Beginning Chapter 4.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2015-08-15 09:43:48 -07:00
parent 73be7dee59
commit 1e38327b2a
4 changed files with 649 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -321,9 +321,10 @@ class CatchCont extends Continuation
# Resume here does just that; it just resumes with the continuation # Resume here does just that; it just resumes with the continuation
# passed in above. But should catch be *triggered* by a throw (and # passed in above. But should catch be *triggered* by a throw (and
# the throw-continuation), we get the contents of throw as a thing to # the throw-continuation), we get the contents of throw as an object
# be evaluated with its current environment, then continue with *this* # to be evaluated with its current environment, then continue with
# as the continuation passed to throwing-continuation. # *this* as the continuation passed to throwing-continuation, which
# resumes the catchLookup until the stack is exhausted.
class LabeledCont extends Continuation class LabeledCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @tag) -> constructor: (@kont, @tag) ->
@ -350,21 +351,13 @@ class UnwindCont extends Continuation
resume: (value) -> resume: (value) ->
@kont.unwind @value, @target @kont.unwind @value, @target
# Works its way through the stack environment stack, looking for
# ("breaching") protected blocks to unwind, and processing them as
# necessary. One of those will by definition be the continuation
# passed to the catch continuation, as the throwing-continuation is
# constructed with it as the address of the resumecont.
class ThrowingCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @tag, @resumecont) ->
@_type = "ThrowingCont"
resume: (value) ->
@kont.unwind value, @resumecont
evaluateUnwindProtect = (form, cleanup, env, kont) -> evaluateUnwindProtect = (form, cleanup, env, kont) ->
evaluate form, env, (new UnwindProtectCont kont, cleanup, env) evaluate form, env, (new UnwindProtectCont kont, cleanup, env)
# If the continuation is "resumed," it works like normal; but if its
# "unwound," it works its way up the unwind stack looking for the
# target continuation to which to deliver the value.
class UnwindProtectCont extends Continuation class UnwindProtectCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @cleanup, @env) -> constructor: (@kont, @cleanup, @env) ->
@_type = "UnwindProtectCont" @_type = "UnwindProtectCont"
@ -373,6 +366,23 @@ class UnwindProtectCont extends Continuation
unwind: (value, target) -> unwind: (value, target) ->
evaluateBegin @cleanup, @env, (new UnwindCont @kont, value, target) evaluateBegin @cleanup, @env, (new UnwindCont @kont, value, target)
# Works its way through the stack environment stack, looking for
# ("breaching") protected blocks to unwind, and processing them as
# necessary. One of those will by definition be the continuation
# passed to the catch continuation: the throwing-continuation was
# constructed with the catch continuation itself as the address of the
# resumecont.
class ThrowingCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @tag, @resumecont) ->
@_type = "ThrowingCont"
resume: (value) ->
@kont.unwind value, @resumecont
# Note that this behavior basically much like throwing-continuation,
# except that it's the resumption (the next continuation), rather than
# the rewind.
class ProtectReturnCont extends Continuation class ProtectReturnCont extends Continuation
constructor: (@kont, @value) -> constructor: (@kont, @value) ->
@_type = "ProtectReturnCont" @_type = "ProtectReturnCont"

chapter4/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
{listToString, listToVector, pairp, cons, car, cdr, caar, cddr, cdar,
cadr, caadr, cadar, caddr, nilp, nil, setcdr,
metacadr, setcar} = require "cons-lists/lists"
{normalizeForms, normalizeForm} = require "../chapter1/astToList"
{Node, Symbol} = require '../chapter1/reader_types'
class LispInterpreterError extends Error
name: 'LispInterpreterError'
constructor: (@message) ->
the_false_value = (cons "false", "boolean")
eq = (id1, id2) ->
if id1 instanceof Symbol and id2 instanceof Symbol
return ==
id1 == id2
# Only called in rich node mode...
astSymbolsToLispSymbols = (node) ->
return nil if nilp node
throw (new LispInterpreterError "Not a list of variable names") if not node.type == 'list'
handler = (cell) ->
return nil if nilp cell
cons (car cell).value, (handler cdr cell)
handler node.value
cadddr = metacadr('cadddr')
metadata_evaluation =
listp: (node) -> node.type == 'list'
symbolp: (node) -> node.type == 'symbol'
numberp: (node) -> node.type == 'number'
stringp: (node) -> node.type == 'string'
commentp: (node) -> node.type == 'comment'
nvalu: (node) -> node.value
mksymbols: (list) -> astSymbolsToLispSymbols(list)
# The hairness of this makes me doubt the wisdom of using Javascript.
straight_evaluation =
listp: (cell) -> cell.__type == 'list'
symbolp: (cell) -> typeof cell == 'string' and cell.length > 0 and cell[0] not in ["\"", ";"]
commentp: (cell) -> typeof cell == 'string' and cell.length > 0 and cell[0] == ";"
numberp: (cell) -> typeof cell == 'number'
stringp: (cell) -> typeof cell == 'string' and cell.length > 0 and cell[0] == "\""
boolp: (cell) -> typeof cell == 'boolean'
nullp: (cell) -> cell == null
vectorp: (cell) -> (not straight_evaluation.listp cell) and == '[object Array]'
recordp: (cell) -> (not cell._prototype?) and == '[object Object]'
objectp: (cell) -> (cell._prototype?) and == '[object Object]'
nilp: (cell) -> nilp(cell)
nvalu: (cell) -> cell
mksymbols: (cell) -> cell
sType = new Symbol 'type'
sBehavior = new Symbol 'behavior'
sFunction = new Symbol 'function'
# Page 129
env_init = (id) -> throw LispInterpreterError "No binding for #{id}"
# Page 129
# We don't have an initial value for mem yet?
update = (mem, addr, value) ->
(addra) -> if (addra == addr) then value else mem(addra)
# Page 130
updates = (mem, addrs, values) ->
if (pairp addrs)
updates (update mem, (car addrs), (car values)), (cdr addrs), (cdr values)
# Page 130
evaluateVariable = (name, env, mem, kont) ->
kont mem, (env name), mem
# Page 130
evaluateSet = (name, exp, env, mem, kont) ->
evaluate exp, env, mem, (value, newmem) ->
kont value, (update newmem, (env name), value)
# Page 131
# TODO: I don't know that I trust this.
evaluateApplication = (exp, exprs, env, mem, kont) ->
evaluateArguments = (exprs, env, mem, kont) ->
if (pairp exprs)
evaluate (car exprs), env, mem, (value, mem2) ->
evaluateArguments (cdr exprs), env, mem2, (value2, mems3) ->
kont (cons value, value2), mems3
kont cons(), mem
evaluate exp, env, mem, (fun, mems) ->
evaluateArguments exprs, env, mems, (value2, mem3) ->
if eq (fun sType), sFunction
(fun sBehavior) value2, mem3, kont
throw new LispInterpreterError "Not a function #{(car value2)}"
evaluateLambda = (names, exprs, env, mem, kont) ->
allocate 1, mem, (addrs, mem2) ->
kont (createFunction (car addrs), (values, mem, kont) ->
if eq (length names), (length values)
allocate (length names), mem, (addrs, mem2) ->
evaluateBegin exprs, (updates env, names, addrs), (updates mem2, addrs, values), kont
throw new LispInterpreterError "Incorrect Arrity"), mem2
allocate = (num, mem, q) ->
if (num > 0)
do ->
addr = newLocation s
allocate (num - 1), (expandStore addr, mem), (addrs, mem2) ->
q (cons addr, addrs), mem2
q cons(), mem
expandStore = (highLocation, mem) ->
update mem, 0, highLocation
newLocation = (mem) ->
(mem 0) + 1
# Page 128
evaluateIf = (expc, expt, expf, env, mem, kont) ->
evaluate expc, env, mem, (env, mems) ->
evaluate ((env "boolify") expt, expf), env, mems, kont
# Page 129
# I like how, in this version, we explicitly throw away the meaning of
# all but the last statement in evaluateBegin.
evaluateBegin = (exps, env, mem, kont) ->
if pairp (cdr exps)
evaluate (car exps), env, mem, (_, mems) ->
evaluateBegin (cdr exps), env, mems, kont
evaluate (car exps), env, mem, kont
prox =
"quote": (body, env, mem, kont, ix) -> evaluateQuote (cadr body), env, mem, kont
"if": (body, env, mem, kont, ix) -> evaluateIf (cadr body), (caddr body), (cadddr body), env, mem, kont
"begin": (body, env, mem, kont, ix) -> evaluateBegin (cdr body), env, mem, kont
"set!": (body, env, mem, kont, ix) -> evaluateSet (ix.nvalu cadr body), (caddr body), env, mem, kont
"lambda": (body, env, mem, kont, ix) -> evaluateLambda (ix.mksymbols cadr body), (cddr body), env, mem, kont
makeEvaluator = (ix = straight_evaluation) ->
(exp, env, mem, kont) ->
if ix.atomp exp
if ix.symbolp exp
evaluateVariable exp, env, mem, kont
evaluateQuote exp, env, mem, kont
body = ix.nvalu exp
head = car body
if prox[(ix.nvalu head)]?
prox[(ix.nvalue head)](body, env, mem, kont, ix)
evaluateApplication body, (cadr body), env, mem, kont

chapter4/interpreter.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.1
(function() {
var LispInterpreterError, Node, Symbol, astSymbolsToLispSymbols, caadr, caar, cadar, cadddr, caddr, cadr, car, cdar, cddr, cdr, cons, env_init, eq, evaluateApplication, evaluateBegin, evaluateIf, evaluateLambda, evaluateSet, evaluateVariable, listToString, listToVector, makeEvaluator, metacadr, metadata_evaluation, nil, nilp, normalizeForm, normalizeForms, pairp, prox, ref, ref1, ref2, sBehavior, sFunction, sType, setcar, setcdr, straight_evaluation, the_false_value, update, updates,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
ref = require("cons-lists/lists"), listToString = ref.listToString, listToVector = ref.listToVector, pairp = ref.pairp, cons = ref.cons, car =, cdr = ref.cdr, caar = ref.caar, cddr = ref.cddr, cdar = ref.cdar, cadr = ref.cadr, caadr = ref.caadr, cadar = ref.cadar, caddr = ref.caddr, nilp = ref.nilp, nil = ref.nil, setcdr = ref.setcdr, metacadr = ref.metacadr, setcar = ref.setcar;
ref1 = require("../chapter1/astToList"), normalizeForms = ref1.normalizeForms, normalizeForm = ref1.normalizeForm;
ref2 = require('../chapter1/reader_types'), Node = ref2.Node, Symbol = ref2.Symbol;
LispInterpreterError = (function(superClass) {
extend(LispInterpreterError, superClass); = 'LispInterpreterError';
function LispInterpreterError(message) {
this.message = message;
return LispInterpreterError;
the_false_value = cons("false", "boolean");
eq = function(id1, id2) {
if (id1 instanceof Symbol && id2 instanceof Symbol) {
return ===;
return id1 === id2;
astSymbolsToLispSymbols = function(node) {
var handler;
if (nilp(node)) {
return nil;
if (!node.type === 'list') {
throw new LispInterpreterError("Not a list of variable names");
handler = function(cell) {
if (nilp(cell)) {
return nil;
return cons((car(cell)).value, handler(cdr(cell)));
return handler(node.value);
cadddr = metacadr('cadddr');
metadata_evaluation = {
listp: function(node) {
return node.type === 'list';
symbolp: function(node) {
return node.type === 'symbol';
numberp: function(node) {
return node.type === 'number';
stringp: function(node) {
return node.type === 'string';
commentp: function(node) {
return node.type === 'comment';
nvalu: function(node) {
return node.value;
mksymbols: function(list) {
return astSymbolsToLispSymbols(list);
straight_evaluation = {
listp: function(cell) {
return cell.__type === 'list';
symbolp: function(cell) {
var ref3;
return typeof cell === 'string' && cell.length > 0 && ((ref3 = cell[0]) !== "\"" && ref3 !== ";");
commentp: function(cell) {
return typeof cell === 'string' && cell.length > 0 && cell[0] === ";";
numberp: function(cell) {
return typeof cell === 'number';
stringp: function(cell) {
return typeof cell === 'string' && cell.length > 0 && cell[0] === "\"";
boolp: function(cell) {
return typeof cell === 'boolean';
nullp: function(cell) {
return cell === null;
vectorp: function(cell) {
return (!straight_evaluation.listp(cell)) && === '[object Array]';
recordp: function(cell) {
return (cell._prototype == null) && === '[object Object]';
objectp: function(cell) {
return (cell._prototype != null) && === '[object Object]';
nilp: function(cell) {
return nilp(cell);
nvalu: function(cell) {
return cell;
mksymbols: function(cell) {
return cell;
sType = new Symbol('type');
sBehavior = new Symbol('behavior');
sFunction = new Symbol('function');
env_init = function(id) {
throw LispInterpreterError("No binding for " + id);
update = function(mem, addr, value) {
return function(addra) {
if (addra === addr) {
return value;
} else {
return mem(addra);
updates = function(mem, addrs, values) {
if (pairp(addrs)) {
return updates(update(mem, car(addrs), car(values)), cdr(addrs), cdr(values));
} else {
return mem;
evaluateVariable = function(name, env, mem, kont) {
return kont(mem, env(name), mem);
evaluateSet = function(name, exp, env, mem, kont) {
return evaluate(exp, env, mem, function(value, newmem) {
return kont(value, update(newmem, env(name), value));
evaluateApplication = function(exp, exprs, env, mem, kont) {
var evaluateArguments;
evaluateArguments = function(exprs, env, mem, kont) {
if (pairp(exprs)) {
return evaluate(car(exprs), env, mem, function(value, mem2) {
return evaluateArguments(cdr(exprs), env, mem2, function(value2, mems3) {
return kont(cons(value, value2), mems3);
} else {
return kont(cons(), mem);
return evaluate(exp, env, mem, function(fun, mems) {
return evaluateArguments(exprs, env, mems, function(value2, mem3) {
if (eq(fun(sType), sFunction)) {
return (fun(sBehavior))(value2, mem3, kont);
} else {
throw new LispInterpreterError("Not a function " + (car(value2)));
evaluateLambda = function(names, exprs, env, mem, kont) {
return allocate(1, mem, function(addrs, mem2) {
return kont(createFunction(car(addrs), function(values, mem, kont) {
if (eq(length(names), length(values))) {
return allocate(length(names), mem, function(addrs, mem2) {
return evaluateBegin(exprs, updates(env, names, addrs), updates(mem2, addrs, values), kont);
} else {
throw new LispInterpreterError("Incorrect Arrity");
}), mem2);
evaluateIf = function(expc, expt, expf, env, mem, kont) {
return evaluate(expc, env, mem, function(env, mems) {
return evaluate((env("boolify"))(expt, expf), env, mems, kont);
evaluateBegin = function(exps, env, mem, kont) {
if (pairp(cdr(exps))) {
return evaluate(car(exps), env, mem, function(_, mems) {
return evaluateBegin(cdr(exps), env, mems, kont);
} else {
return evaluate(car(exps), env, mem, kont);
prox = {
"quote": function(body, env, mem, kont, ix) {
return evaluateQuote(cadr(body), env, mem, kont);
"if": function(body, env, mem, kont, ix) {
return evaluateIf(cadr(body), caddr(body), cadddr(body), env, mem, kont);
"begin": function(body, env, mem, kont, ix) {
return evaluateBegin(cdr(body), env, mem, kont);
"set!": function(body, env, mem, kont, ix) {
return evaluateSet(ix.nvalu(cadr(body)), caddr(body), env, mem, kont);
"lambda": function(body, env, mem, kont, ix) {
return evaluateLambda(ix.mksymbols(cadr(body)), cddr(body), env, mem, kont);
makeEvaluator = function(ix) {
if (ix == null) {
ix = straight_evaluation;
return function(exp, env, mem, kont) {
var body, head;
if (ix.atomp(exp)) {
if (ix.symbolp(exp)) {
return evaluateVariable(exp, env, mem, kont);
} else {
return evaluateQuote(exp, env, mem, kont);
} else {
body = ix.nvalu(exp);
head = car(body);
if (prox[ix.nvalu(head)] != null) {
return prox[ix.nvalue(head)](body, env, mem, kont, ix);
} else {
return evaluateApplication(body, cadr(body), env, mem, kont);

chapter4/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
{car, cdr, cons, nil, nilp, pairp, vectorToList, list} = require 'cons-lists/lists'
{inspect} = require "util"
{Node, Comment, Symbol} = require "../chapter1/reader_types"
NEWLINES = ["\n", "\r", "\x0B", "\x0C"]
WHITESPACE = [" ", "\t"].concat(NEWLINES)
EOF = new (class Eof)()
EOO = new (class Eoo)()
class Source
constructor: (@inStream) ->
@index = 0
@max = @inStream.length - 1
@line = 0
@column = 0
peek: -> @inStream[@index]
position: -> [@line, @column]
next: ->
c = @peek()
return EOF if @done()
[@line, @column] = if @peek() in NEWLINES then [@line + 1, 0] else [@line, @column + 1]
done: -> @index > @max
# IO -> IO
skipWS = (inStream) ->
while inStream.peek() in WHITESPACE then
# msg -> (IO -> Node => Error)
handleError = (message) ->
(line, column) -> new Node('error', message, line, column)
# IO -> Node => Comment
readComment = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
r = (while inStream.peek() != "\n" and not inStream.done()"")
if not inStream.done()
new Node 'comment', (new Comment r), line, column
# IO -> (Node => Literal => String) | Error
readString = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
string = until inStream.peek() == '"' or inStream.done()
if inStream.peek() == '\\'
if inStream.done()
return handleError("end of file seen before end of string.")(line, column)
new Node 'string', (string.join ''), line, column
# (String) -> (Node => Literal => Number) | Nothing
readMaybeNumber = (symbol) ->
if symbol[0] == '+'
return readMaybeNumber symbol.substr(1)
if symbol[0] == '-'
ret = readMaybeNumber symbol.substr(1)
return if ret? then -1 * ret else undefined
if^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 16)
if^0[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 8)
if^[0-9]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 10)
if^nil$/) > -1
return nil
# (IO, macros) -> (IO, Node => Number | Symbol) | Error
readSymbol = (inStream, tableKeys) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
symbol = (until (inStream.done() or inStream.peek() in tableKeys or inStream.peek() in WHITESPACE) ''
number = readMaybeNumber symbol
if number?
return new Node 'number', number, line, column
new Node 'symbol', (new Symbol symbol), line, column
# (Delim, TypeName) -> IO -> (IO, node) | Error
makeReadPair = (delim, type) ->
# IO -> (IO, Node) | Error
(inStream) ->
skipWS inStream
[line, column] = inStream.position()
if inStream.peek() == delim
return new Node type, nil, line, column
# IO -> (IO, Node) | Error
dotted = false
readEachPair = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
obj = read inStream, true, null, true
if inStream.peek() == delim
if dotted then return obj
return cons obj, nil
if inStream.done() then return handleError("Unexpected end of input")(line, column)
if dotted then return handleError("More than one symbol after dot")
return obj if obj.type == 'error'
if obj.type == 'symbol' and obj.value == '.'
dotted = true
return readEachPair inStream
cons obj, readEachPair inStream
ret = new Node type, readEachPair(inStream), line, column
# Type -> (IO -> (IO, Node))
prefixReader = (type) ->
# IO -> (IO, Node)
(inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
[line1, column1] = inStream.position()
obj = read inStream, true, null, true
return obj if obj.type == 'error'
new Node "list", cons((new Node("symbol", type, line1, column1)), cons(obj)), line, column
# I really wanted to make anything more complex than a list (like an
# object or a vector) something handled by a read macro. Maybe in a
# future revision I can vertically de-integrate these.
readMacros =
'"': readString
'(': makeReadPair ')', 'list'
')': handleError "Closing paren encountered"
'[': makeReadPair ']', 'vector'
']': handleError "Closing bracket encountered"
'{': makeReadPair('}', 'record', (res) ->
res.length % 2 == 0 and true or mkerr "record key without value")
'}': handleError "Closing curly without corresponding opening."
"`": prefixReader 'back-quote'
"'": prefixReader 'quote'
",": prefixReader 'unquote'
";": readComment
# Given a stream, reads from the stream until a single complete lisp
# object has been found and returns the object
# IO -> Form
read = (inStream, eofErrorP = false, eofError = EOF, recursiveP = false, inReadMacros = null, keepComments = false) ->
inStream = if inStream instanceof Source then inStream else new Source inStream
inReadMacros = if InReadMacros? then inReadMacros else readMacros
inReadMacroKeys = (i for i of inReadMacros)
c = inStream.peek()
# (IO, Char) -> (IO, Node) | Error
matcher = (inStream, c) ->
if inStream.done()
return if recursiveP then handleError('EOF while processing nested object')(inStream) else nil
return nil
if c == ';'
return readComment(inStream)
ret = if c in inReadMacroKeys then inReadMacros[c](inStream) else readSymbol(inStream, inReadMacroKeys)
skipWS inStream
while true
form = matcher inStream, c
skip = (not nilp form) and (form.type == 'comment') and not keepComments
break if (not skip and not nilp form) or inStream.done()
c = inStream.peek()
# readForms assumes that the string provided contains zero or more
# forms. As such, it always returns a list of zero or more forms.
# IO -> (Form* | Error)
readForms = (inStream) ->
inStream = if inStream instanceof Source then inStream else new Source inStream
return nil if inStream.done()
# IO -> (FORM*, IO) | Error
[line, column] = inStream.position()
readEach = (inStream) ->
obj = read inStream, true, null, false
return nil if (nilp obj)
return obj if obj.type == 'error'
cons obj, readEach inStream
obj = readEach inStream
if obj.type == 'error' then obj else new Node "list", obj, line, column = read
exports.readForms = readForms
exports.Node = Node
exports.Symbol = Symbol