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2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(def *version* "0.0.2")
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(require hy.contrib.anaphoric)
(import eyeD3 os re sys getopt string
[collections [defaultdict]]
[django.utils.encoding [smart_str]])
; 0: Short opt, 1: long opt, 2: takes argument, 3: help text
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(def optlist [["g" "genre" true "Set the genre"]
["a" "album" true "Set the album"]
["r" "artist" true "Set the artist"]
["n" "usedir" false "Use the directory as the album name, even if it's set in ID3"]
["t" "usefilename" false "Use the filename as the title, even if it's set in ID3"]
["h" "help" false "This help message"]
["v" "version" false "Version information"]])
(defn print-version []
(print (.format "mp_suggest (hy version {})" *version*))
(print "Copyright (c) 2008, 2014 Elf M. Sternberg <>")
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(defn print-help []
(print "Usage:")
(ap-each optlist (print (.format " -{} --{} {}" (get it 0) (get it 1) (get it 3))))
; Given a set of command-line arguments, compare that to a mapped
; version of the optlist and return a canonicalized dictionary of all
; the arguments that have been set. For example "-g" and "--genre"
; will both be mapped to "genre".
(defn make-opt-assoc [prefix pos]
(fn [acc it] (assoc acc (+ prefix (get it pos)) (get it 1)) acc))
(defn make-options-rationalizer [optlist]
(let [
[short-opt-assoc (make-opt-assoc "-" 0)]
[long-opt-assoc (make-opt-assoc "--" 1)]
(ap-reduce (-> (short-opt-assoc acc it)
(long-opt-assoc it)) optlist {})]]
(fn [acc it] (do (assoc acc (get fullset (get it 0)) (get it 1)) acc))))
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
; Auto-capitalize "found" entries like album name and title. Will not
; affect manually set entries.
(defn sfix [s]
(let [[seq (.split (.strip s))]]
(smart_str (string.join (ap-map (.capitalize it) seq) " "))))
; A long list of substitutions intended to turn a filename into a
; human-readable strategy. This operation is the result of weeks
; of experimentation. Doubt it at your peril! :-)
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(defn title-strategy [orig]
(->> (.strip orig)
(.sub re "\.[Mm][Pp]3$" "")
(.sub re "_" " ")
(.sub re "^.* - " "")
(.sub re "^[\d\. ]+" "")
(.sub re ".* \d{2} " "")
(.sub re "^\W+" "")
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
; For removing subgenre parentheses. This is why there's the -g
; option. Parenthetical sub-genre "commentary" are a pre ID3v2
; abomination.
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(defn clean-paren [s]
(if (not (= (.find s "(") -1))
(.sub re "\(.*?\)" "" s)
; My FAT-32 based file store via Samba isn't happy with unicode, so
; this is here. I had the weirdest time with non-unicode album names,
; especially when trying to load them onto my old iPod classic.
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(defn is-ascii [s]
(= (.decode (.encode s "ascii" "ignore") "ascii") s))
(defn ascii-or-nothing [s]
(if (is-ascii s) s ""))
; Assuming the directory name looked like "Artist - Album", return the
; two names separately. If only one name is here, assume a compilation
; or mixtape album and default to "VA" (Various Artists).
(defn artist-album []
(let [[aa (-> (.getcwd os) (.split "/") (get -1) (.split " - "))]]
(if (= (len aa) 1)
(, "VA" (sfix (get aa 0)))
(, (sfix (.strip (get aa 0))) (sfix (.strip (get aa 1)))))))
; Priorities:
; Artist:
; (1) Command Line
2014-12-08 17:10:56 +00:00
; (2) Command Line Force-Use-Dir
; (3) In Existing Tag
; (4) Found Dir
; Album:
; (1) Command line
2014-12-08 17:10:56 +00:00
; (2) Command Line Force-Use-Dir
; (3) Found-Likely
; (4) Found Dir
; Genre:
; (1) Command Line
; (2) Found-Likely
; Title:
2014-12-08 17:10:56 +00:00
; (1) Command Line Force-Use-Filename
; (2) In Existing Tag
; (3) Derived From Filename
(defn make-artist-deriver [opts found likely]
(cond [(.has_key opts "artist") (fn [tag file] (get opts "artist"))]
[(.has_key opts "usedir") (fn [tag file] found)]
[true (fn [tag file] (or tag (sfix found) (sfix likely)))]))
(defn make-album-deriver [opts found likely]
(cond [(.has_key opts "album") (fn [tag file] (get opts "album"))]
[(.has_key opts "usedir") (fn [tag file] found)]
[true (fn [tag file] (or (ascii-or-nothing likely) (sfix found)))]))
(defn make-genre-deriver [opts found likely]
(cond [(.has_key opts "genre") (fn [tag file] (get opts "genre"))]
[true (fn [tag file] likely)]))
(defn make-title-deriver [opts found likely]
(cond [(.has_key opts "usefilename") (fn [tag file] (title-strategy file))]
[true (fn [tag file] (or tag (title-strategy file)))]))
; Given a list of mp3s, derive the list of ID3 tags. Obviously,
; filesystem access is a point of failure, but this is mostly
; reliable.
(defn fetch-tags [filenames]
(defn fetch-tag [pos filename]
(let [[tag (.Tag eyeD3)]]
( filename)
(, pos (str (.getArtist tag)) (str (.getAlbum tag))
(str (.getGenre tag)) (str (.getTitle tag)) filename))
(catch [err Exception]
(, filename "" "" "" "" 1))))
(ap-map (apply fetch-tag it) filenames))
(defn derive-tags [filenames artist-deriver album-deriver genre-deriver title-deriver]
(defn derive-tag [filename]
(let [[file (get filename 0)]]
(, (get filename 0) (artist-deriver (get filename 1) file) (album-deriver (get filename 2) file)
(genre-deriver (get filename 3) file) (title-deriver (get filename 4) file) (get filename 5))))
(ap-map (derive-tag it) filenames))
; For all the songs, analyze a consist entry (usually genre and album
; names), and return the one with the most votes.
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(defn find-likely [l]
(let [[cts
(map (fn [i] (, (get i 1) (get i 0)))
(do (assoc acc it (+ 1 (get acc it))) acc) l (defaultdict int))))
(if (zero? (len cts))
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(get (get cts 0) 1))))
(defn tap [a] (print a) a)
(defn suggest [opts]
(let [[(, local-artist local-album) (artist-album)]
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(->> (os.listdir ".")
(ap-filter (and (> (len it) 4) (= (slice (.lower it) -4) ".mp3")))
[likely-genre (sfix (clean-paren (find-likely (map (fn [m] (get m 3)) mp3s))))]
[likely-album (find-likely (map (fn [m] (get m 2)) mp3s))]
[likely-artist (find-likely (map (fn [m] (get m 1)) mp3s))]
[artist-deriver (make-artist-deriver opts local-artist likely-artist)]
[album-deriver (make-album-deriver opts local-album likely-album)]
[genre-deriver (make-genre-deriver opts "" likely-genre)]
[title-deriver (make-title-deriver opts "" "")]
[newmp3s (derive-tags mp3s artist-deriver album-deriver genre-deriver title-deriver)]
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(string.join ["id3v2 -T \"{}\""
"--artist \"{}\""
"--album \"{}\""
"--genre \"{}\""
"--song \"{}\""
"\"{}\""] " ")]
[finalizer (fn (seq) (+ [format-string] (list (map (fn [i] (get seq i)) (xrange 0 6)))))]]
(ap-each newmp3s
(print (apply .format (finalizer it))))))
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(defmain [&rest args]
(let [[optstringsshort
(string.join (ap-map (+ (. it [0]) (cond [(. it [2]) ":"] [true ""])) optlist) "")]
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(list (ap-map (+ (. it [1]) (cond [(. it [2]) "="] [true ""])) optlist))]
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
[(, opt arg)
(getopt.getopt (slice args 1) optstringsshort optstringslong)]
(make-options-rationalizer optlist)]
2014-12-06 08:45:42 +00:00
(ap-reduce (rationalize-options acc it) opt {})]]
(cond [(.has_key options "help") (print-help)]
[(.has_key options "version") (print-version)]
[true (suggest options)]))
(catch [err Exception]
(print (str err))