haml");
grunt.file.write(path.join(dest, out + ".html"), result.stdout);
return done();
grunt.registerMultiTask("haml", "Compile HAML", function() {
var dest, done, sources;
done = this.async();
sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src);
dest = this.file.dest;
return async.forEachSeries(sources, (function(path, cb) {
return grunt.helper("haml", path, dest, cb);
}), done);
grunt.registerHelper("templatize", function(src, dest, done) {
var file, out;
file = grunt.file.read(src);
out = path.basename(src, ".html");
grunt.file.write(path.join(dest, out + ".js"), "define(function() { return " + _und.template(result.stdout).source + "});");
return done();
grunt.registerMultiTask("templatize", "Compile Underscored HTML to Javascript", function() {
var dest, done, sources;
done = this.async();
sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src);
dest = this.file.dest;
if (sources.length === 0) {
return done();
return async.forEachSeries(sources, (function(path, cb) {
return grunt.helper("templatize", path, dest, cb);
}), done);
grunt.registerHelper("hamltojs", function(src, dest, done) {
var args;
args = {
cmd: "haml",
args: ["--unix-newlines", "--no-escape-attrs", "--double-quote-attributes", src]
return grunt.utils.spawn(args, function(err, result) {
var out;
if (err) {
out = path.basename(src, ".haml");
grunt.file.write(path.join(dest, out + ".js"), "define(function() { return " + _und.template(result.stdout).source + "});");
return done();
grunt.registerMultiTask("hamltojs", "Compile Underscored HAML to Javascript", function() {
var dest, done, sources;
done = this.async();
sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src);
dest = this.file.dest;
if (sources.length === 0) {
return done();
return async.forEachSeries(sources, (function(path, cb) {
return grunt.helper("hamltojs", path, dest, cb);
}), done);
grunt.registerHelper("install", function(src, dest, done) {
grunt.file.copy(src, path.join(dest, path.basename(src)));
if (done) {
return done();
grunt.registerTask("install", function() {
var dest, sources;
sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(grunt.config([this.name, "src"]));
dest = grunt.config([this.name, "dest"]);
return sources.forEach(function(path) {
return grunt.helper("install", path, dest, null);
grunt.registerHelper("mocha", function(command, test, done) {
var args;
args = {
cmd: "mocha",
args: ["--compilers", "coffee:coffee-script", "-R", "xunit", "-C", test]
return grunt.utils.spawn(args, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
fs.appendFileSync("tmp/results.xml", result.stdout);
return done();
grunt.registerTask("mocha", "Run Mocha Tests", function() {
var dest, done, sources, task;
done = this.async();
task = this.name;
sources = grunt.file.expandFiles(grunt.config([this.name, "src"]));
dest = grunt.config([this.name, "dest"]);
fs.writeFileSync("tmp/results.xml", "");
return async.forEachSeries(sources, (function(path, cb) {
return grunt.helper("mocha", grunt.config([task, "cmd"]), path, cb);
}), done);
return grunt.registerTask("gruntjs", "convert grunt.coffee to grunt.js", function() {
var cFileName, cSource, cStat, cmTime, jFileName, jSource, jStat, jmTime;
jFileName = path.join(__dirname, "grunt.js");
cFileName = path.join(__dirname, "grunt.coffee");
jStat = fs.statSync(jFileName);
cStat = fs.statSync(cFileName);
jmTime = jStat.mtime;
cmTime = cStat.mtime;
if (cmTime < jmTime) {
grunt.verbose.writeln("grunt.js newer than grunt.coffee, skipping compile");
cSource = fs.readFileSync(cFileName, "utf-8");
try {
jSource = coffee.compile(cSource, {
bare: true
} catch (e) {
fs.writeFileSync(jFileName, jSource, "utf-8");
return grunt.log.writeln("compiled " + cFileName + " to " + jFileName);