* release/0.6.0:
Documentation done, and Readme annotated with the appropriate links.
Documentation done, and Readme annotated with the appropriate links.
Finishing up the documentation. Next step: Blogging.
* feature/docs:
Documentation done, and Readme annotated with the appropriate links.
Documentation done, and Readme annotated with the appropriate links.
Finishing up the documentation. Next step: Blogging.
At thing point, we've configued the swagger file and run 'dep init', which
goes out and finds all the libraries in use by the swagger runtime, downloads
them, and incorporates them into the build process.
We can run `go build ./cmd/timeofday-server` and the server will show
up in our project's base directory. We can run the server:
`./timeofday-server --port=8020`, and then ping the endpoints:
curl http://localhost:8020
{"code":404,"message":"path / was not found"}
curl http://localhost:8020/timeofday/v1/
"operation .ClockGet has not yet been implemented"
Note that one returns an object, and the other returns a string.
Both are valid JSON objects.