Coffeescript attempt.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2015-05-13 22:28:55 -07:00
parent 0551a6fd4c
commit 86efa8c09a
15 changed files with 568 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -1,117 +1,22 @@
CC0 1.0 Universal The MIT License (MIT)
Statement of Purpose Copyright (c) 2015 Ken "Elf" Mathieu Sternberg
The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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For more information, please see

bin/activate Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# /bin comes before /node_modules/.bin because sometimes I want to
# override the behaviors provided.
export PATH

bin/lisp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
lisp = require '../lib/lisp'
fs = require 'fs'
{inspect} = require 'util'
console.log process.argv[2]

package.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"name": "CoffeeLisp",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "A Coffeescript rendition of Lisp In Small Pieces",
"main": "bin/lisp",
"dependencies": {
"coffee-script": "^1.9.1",
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^2.0.0",
"mocha": "^2.1.0"
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [
"author": "Elf M. Sternberg",
"license": "MIT"

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
lookup = require './lookup'
{car, cdr, cadr, caadr, cdadr} = require './lists'
lispeval = (element, scope) ->
switch (car element)
when 'number' then parseInt (cadr element), 10
when 'string' then (cadr element)
when 'symbol' then lookup scope, (cadr element)
when 'list'
proc = lispeval (caadr element), scope
args = cdadr element
proc args, scope
else throw new Error ("Unrecognized type in parse: #{(car element)}")
module.exports = lispeval

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
lispeval = require './eval'
{cons, nil, nilp, car, cdr, listToVector} = require './lists'
module.exports =
create_vm_expression_evaluator: (defining_scope, params, body) ->
(cells, scope) ->
args = (amap = (cells, accum) ->
return accum if nilp cells
amap((cdr cells), accum.concat(lispeval (car cells), scope)))(cells, [])
body.apply null, args
create_lisp_expression_evaluator: (defining_scope, params, body) ->
(cells, scope) ->
# Takes the current scope, which has been passed in during the
# execution phase, and evaluate the contents of the parameters
# in the context in which this call is made (i.e. when the
# function is *called*, rather than defined.
new_scope = (cmap = (cells, params, nscope) ->
return nscope if (nilp cells) or (nilp params)
nscope[(car params)] = lispeval (car cells), scope
cmap((cdr cells), (cdr params), nscope))(cells, params, {})
# Execute and evaluate the body, creating an inner scope that
# consists of: (1) the bound variables (the parameters)
# evaluated in the context of the function call, because that's
# where they were encountered (2) the free variables evaluated
# in the context of the defining scope, because that's where
# *they* were encountered.
# While this inspiration comes from Coglan, the clearest
# explanation is from Lisperator's 'make_lambda' paragraph at
inner_scope = cons(new_scope, defining_scope)
(nval = (body, memo) ->
return memo if nilp body
nval((cdr body), lispeval((car body), inner_scope)))(body)
create_special_form_evaluator: (defining_scope, params, body) ->
(cells, scope) -> body(cells, scope)

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
fs = require 'fs'
{readForms} = require './reader'
lispeval = require './eval'
scope = require './scope'
{car, cdr, nilp, cadr} = require './lists'
module.exports =
run: (pathname) ->
text = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8')
ast = readForms(text)
(nval = (body, memo) ->
return memo if nilp body
nval((cdr body), lispeval((car body), scope)))(cadr ast)

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
{listToString, listToVector, pairp, cons, car, cdr, caar, cddr, cdar, cadr, caadr, cadar, caddr, nilp, nil, setcdr, metacadr} = require "./lists"
readline = require "readline"
{inspect} = require "util"
env_init = nil
env_global = env_init
ntype = (node) -> car node
nvalu = (node) -> cadr node
definitial = (name, value = nil) ->
env_global = (cons (cons name, value), env_global)
defprimitive = (name, value, arity) ->
definitial name, ((values) ->
vvalues = listToVector(values)
if (vvalues.length == arity)
return value(vvalues)
throw "Incorrect arity")
the_false_value = (cons "false", "boolean")
definitial "#t", true
definitial "#f", the_false_value
definitial "nil", nil
definitial "foo"
definitial "bar"
definitial "fib"
definitial "fact"
defpredicate = (name, nativ, arity) ->
defprimitive name, ((args) -> if (nativ.apply null, args) then true else the_false_value), arity
defprimitive "cons", cons, 2
defprimitive "car", car, 2
defprimitive "set-cdr!", setcdr, 2
defprimitive "+", ((a, b) -> a + b), 2
defprimitive "*", ((a, b) -> a * b), 2
defprimitive "-", ((a, b) -> a - b), 2
defprimitive "/", ((a, b) -> a / b), 2
defpredicate "lt", ((a, b) -> a < b), 2
defpredicate "eq?", ((a, b) -> a == b), 2
extend = (env, variables, values) ->
if (pairp variables)
if (pairp values)
(cons (cons (car variables), (car values)),
(extend env, (cdr variables), (cdr values)))
throw "Too few values"
else if (nilp variables)
if (nilp values) then env else throw "Too many values"
if (symbolp variables)
(cons (cons variables, values), env)
make_function = (variables, body, env) ->
(values) -> eprogn body, (extend env, variables, values)
invoke = (fn, args) ->
# Takes a list of nodes and calls evaluate on each one, returning the
# last one as the value of the total expression. In this example, we
# are hard-coding what ought to be a macro, namely the threading
# macros, "->"
eprogn = (exps, env) ->
if (pairp exps)
if pairp (cdr exps)
evaluate (car exps), env
return eprogn (cdr exps), env
return evaluate (car exps), env
evlis = (exps, env) ->
if (pairp exps)
(cons (evaluate (car exps), env), (evlis (cdr exps), env))
lookup = (id, env) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
cdar env
lookup id, (cdr env)
update = (id, env, value) ->
if (pairp env)
if (caar env) == id
setcdr (car env), value
update id, (cdr env), value
# This really ought to be the only place where the AST meets the
# interpreter core. I can't help but think that this design precludes
# pluggable interpreter core.
cadddr = metacadr("cadddr")
astSymbolsToLispSymbols = (node) ->
return nil if nilp node
throw "Not a list of variable names" if not (ntype(node) is 'list')
handler = (node) ->
return nil if nilp node
cons (nvalu car node), (handler cdr node)
handler(nvalu node)
# Takes an AST node and evaluates it and its contents. A node may be
# ("list" (... contents ...)) or ("number" 42) or ("symbol" x), etc.
evaluate = (e, env) ->
[type, exp] = [(ntype e), (nvalu e)]
if type == "symbol"
return lookup exp, env
if type in ["number", "string", "boolean", "vector"]
return exp
if type == "list"
head = car exp
if (ntype head) == 'symbol'
return switch (nvalu head)
when "quote" then cdr exp
when "if"
unless (evaluate (cadr exp), env) == the_false_value
evaluate (caddr exp), env
evaluate (cadddr exp), env
when "begin" then eprogn (cdr exp), env
when "set!" then update (nvalu cadr exp), env, (evaluate (caddr exp), env)
when "lambda" then make_function (astSymbolsToLispSymbols cadr exp), (cddr exp), env
invoke (evaluate (car exp), env), (evlis (cdr exp), env)
return invoke (evaluate (car exp), env), (evlis (cdr exp), env)
throw new Error("Can't handle a #{type}")
module.exports = (c) -> evaluate c, env_global

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{nilp, car, cdr} = require './lists'
module.exports = lookup = (scopes, name) ->
throw new Error "Unknown variable '#{name}'" if nilp scopes
scope = car scopes
return scope[name] if scope[name]?
lookup((cdr scopes), name)

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
{car, cdr, cons, nil, nilp, pairp, vectorToList} = require './lists'
NEWLINES = ["\n", "\r", "\x0B", "\x0C"]
WHITESPACE = [" ", "\t"].concat(NEWLINES)
EOF = new (class)
EOO = new (class)
class Source
constructor: (@inStream) ->
@index = 0
@max = @inStream.length - 1
@line = 0
@column = 0
peek: -> @inStream[@index]
position: -> [@line, @column]
next: ->
c = @peek()
return EOF if @done()
[@line, @column] = if @peek() in NEWLINES then [@line + 1, 0] else [@line, @column + 1]
done: -> @index > @max
# IO -> IO
skipWS = (inStream) ->
while inStream.peek() in WHITESPACE then
# (type, value, line, column) -> (node {type, value, line, column)}
makeObj = (type, value, line, column) ->
cons(type, cons(value, cons(line, cons(column, nil))))
# msg -> (IO -> Node => Error)
handleError = (message) ->
(line, column) -> makeObj('error', message, line, column)
# IO -> Node => Comment
readComment = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
r = (while inStream.peek() != "\n" and not inStream.done()"")
if not inStream.done()
makeObj 'comment', r, line, column
# IO -> (Node => Literal => String) | Error
readString = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
string = until inStream.peek() == '"' or inStream.done()
if inStream.peek() == '\\'
if inStream.done()
return handleError("end of file seen before end of string.")(line, column)
makeObj 'string', (string.join ''), line, column
# (String) -> (Node => Literal => Number) | Nothing
readMaybeNumber = (symbol) ->
if symbol[0] == '+'
return readMaybeNumber symbol.substr(1)
if symbol[0] == '-'
ret = readMaybeNumber symbol.substr(1)
return if ret? then -1 * ret else undefined
if^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 16)
if^0[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 8)
if^[0-9]+$/) > -1
return parseInt(symbol, 10)
if^nil$/) > -1
return nil
# (IO, macros) -> (IO, Node => Number | Symbol) | Error
readSymbol = (inStream, tableKeys) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
symbol = (until (inStream.done() or inStream.peek() in tableKeys or inStream.peek() in WHITESPACE) ''
number = readMaybeNumber symbol
if number?
return makeObj 'number', number, line, column
makeObj 'symbol', symbol, line, column
# (Delim, TypeName) -> IO -> (IO, node) | Error
makeReadPair = (delim, type) ->
# IO -> (IO, Node) | Error
(inStream) ->
skipWS inStream
[line, column] = inStream.position()
if inStream.peek() == delim
return makeObj(type, nil, line, column)
# IO -> (IO, Node) | Error
readEachPair = (inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
obj = read inStream, true, null, true
if inStream.peek() == delim then return cons obj, nil
if inStream.done() then return handleError("Unexpected end of input")(line, column)
return obj if (car obj) == 'error'
cons obj, readEachPair(inStream)
ret = makeObj type, readEachPair(inStream), line, column
# Type -> (IO -> (IO, Node))
prefixReader = (type) ->
# IO -> (IO, Node)
(inStream) ->
[line, column] = inStream.position()
[line1, column1] = inStream.position()
obj = read inStream, true, null, true
return obj if (car obj) == 'error'
makeObj "list", cons((makeObj("symbol", type, line1, column1)), cons(obj)), line, column
# I really wanted to make anything more complex than a list (like an
# object or a vector) something handled by a read macro. Maybe in a
# future revision I can vertically de-integrate these.
readMacros =
'"': readString
'(': makeReadPair ')', 'list'
')': handleError "Closing paren encountered"
'[': makeReadPair ']', 'vector'
']': handleError "Closing bracket encountered"
'{': makeReadPair('}', 'record', (res) ->
res.length % 2 == 0 and true or mkerr "record key without value")
'}': handleError "Closing curly without corresponding opening."
"`": prefixReader 'back-quote'
"'": prefixReader 'quote'
",": prefixReader 'unquote'
";": readComment
# Given a stream, reads from the stream until a single complete lisp
# object has been found and returns the object
# IO -> Form
read = (inStream, eofErrorP = false, eofError = EOF, recursiveP = false, inReadMacros = null, keepComments = false) ->
inStream = if inStream instanceof Source then inStream else new Source inStream
inReadMacros = if InReadMacros? then inReadMacros else readMacros
inReadMacroKeys = (i for i of inReadMacros)
c = inStream.peek()
# (IO, Char) -> (IO, Node) | Error
matcher = (inStream, c) ->
if inStream.done()
return if recursiveP then handleError('EOF while processing nested object')(inStream) else nil
return nil
if c == ';'
return readComment(inStream)
ret = if c in inReadMacroKeys then inReadMacros[c](inStream) else readSymbol(inStream, inReadMacroKeys)
skipWS inStream
while true
form = matcher inStream, c
skip = (not nilp form) and (car form == 'comment') and not keepComments
break if (not skip and not nilp form) or inStream.done()
c = inStream.peek()
# readForms assumes that the string provided contains zero or more
# forms. As such, it always returns a list of zero or more forms.
# IO -> (Form* | Error)
readForms = (inStream) ->
inStream = if inStream instanceof Source then inStream else new Source inStream
return nil if inStream.done()
# IO -> (FORM*, IO) | Error
[line, column] = inStream.position()
readEach = (inStream) ->
obj = read inStream, true, null, false
return nil if (nilp obj)
return obj if (car obj) == 'error'
cons obj, readEach inStream
obj = readEach inStream
if (car obj) == 'error' then obj else makeObj "list", obj, line, column = read
exports.readForms = readForms

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{car, cdr, cons, pairp, nilp, nil, list, listToString} = require './lists'
reduce = (lst, iteratee, memo, context) ->
count = 0
ptr = lst
while not nilp ptr
[item, ptr] = [(car ptr), (cdr ptr)]
memo =, memo, item, count, lst)
count++, memo, nil, count, lst)
map = (lst, iteratee, context) ->
return nil if nilp lst
root = cons("")
reducer = (memo, item, count) ->
next = cons(, item, count, lst))
memo[1] = next
reduce(lst, reducer, root, context)
(cdr root)
rmap = (lst, iteratee, context) ->
reducer = (memo, item, count) ->
cons(, item, count, lst), memo)
reduce(lst, reducer, nil, context)
filter = (lst, iteratee, context) ->
return nil if nilp lst
root = cons("")
reducer = (memo, item, count) ->
if, item, count, lst)
next = cons(item)
memo[1] = next
reduce(lst, reducer, root, context)
(cdr root)
module.exports =
reduce: reduce
map: map
rmap: rmap
filter: filter

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
lispeval = require './eval'
{cons, car, cdr, nilp, nil, cadar, cadr, caddr} = require './lists'
{create_lisp_expression_evaluator, create_vm_expression_evaluator, create_special_form_evaluator} = require './fn'
scope = cons
'+': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a + b
'-': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a - b
'*': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a * b
'/': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a / b
'==': create_vm_expression_evaluator scope, [], (a, b) -> a == b
'#t': true
'#f': false
'define': create_special_form_evaluator scope, [], (nodes, scope) ->
current = (car scope)
current[(cadar nodes)] = lispeval((cadr nodes), scope)
'lambda': create_special_form_evaluator scope, [], (nodes, scope) ->
param_nodes = cadar nodes
reducer = (l) ->
if (nilp l) then nil else cons (cadar l), reducer(cdr l)
param_names = reducer(param_nodes)
create_lisp_expression_evaluator scope, param_names, (cdr nodes)
'if': create_special_form_evaluator scope, [], (nodes, scope) ->
if lispeval (car nodes), scope
lispeval (cadr nodes), scope
lispeval (caddr nodes), scope
module.exports = scope

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
lisp = require './lisp_ch1'
{read, readForms} = require './reader'
{inspect} = require 'util'
ast = read("(begin (set! fact (lambda (x) (if (eq? x 0) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1)))))) (fact 5))")
console.log "Result:", (lisp ast)