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+++ title = "Zola" description = "Zola is a static site generator" date = 2025-05-01T18:00:00+00:00 updated = 2021-05-01T18:00:00+00:00 template = "section.html" sort_by = "weight" weight = 4 draft = false [taxonomies] documentation=["Reference"] categories=["Web Development", "Static Site Generation", "Zola"] +++

Zola is a static site generator written in Rust. It is a single binary that builds an entire web site out of a collection of markdown documents in a folder-structured hierarchy, using a corresponding collection of HTML templates, which in turn use a corresponding collection of SASS collection and a collection of HTML templates. The templating language is called Tera. For convenience, all the functions defined for both Tera and Zola have been compiled into lists in this document.

If you need anything else (Typescript built into Javascript, templates other than Zola's internal, static file conversion, etc.), you'll need separate build toolchains for those.

Mental Model for Zola

Elf, a website built with Zola originates with the content/ folder. Inside that folder, every markdown document and every folder creates a corresponding page in the constructed website. There are only two models you have to understand Zola: sections and pages.

A section is a folder with a file named _index.md in it; note the underscore, which signifies the section definition file. For these documents, a Section model is the default context object received by the template. Each markdown document in the same folder, and each folder immediately underneath this folder that has an index.md folder (note the lack of underscore) is a page and receives the Page model as the default context.

Every markdown document has two parts: a frontmatter block, written in TOML, and the content, written in Markdown. Whether a section or page context is passed by default, if there is content the .content field will be the HTML output of the markdown in the document.

Every folder, whether containing an _index.md or index.md file, can contain co-located assets such a images, videos, and even Javascript. These will be found in the .assets field of the context object (the use of co-located assets in why a folder can be a page).

Whether a Page or a Section, the corresponding context object provides means by which every template has access to the metadata (and even the content!) of every other markdown document, arranged in the hierarchy described in the content folder.

Proces Recommendation

  1. Design your document hierarchy first.
  2. Construct your content folder to support that hierarchy.
  3. Build the Section template for the home page.
  4. Build the Section template for your level two sections
  5. Build the corresponding Page templates.
  6. Worry about Sass afterward

Construction Recommendation

Use the include block more than the extends block. Build your websites by composition, not inheritance with override. Ignore the way Django and everyone else does it. Composition may result in some small amount of repetition, but the legibility and coherency of your project will more than compensate.

Running Zola

Zola has only a few commands:

  • zola init - Starts a new Zola project. Creates the structure described in the next section, especially if you enable sass.
  • zola serve - Starts a localhost webserver to serve your content for demo.
  • zola build - Builds a Zola project into a collection of static HTML.
  • zola check - Check that the current site is coherent
  • zola help - This list!

Project Layout

Zola uses a simple layout of content and support, with a single configuration file. The configuration file has two parts: a root which controls compilation, and an [extra] section that provides data and details that will be available to all templates during compilation.

The following files and folders define a basic Zola project. Any other folders in a zola project are ignored.

  • config.toml: The configuration file. Uses the TOML configuration language.
  • content/: The structured content folder. All your "living" stuff goes here.
  • sass/: Sass is a CSS preprocessor language that makes CSS easier.
  • static/: Static content such as images, fonts, and Javascript
  • templates/: The HTML templates (and includes, etc) that define the website's layouts

Every folder under the content/ folder that has an _index.md file is considered a section, presenting a table of contents or other introductory matter. Every other markdown document in a section is considered a page. Zola uses different templates for sections versus pages, and individual pages and sections can choose alternative templates.

A folder under a section that has an index.md file (note the lack of underscore prefix) is considered a page. This allows content writers to supply additional assets, such as images or data files, along with the contents of the page.

The Templating Language

The Tera templating language looks a lot like Django's, or for that matter any number of templating languages. Every page generated with Tera receives a context, which can be thought of as a JSON object with which to populate the page (it is, technically, a Serde::Serializable). Zola provides a large and complex context, which is explained further down.

Tera has the following syntax. Everything within these markers is processed by Tera; everything outside is left untouched.

  • {{ and }} for expressions
  • {% and %} for statements
  • {# and #} for comments

Statements that have a dash as part of their delimiter remove all whitespace from around the delimiter. {%- says to eliminate all whitespace between this statement and anything that came before it; -%} says to eliminate everything that comes after it.



The block is probably the most important statement; it defines a chunk of content. When a template is created, it can define its whole content as a block, and it can define subsections (note: section is a heavily overloaded word) of itself. These blocks can be used as-is, or replaced when another template inherits them and overwrites them.

You can inherit and extend a block with a super() command:

{% block stylesheet %}
{{ super() }}
{# Insert your own stylesheet HTML here #}
{% endblock %}


The extends keyword imports one template into another. A file that extends that import then provides its own overrides or extensions for blocks found in the imported templates, substituting its own content and processing for that of the extended template.


Variables are set in a given scope with set:

{% set my_var = "hello" %}

Sets a variable my_var. Variables can contain booleans, floats, strings, integers, and arrays. There is a special syntax, set_global, that can be used to set variables one level up in scope when working inside for loops (i.e. in the outer scope containing the loop, preserving its content between iterations).


Conditional statements are managed with if/is ... else ... endif

{% if my_var is ... %} ... {% endif %}

The list of is tests that are shipped with Zola are:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/predicates.json") }}


Arrays are iterated with the for x in array/map ... endfor syntax.

{% for name in users %}
Hello: {{ name }}
{% endfor %}

Maps will provide a key/value pair. The names of the two fields are arbitrary:

{% for name, label in options %}
<option value="{name}">{label}</option>
{% endfor %}

Array filters (see below) are invoked before the loop. The following will print the list in reverse order.

{% for name in users | reverse %}{{ name }}{% endfor %}

Loops have continue and break statements that can be invoked inside if blocks.


Include other content into the current template being rendered. Include strings cannot be built out of variables, but they may be a list, in which case the first filename found is rendered. If the include block has the phrase 'ignore missing' at the end a missing file will not cause an error at build time.

{% include "header.html" %}


Macros are blocks of template that can be passed variables; they're basically just big chunks of content that can be parameterized. Macros must be defined in a file separate from the main content and imported with a distinct syntax from import:

{% import "header.html" as header %}

The header macro can be invoked in that file like this:

{{ header::header("My Blog!") }}

And an example of this macro (again, in the header.html file) would look like this:

{% macro header(title) %}
<header class="header">
  <h1>{ title }</h1>
{% endmacro %}


{% raw %}Content {{ goes here }}{% endraw %}

Content within the raw block will not be processed.


Tera's {{ ... }} syntax supports expressions, usually just evaluating the variable. There are a few basic operations and filters available, however:

Math And Logic Expressions:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/expressions.json") }}


Strings can be concatenated with the ~ operator.


Filters can be used to, well, filter and edit expressions. A filter is placed at the end of an expression with a pipe between them, i.e. {{ name | upper }} would upper-case the contents of the variable name.

An entire chunk of HTML can be filtered by:

{% filter filter_name %} 
{% endfilter %}

The filters provided are:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/filters.json") }}


Only a few functions provide ad-hoc expressions in-line with template interpretation.

  • range(end=n, start=0, [step_by=n]): Generates an array of numbers.
  • now(datetime, utc): Generates the current datetime.
  • get_random(end=n, [start=0]): Generates a random number
  • get_env(name="s", default="d"): Returns an environment variable
  • get_page(path="p"): Returns a the content of a page in the Zola content folder
  • get_section(path="p"): Returns the content of a Zola section (an _index.md) file as an object.
  • get_taxonomy_url(kind="taxonomy", name=page.taxonomies.category): Returns the URL of a Zola taxonomy index
  • get_url(path="p"): Gets the generated URL for a document in the Zola content folder
  • get_image_metadata(path="p"): Gets the metadata for an image in Zola's static folder
  • load_data(path="p"): (Zola) Loads static data from a file. Understands TOML, JSON, CSV and BibTeX. Takes either path= or url= (!) as an argument.
  • resize_image(path, width, height, op, format, quality): (Zola) Takes an image, resizes the image, and provides a link to the resized image.

Zola Content


In Zola, every folder under ./content/ (including that folder itself) is potentially a section. Sections are basically Zola's version of the WWW index protocol. A section is defined by the presence of an _index.md file which contains both a TOML header (separated by +++ above and below), and by some optional content. The TOML header may specify which template to use to render the section info, otherwise Zola falls back to the default at ./templates/section.html.

Section Header in every _index.md file

The arguments that con be placed into the TOML header of a the _index.md file are:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/section_arguments.json") }}

Section Object delivered to the template:

The context for a section page contains the following fields, which will be available to the template:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/section_fields.json") }}


A page is either a markdown file within the same folder as its section, or it is in a subfolder with a file named index.md (note the lack of prefix underscore!). The latter syntax is preferred if the file has associated assets, such as JavaScript or images, that you want to load alongside the content within the markdown page.

Page Header in every page file

The following items can appear in the TOML header of a page:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/page_arguments.json") }}

Page Object delivered to templates

Pages derive the following information in their context:

{{ definition_list(source="zola/page_fields.json") }}


Pagination is provided by a Paginator object available to the section page. The paginator will automatically generate multiple pages for the section, and will provide links to earlier/later pages within the collection.


Shortcodes are chunks of HTML or Markdown that you can store in the ./templates/shortcodes folder. Shortcodes will be processed for variables, and Zola will create a corresponding named hook that will take those variables as named parameters, much like a Tera function, and return the processed HTML.

The relationship between a Markdown file and its generated content is deterministic, but not always readily apparent. If you want to link to content in another markdown file, you can use the link syntax [my link](@/pages/about.md#example-code), which will generate a URL to the generated copy of that page, and will provide a header link to the header entitled "Example Code".


Taxonomies are a primitive organizational mechanism. You can create a list of taxonomies in the config.toml file, and then provide entries for those taxonomies in pages; those pages will then be included in the taxonomies collection. The Taxonomy pages are generated with list of various taxonomies and the collections of pages that relate to the taxonomy.