(ns simple.core (:require [clojure.java.io :refer :all]) (:import (com.splunk Service ServiceArgs Args ResultsReaderJson ResultsReaderCsv ResultsReaderXml Event)) (:import (com.splunk Command)) (:import (java.io InputStreamReader OutputStreamWriter))) ; Given a set of command-line arguments, creates, populates and ; returns a splunk.Command instance. (defn build-splunk-command [args] (let [command (doto (Command/splunk "search") (.addRule "count" Integer "The Maximum Number of results to return (default: 100)") (.addRule "earliest_time" String "Search earliest time") (.addRule "field_list" String "A comma-separated list of the fields to return") (.addRule "latest_time" String "Search latest time") (.addRule "offset" Integer "The first result (inclusive) from which to begin returning data. (default: 0)") (.addRule "output" String "Which search results to output {events, results, preview, searchlog, summary, timeline} (default: results)") (.addRule "output_mode" String "Search output format {csv, raw, json, xml} (default: xml)") (.addRule "reader" "Use ResultsReader") (.addRule "status_buckets" Integer "Number of status buckets to use for search (default: 0)") (.addRule "verbose" "Display search progress") (.parse (into-array String args)))] (if (not= (count (.args command)) 1) (Command/error "Search expression required" nil)) command)) ; Given an initialized splunk.Command instance, returns a map of ; arguments commonly used to control search behavior. The repetition ; of names above is a giveaway that something is a bit off here. (defn build-argument-map [command] (let [opts (.opts command) ruleset [["count" 100] ["earliest_time" nil ] ["reader" false] ["verbose" false] ["field_list" nil ] ["latest_time" nil ] ["offset" 0] ["output" "results"] ["output_mode" "xml"]]] doall (into {} (for [[k v] ruleset] [k (if (.containsKey opts k) (.get opts k) v)])))) ; From a map of commonly used control arguments, create, populate, and ; return a splunk.Args instance suitable for passing to a query (defn build-splunk-queryargs [argument-map] (let [rulelist ["earliest_time" "field_list" "latest_time" "status_buckets" "output_mode"] qa (Args.)] (filter (fn [a] (not= a nil)) (for [fieldname rulelist] (fn [fieldname] (if (argument-map fieldname) (.put qa fieldname (argument-map fieldname)) nil)))) qa)) ; Given a splunk.Command instance and a set of initialized arguments, ; generate an actual query; wait until the query is done. (defn build-splunk-job [command argument-map] (let [queryargs (build-splunk-queryargs argument-map) service (Service/connect (.opts command)) job (.. service (getJobs) (create (first (.args command)) queryargs))] (while (not (.isDone job)) (if (argument-map "verbose") (println (format "\n%03.1f%% done -- %d scanned -- %d matched -- %d results" (* (.getDoneProgress job) 100.0) (.getScanCount job) (.getEventCount job) (.getResultCount job)))) (Thread/sleep 1000)) job)) ; From a map of commonly used control arguments, create, populate, and ; return a splunk.Args instance suitable for passing to a splunk.Job ; specifying desired output paramaters. (defn build-splunk-output-args [argument-map] (let [rulelist ["count" "offset" "output_mode"] args (Args.)] (doseq [fieldname rulelist] (if (argument-map fieldname) (.put args fieldname (argument-map fieldname)))) args)) ; Given a job and a map of commonly use arguments, return an ; InputStream with the content of the response (defn get-splunk-stream [job argument-map] (let [outputargs (build-splunk-output-args argument-map) output (argument-map "output")] (case output "results" (.getResults job outputargs) "preview" (.getPreview job outputargs) "searchlog" (.getSearchLog job outputargs) "summary" (.getSummary job outputargs) "timeline" (.getTimeline job outputargs) ))) (defn construct-reader [stream output-mode] (case output-mode "xml" (ResultsReaderXml. stream) "json" (ResultsReaderJson. stream) "csv" (ResultsReaderCsv. stream))) (defn get-streamtype-reader [output-mode] (fn [stream] (with-open [reader (construct-reader stream output-mode)] (loop [e (.getNextEvent reader)] (when (not= e nil) (println "EVENT:********") (doseq [k (seq (.keySet e))] (printf "%s ---> %s\n" k (.get e k))) (recur (.getNextEvent reader))))))) ; A totally unnecessary level of indirection, but it maintains an ; aesthetic symmetry. (defn generic-reader [] (fn [stream] (with-open [reader (InputStreamReader. stream "UTF8") writer (OutputStreamWriter. System/out)] (try (let [buffer (char-array 1024)] (while true (let [count (.read reader buffer)] (if (== count -1) (throw (Exception. "EOF"))) (.write writer buffer 0 count)))) (catch Exception e nil))))) (defn get-reader [command argument-map] (let [use-reader (.. command opts (containsKey "reader"))] (if use-reader (get-streamtype-reader (argument-map "output_mode")) (generic-reader)))) (defn -main[& args] (let [command (build-splunk-command args)] (let [argument-map (build-argument-map command)] (let [job (build-splunk-job command argument-map)] (let [stream (get-splunk-stream job argument-map)] (let [reader (get-reader command argument-map)] (reader stream)))))))