#!/usr/bin/coffee io = require "socket.io-client" bingo = ["B", "I", "N", "G", "O"] coors = [0..4] state = "playing" snum = (n) -> if n < 10 then " #{n}" else "#{n}" fnum = (j) -> if j.found then "[#{snum(j.n)}]" else " #{snum(j.n)} " socket = io.connect "ws://yahoobingo.herokuapp.com" socket.on "connect", -> card = {} socket.on "card", (data) -> card = for i in bingo ({n: j, found: false} for j in data.slots[i]) socket.on "number", (ball) -> m = ball.match /([BINGO])(\d+)/ row = bingo.indexOf(m[1]) card[row] = for j in card[row] if j.found or j.n != +m[2] then j else {n: j.n, found: true} may = (m, cond) -> if cond.found then m+1 else m f = (-> for i in coors for test in [((m, j) -> may m, card[i][j]), ((m, j) -> may m, card[j][i])] if 5 == coors.reduce test, 0 return true for test in [((m, j) -> may m, card[j][j]), ((m, j) -> may m, card[j][4 - j])] if 5 == coors.reduce test, 0 return true false)() console.log "\n\nBALL: #{ball}\n" for i in coors console.log(card[i].map(fnum).join(" ")) if f console.log "Looks like you won." socket.emit "bingo" socket.on "win", -> state = "won" socket.on "lose", -> state = "lost" socket.on "disconnect", -> console.log "You appear to have #{state}." process.exit() socket.emit "register", name: "Elf M. Sternberg" email: "elf.sternberg@gmail.com" url: "https://github.com/elfsternberg/yahoobingo"