# Mandelbrot An implementation of the the Mandelbrot set exercise from the end of chapter two of O'Reilly's [*Programming Rust*](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920040385.do). I have deviated from the original in two ways, one major, one minor. First, I've made the rendering plane, which maps from the cartesian (pixel) plane to the complex plane, into a struct, and put all the major rendering features into an implementation on that struct. By adding a simple method, `subplane()`, I was able to make crossbeam rendering much simpler and easier to read by providing horizontal slices of the pixel plane, and I was also able to avoid recalculating the relationship between the two planes for every pixel. A small performance boost, but worthwhile. Second, the output is PNM rather than PNG. I'm a huge PNM partisan, and you kids better get off my lawn.