
205 lines
6.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{car, cdr, cons, nil, nilp, pairp, vectorToList, list} = require 'cons-lists/lists'
{inspect} = require "util"
{Node, Comment} = require "./reader_types"
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
NEWLINES = ["\n", "\r", "\x0B", "\x0C"]
WHITESPACE = [" ", "\t"].concat(NEWLINES)
EOF = new (class Eof)()
EOO = new (class Eoo)()
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
class Source
constructor: (@inStream) ->
@index = 0
@max = @inStream.length - 1
@line = 0
@column = 0
peek: -> @inStream[@index]
position: -> [@line, @column]
next: ->
c = @peek()
return EOF if @done()
[@line, @column] = if @peek() in NEWLINES then [@line + 1, 0] else [@line, @column + 1]
done: -> @index > @max
# IO -> IO
skipWS = (inStream) ->
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
while inStream.peek() in WHITESPACE then
# msg -> (IO -> Node => Error)
handleError = (message) ->
(line, column) -> new Node('error', message, line, column)
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# IO -> Node => Comment
readComment = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
r = (while inStream.peek() != "\n" and not inStream.done()"")
if not inStream.done()
new Node 'comment', (new Comment r), line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# IO -> (Node => Literal => String) | Error
readString = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
string = until inStream.peek() == '"' or inStream.done()
if inStream.peek() == '\\'
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
if inStream.done()
return handleError("end of file seen before end of string.")(line, column)
new Node 'string', (string.join ''), line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# (String) -> (Node => Literal => Number) | Nothing
readMaybeNumber = (symbol) ->
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
if symbol[0] == '+'
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
return readMaybeNumber symbol.substr(1)
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
if symbol[0] == '-'
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
ret = readMaybeNumber symbol.substr(1)
return if ret? then -1 * ret else undefined
if^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 16)
if^0[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 8)
if^[0-9]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 10)
if^nil$/) > -1
return nil
# (IO, macros) -> (IO, Node => Number | Symbol) | Error
readSymbol = (inStream, tableKeys) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
symbol = (until (inStream.done() or inStream.peek() in tableKeys or inStream.peek() in WHITESPACE) ''
number = readMaybeNumber symbol
if number?
return new Node 'number', number, line, column
new Node 'symbol', symbol, line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# (Delim, TypeName) -> IO -> (IO, node) | Error
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
makeReadPair = (delim, type) ->
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# IO -> (IO, Node) | Error
(inStream) ->
skipWS inStream
[line, column] = inStream.position()
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
if inStream.peek() == delim
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
return new Node type, nil, line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# IO -> (IO, Node) | Error
dotted = false
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
readEachPair = (inStream) ->
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
[line, column] = inStream.position()
obj = read inStream, true, null, true
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
if inStream.peek() == delim
if dotted then return obj
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
return cons obj, nil
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
if inStream.done() then return handleError("Unexpected end of input")(line, column)
if dotted then return handleError("More than one symbol after dot")
return obj if obj.type == 'error'
if obj.type == 'symbol' and obj.value == '.'
dotted = true
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
return readEachPair inStream
cons obj, readEachPair inStream
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
ret = new Node type, readEachPair(inStream), line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# Type -> (IO -> (IO, Node))
prefixReader = (type) ->
# IO -> (IO, Node)
(inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
[line1, column1] = inStream.position()
obj = read inStream, true, null, true
return obj if obj.type == 'error'
new Node "list", cons((new Node("symbol", type, line1, column1)), cons(obj)), line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# I really wanted to make anything more complex than a list (like an
# object or a vector) something handled by a read macro. Maybe in a
# future revision I can vertically de-integrate these.
readMacros =
'"': readString
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
'(': makeReadPair ')', 'list'
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
')': handleError "Closing paren encountered"
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
'[': makeReadPair ']', 'vector'
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
']': handleError "Closing bracket encountered"
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
'{': makeReadPair('}', 'record', (res) ->
res.length % 2 == 0 and true or mkerr "record key without value")
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
'}': handleError "Closing curly without corresponding opening."
"`": prefixReader 'back-quote'
"'": prefixReader 'quote'
",": prefixReader 'unquote'
";": readComment
# Given a stream, reads from the stream until a single complete lisp
# object has been found and returns the object
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# IO -> Form
2015-07-23 23:21:28 +00:00
read = (inStream, eofErrorP = false, eofError = EOF, recursiveP = false, inReadMacros = null, keepComments = false) ->
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
inStream = if inStream instanceof Source then inStream else new Source inStream
inReadMacros = if InReadMacros? then inReadMacros else readMacros
inReadMacroKeys = (i for i of inReadMacros)
c = inStream.peek()
# (IO, Char) -> (IO, Node) | Error
matcher = (inStream, c) ->
if inStream.done()
return if recursiveP then handleError('EOF while processing nested object')(inStream) else nil
return nil
if c == ';'
return readComment(inStream)
ret = if c in inReadMacroKeys then inReadMacros[c](inStream) else readSymbol(inStream, inReadMacroKeys)
skipWS inStream
while true
form = matcher inStream, c
skip = (not nilp form) and (form.type == 'comment') and not keepComments
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
break if (not skip and not nilp form) or inStream.done()
c = inStream.peek()
# readForms assumes that the string provided contains zero or more
# forms. As such, it always returns a list of zero or more forms.
# IO -> (Form* | Error)
readForms = (inStream) ->
inStream = if inStream instanceof Source then inStream else new Source inStream
return nil if inStream.done()
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
# IO -> (FORM*, IO) | Error
[line, column] = inStream.position()
readEach = (inStream) ->
obj = read inStream, true, null, false
return nil if (nilp obj)
return obj if obj.type == 'error'
cons obj, readEach inStream
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00
obj = readEach inStream
if obj.type == 'error' then obj else new Node "list", obj, line, column
2015-05-14 05:28:55 +00:00 = read
exports.readForms = readForms
exports.Node = Node
exports.Symbol = Symbol