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XCB is a library for communicating with the X-Windows system used on
Linux, FreeBSD, and other Unix-like operating systems. XCB's interface
is written in C.
2022-02-27 19:02:21 +00:00
## Understanding X, at least the parts I'm dealing with.
2022-02-27 19:02:21 +00:00
The X Windows System (hereafter, **X**) is a server. It listens for
events (keyboard events, mouse events, timer events from connected
programs, etc.) and "stores" the results on a *display*. The
`display` is the root the of the **X** hierarchy, and the object to
which you initially connect. The `display` is described by a string
which encapsulates the address of the **X** server. The format of the
string predates the URL standard.
Part of the problem with untangling the hierarchy in X-Windows is that
it's meant to be extremely malleable and re-usable. [The Wikipedia
says that the `display` has a top-level window; The [Xlib
says a `screen` is a physical monitor, and a workstation can have more
than one screen, but each screen has its own top-level window. But
both of these statements are inaccurate!
A top-level window can span multiple screens, and each screen may or
may not have an monitor at all. Headless **X** systems used for
testing may have an `output`, which is a managed region of memory into
which **X** is "drawing", but may have no physical device at all!
For the purposes of modern **X**, the server manages one or more (in
commonplace practice, only one) logical `screen` objects, which has
multiple `output` and `crtc` objects. An `output` is the video output
manager on your device, such as your GPU, but it may just be a
virtualized chunk of memory for the headless scenario described above.
The **X** server is responsible for figuring out at start time what
`output` objects you have and what `crtc` objects are connected to
them, assigning `crtc` devices to each `output`, and choosing a
default set-up that will support running your
instance of GTK or KDE or whatever.
<aside>You kids have it easy. Before the existence of modern,
self-describing hardware, we had to hand-enter every single one of
these details, and if you got a detail wrong it was possible to burn
out your video card or monitor!</aside>
For example, in a two-monitor set up X will have a single `screen`
with a single root `window` spanning both monitors, but there would be
two `output` devices, each with its own `crtc`, mapping a client
program's output to the physical pixels on the screen. This is how
it's possible to drag an application window from one monitor to
another, and have it be visible as it crosses the bezels between them.
The `output` and `ctrc` together act as the framebuffer manager for
2022-02-27 19:02:21 +00:00
My goal is to enable autorotation on tablets running **X**, using the
XCB interface. For the purposes of that fairly straightforward goal,
I want to find the base `screen`, assert that it has a single `output`
and a single `crtc`, and then send a command to the `crtc` object to
rotate its contents to the orientation I desire. The change to the
`crtc` will cause the `output` object to remap all of the pixels it is
currently tracking to the new orientation. Most modern window
managers are pretty good about re-arranging the screen to manage this
<aside>It makes no sense for a virtualized `output` device, one which
has no actual display visible to the human eye, to have a `crtc`.
It's orientation doesn't matter. If it ever _is_ displayed to a human
being it will be in a virtualizing environment such as
[Xephyr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xephyr), in which case it will
be getting its `crtc` information from the host **X** display.</aside>
<aside>I'm still not sure how all this interacts with a window manager
that has 'workspaces', such as Gnome-Mate. Which means I could be
entirely wrong about this whole thing! On the other hand, it could be
as simple as every workspace having it's own pseudo-root-window, and
being dependent upon the `crtc` object for screen dimensions and pixel
mapping. [I have to read this
TODO: I haven't yet figured out the bit about remapping the tablet's
touchscreen inputs, so that when you place your finger or stylus on
the screen **X** maps the pointer location to the right place.
## Connecting.
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To connect to **X** via XCB, you use the `xcb_connect` function. It
takes two arguments, a string with the name of the display, and a
pointer-to-int to the default screen's ID, which is a returned value.
It returns an opaque data structure, 'xcb_connection_t'.
xcb_connection_t* xcbConnection = xcb_connect(const char* display, int* screen);
There are variants for connection-with-authorization, and
This function always returns an allocated structure, even on failure.
You _must_ test for failure with:
int error = xcb_connection_has_error(xcb_connection_t* xcbConnection);
The error is an number defined in `xcb.h`. See that file for the list
of possible failure modes.
## Disconnecting
You _must_ close the connection when you are finished. In the event
of a connection failure, you _must_ still call this function to
free the memory XCB used to report the connection failure:
void xcb_disconnect(xcb_connection_t* xcbConnection);
2022-02-27 19:02:21 +00:00
## Getting the default screen structure
Once you've connected, you need the default `screen` structure.
Oddly, it's at the bottom of a linked list of `screen` structures that
you have to find by counting down from the default screen ID retrieved
during the connection, using XCB's supplied traversal functions.
Doing this is so commonplace that there's a function for doing it
provided by the `xcb-aux` extension, which on Ubuntu is accessed
through `libxcb-util-dev`:
xcb_screen_t* screen = xcb_aux_get_screen(xConnection, default_screen_id);
The screen structure is not opaque; it contains the root window, as
well as the width and height of the total display (covering all
monitors!) that it is expected to manage, along with other details
that, well, aren't relevant (at least, not yet, and maybe I hope not).
## Getting the screen's resources
Now we're getting into RandR's portion of the business. RandR is an
extension to **X** that allows userspace programs to manipulate the
core functionality of outputs and displays. Those are the resources
the **X** screen has to draw on. This is also the first time we're
going to encounter the "standard" XCB interface.
XCB has an idiom of sending a request to the **X** server and storing
a token (a `uint32_t`) that it calls a *cookie*. When it wants to
review the reply to that request, it asks for the reply using the
It's possible to send many requests, both commands-to-set and
requests-for-information, to the **X** server, and then retrieve the
replies all at once. If the XCB interface has already received the
replies, it can hand them over at once; otherwise, it'll wait for
one. In this way, XCB and **X** can work asynchronously, batching
transactions and reducing latency.
For our purposes, we're not going to do that. We're just going to ask
for one object. The `get` command uses the rootWindow, which as I
mentioned earlier is on the `screen` we retrieved as `screen->root`.
xcb_generic_error_t* error = nullptr;
xrandr_get_screen_resources_cookie_t screen_resources_cookie =
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources(connection, screen->root);
xrandr_get_screen_resources_reply_t* screen_resources =
xcb_xrandr_get_screen_resources_reply(connection, screen_resources_cookie, &error);
**IMPORTANT** `reply` objects are allocated by XCB. *You* are
responsible for `free()`ing them afterward. If there is an error, the
reply object will be `null`, but the error object will contain the
error response as an allocated object and you are responsible for
`free()`ing it. Only `reply` and `error` objects are allocated; all
the rest are part of the `connection` object and will be freed on
## Getting the outputs and crtcs
Now that we have a screen, we want to get all the `output` devices, find
the `crtc` associated with it, and see the rotation! As I've been
using C++, I'm going to store a collection of cookies in vector.
There are two idioms in this example; the first collects all the query
cookies and then iterates through the replies; the second gets the
query cookie and immediately requests the reply. While the second
idiom is "slower" by an order of magnitude, on my laptop with a
shared-memory connection the difference is 3000 nanoseconds vs 300
nanoseconds-- not enough for most people to notice.
Notice that I do *not* free the return from the
`xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs` call; that is simply
interpreting the contents of the `screen_resources` object. As
before, the `screen_resources` object itself will have to be freed
std::vector<xcb_randr_get_output_info_cookie_t> output_get_cookies;
std::vector<xcb_randr_get_output_info_cookie_t> output_crtc_ids;
xcb_generic_error_t* error = nullptr;
int len = xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs_length(screen_resources);
xcb_randr_output_t* randr_outputs =
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
xcb_randr_get_output_info(connection, randr_outputs[i], timestamp));
for (const auto& cookie : cookies) {
xcb_randr_get_output_info_reply_t* reply =
xcb_randr_get_output_info_reply(connection, cookie, &error);
if (error) {
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_reply_t* crtc = xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_reply(
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info(connection, output->crtc, timestamp), NULL);
// It's possible that there is no CRTC associated with the
token. This isn't an error.
if (!crtc) {
std::cout << "(x: " << crtc->x << ", y: " << crtc->y << ") (width: " << crtc->width
<< ", height: " << crtc->height << ") status:" << unsigned(crtc->status)
<< " rotation: " << rotation_map(crtc->rotation) << std::endl;
2022-02-27 19:02:21 +00:00
... this is as far as I've gotten. And it's all starting to make
sense, but wow, what a journey just to get this far.