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Implemented the forms reader, config, and database migrations. This chapter introduces the Actix "Extractors" for retrieving form data. I've added tests to the `./tests` folder to attempt to interact with those extractors; as of this commit, a89cbe5b, they fail because the example code isn't there. What is there is a variant of the "Hello, World!" code from the previous exercises (section 3.5), which uses the Actix extractor: ``` rust // Actix, *not* Axum. Does not work with the current framework. fn index(form: web::Form<FormData>) -> String { format!('Welcome {}!', form.username) } ``` Translated and polished into Axum, it translates to: ``` rust pub async fn index(payload: Option<Form<FormData>>) -> impl IntoResponse { let username = payload.map_or("World".to_string(), move |index| -> String { String::from(&(index.username)) }); (StatusCode::OK, format!("Hello, {}!\n", &username)) } ``` The Axum version is a little smarter, providing a default "World!" if you don't specify a name. That's what `.map_or` does, although the `or` part actually comes first in the function. So the result is: ``` sh $ curl http://localhost:3000/ Hello, World! $ curl 'http://localhost:3000/?username=Spock' Hello, Spock! ``` Which is more or less the version we want. **Section 3.7.3** then goes into some detail on the implementation of a Trait. A Trait in Rust is like an Interface in other languages; it describes a collection of functions for manipulating the values found in a defined Type. **Types**: A Type is just a description of the value: `u16` is a sixteen-bit unsigned integer; `char` is a Unicode character, and it's size is always 32bits, but a `String` is a bunch of things: it's an array of characters (which are not always `char`!), a length for that string and a capacity. If the String is manipulated to exceed the capacity, the array is re-allocated to a new capacity and the old array copied into it. A `Vec<String>` is an array of Strings; as a Type, it is considered to have a single value: whatever is in it at the moment you use it. **Trait**: A Trait defines a collection of one or more functions that can operate on a value. The truly nifty thing about Traits is that they can be implemented after the fact. By importing a Trait and an implementation of that trait specific to a type into a module containing that type, you can extend the behavior of a type in a deterministic way without having to modify or inherit the code, as you would in an object-oriented language. Axum has a valuable trait, `FromRequest`. For any structure you can imagine passing from the client to the server, you can implement `FromRequest` for that object and any content in the body of the message will be transformed into that structure. We've seen a trait before: `IntoResponse`, written as `impl IntoResponse`, and is the output (the return type) of many of the functions that produce return values for our application server. In this case the return type instructs Rust to look in the current lexical scope and, for the value returned by that function, determine if an `IntoResponse` trait has been defined for it. If it has, the value will be returned because Axum has now been assured that there exists a function to convert that value into something streamable and usable as an HTTP response. Fortunately for us, Axum has already implemented `FromRequest` for all the native data types, as well as some structures and arrays. Even better, it has implemented `FromRequest` for the Serde serialization/deserialization library. So in this example: ``` rust pub struct FormData { username: String, } pub async fn index(payload: Option<Form<FormData>>) -> impl IntoResponse { ... ``` A `Form` (something using the `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` protocol) of `FormData` will automatically be converted into a `payload` object of `{ username: "Spock" )`, and in this case wrapped in a `Some()` handler. (Or `None`, if there was no form included.) <aside>So far, there's not too much bloat in this product; with all the debugging symbols, it's 60MB or so, but stripped to the bone it's only 3.1MB, tolerable for modern deployments.</aside> First, though, we must adjust our `valid_subscription` test: ``` rust let body = "name=le%20guin&email=ursula_le_guin%40gmail.com"; let response = hyper::Client::new() .request( Request::builder() .method("POST") .header("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .uri(format!("http://{}/subscriptions", addr)) .body(Body::from(body)) .unwrap(), ) .await .expect("Failed to execute request."); ``` Two updates from the book: first, we're sending it via POST instead of GET. This is the correct way to do things; a GET should never (and I mean *never*) cause a change of state on the back-end. To send something new that the server will process and store, you use a POST. (To update something, or to send something to a known *and unique* URI, PUT is better.) Secondly, since we're using a generic form-data object, we need to set the content-type on the client so that the server is informed of how to unpack this payload. The '%20' and '%40' markers in the `body` are the space and the `@` respectively. I completely ignored the advice in the book and went instead with [Dbmate](https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate); Dbmate is a bit cranky; your SQL must be very much nestled against the 'up' and 'down' markers in the migration file, and it seems to be quite opinionated about everything being lowercase. That said, it was trivial to create a database with it: ``` sh $ dbmate new create_subscriptions_table ``` This will create the folder `db/migrations/20230322174957_create_subscriptions_table.sql`, (The timestamp will be different, obviously), and in this file you put the following, as specified in the book: ``` sql -- migrate:up create table subscriptions ( id uuid not null, primary key (id), email text not null unique, name text not null, subscribed_at timestamptz not null ); -- migrate:down drop table subscriptions; ``` To use Dbmate, you have to specify how to connect. I'm using Postgres, so let's start with creating a database and a user for it: ``` sh $ sudo -u postgres psql [sudo] possword for user: ................... postgres=# create database newsletter; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create user newletter with encrypted password 'redacted'; CREATE USER postgres=# grant all privileges on database newsletter to newsletter; GRANT postgres=# exit ``` In your project root, create a `.env` file to specify your connection: ``` sh DATABASE_URL="postgres://newsletter:redacted@" ``` The `sslmode` flag there is necessary for localhost connections, as Dbmate assumes an encrypted connection by default, but we're isolating to a local connection that is, usually, safe. With the new entry in your `.env` file, you can now run a migration: ``` sh $ dbmate up Writing: ./db/schema.sql ``` Running `dbmate up` will automatically create the database for you if it hasn't already; `dbmate migrate` also performs migrations, but it will not create the database. Now you can re-connect to Postgres as the newsletter user and see what you've got: ``` sh $ psql --user newsletter -h localhost --password Password: psql (14.7 (Ubuntu 14.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 11.7 (Ubuntu 11.7-0ubuntu0.19.10.1)) newsletter=> \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-------------------+-------+------------ public | schema_migrations | table | newsletter public | subscriptions | table | newsletter (2 rows) newsletter=> \d subscriptions Table "public.subscriptions" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ---------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- id | uuid | | not null | email | text | | not null | name | text | | not null | subscribed_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null | Indexes: "subscriptions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "subscriptions_email_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (email) ``` Note that Dbmate has allocated a table to itself, `schema_migrations`, for tracking what it's done to your system and when. Try not to conflict with it, okay? Every complex app has a configuration, and there are plenty of different ways the configuration can be specified. Environment variables, internal defaults, and configuration files-- the last of which comes in so many different flavors. Rust has a well-known [config](https://docs.rs/config/latest/config/index.html) crate that supports all the most common configurations: YAML, JSON, TOML; you can even add your own by writing something that implements the `config::Format` trait. Add it to Cargo.toml: ``` sh $ cargo add config ``` For the meantime, we're just going to create a new file, called `configuration.rs`, and put our configuration details in there. Right now we have a single configuration detail: the port. I'm going to go above and beyond Lucas here and configure some internal defaults for my code. It will have expectations. First, you have to tell Serde that there will be default values: ``` rust use config::Config; pub struct Settings { pub port: u16, } ``` Then, you have to set those default values. Fortunately, Rust provides a "set default values" trait named, sensibly enough, Default: ``` rust impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Settings { port: 3001 } } } ``` Again, exceeding the book's parameters, I'm going to say that if the file is missing the default parameters should hold: ``` rust pub(crate) fn get_configuration() -> Result<Settings, config::ConfigError> { Config::builder() .add_source(config::File::with_name("./ztd.config").required(false)) .build()? .try_deserialize() } ``` And since this is the first time I'm doing this, I'm going to write a test to assert that my understanding of how this all works is correct: ``` rust mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_for_defaults() { let maybe_config = get_configuration(); assert!(!maybe_config.is_err()); let config = maybe_config.unwrap(); assert_eq!(config.port, 3001); } } ```
2023-03-24 14:51:19 +00:00
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Name: schema_migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE public.schema_migrations (
version character varying(128) NOT NULL
-- Name: subscriptions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE public.subscriptions (
id uuid NOT NULL,
email text NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
subscribed_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
-- Name: schema_migrations schema_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.schema_migrations
ADD CONSTRAINT schema_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (version);
-- Name: subscriptions subscriptions_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.subscriptions
ADD CONSTRAINT subscriptions_email_key UNIQUE (email);
-- Name: subscriptions subscriptions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.subscriptions
ADD CONSTRAINT subscriptions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
-- Dbmate schema migrations
INSERT INTO public.schema_migrations (version) VALUES