Implemented the Mandelbrot set from Chapter 2 of Programming Rust
This implementation features concurrency, a little object-oriented code, and some old-school PNM.
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Rust Exercises
This repository contains a collection of exercises in Rust, mostly taken
from the O'Reilly's
[*Programming Rust*](,
augmented with stretch goals, extensions, and a hint of arrogance.
## Currently available:
* Mandlebrot
Renders a Mandlebrot set
## ToDo
* Colorized Mandelbrot
* [Buddhabrot](
* Colorized Buddhabrot
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name = "Demo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["elf"]
failure = "0.1.1"
failure_derive = "0.1.1"
num = '0.2.0'
image = '0.19.0'
crossbeam = '0.2.8'
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Mandelbrot
An implementation of the the Mandelbrot set exercise from the end of
chapter two of O'Reilly's
[*Programming Rust*](
I have deviated from the original in two ways, one major, one minor.
First, I've made the rendering plane, which maps from the cartesian
(pixel) plane to the complex plane, into a struct, and put all the major
rendering features into an implementation on that struct. By adding a
simple method, `subplane()`, I was able to make crossbeam rendering much
simpler and easier to read by providing horizontal slices of the pixel
plane, and I was also able to avoid recalculating the relationship
between the two planes for every pixel. A small performance boost, but
Second, the output is PNM rather than PNG. I'm a huge PNM partisan, and
you kids better get off my lawn.
Binary file not shown.
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extern crate num;
extern crate image;
extern crate crossbeam;
use num::Complex;
use std::str::FromStr;
use image::ColorType;
use image::pnm::PNMEncoder;
use image::pnm::{PNMSubtype, SampleEncoding};
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::File;
/// Try to determine if a complex number is a member of the Mandelbrot
/// set, using at most 'limit' iterations to decide.
/// If 'c' is not a member, return 'Some(i)' where 'i' is the number of
/// iterations it took for 'c' to leave the circle of radius 2
/// centered on the origin. If 'c' seems to be a member (if we
/// reached the iteration limit without being able to prove 'c' is not
/// a member), return 'None'
fn escape_time(c: Complex<f64>, limit: u32) -> Option<u32> {
let mut z = Complex{ re: 0.0, im: 0.0 };
for i in 0..limit {
z = z * z + c;
if z.norm_sqr() > 4.0 {
return Some(i);
fn parse_pair<T: FromStr>(s: &str, separator: char) -> Option<(T, T)> {
match s.find(separator) {
None => None,
Some(index) => {
match (T::from_str(&s[..index]), T::from_str(&s[index+1..])) {
(Ok(l), Ok(r)) => Some((l, r)),
_ => None
fn parse_complex(s: &str) -> Option<Complex<f64>> {
match parse_pair(s, ',') {
Some((re, im)) => Some(Complex{ re, im }),
None => None
/// Contains the definitions of two planes: an integral cartesian plane,
/// and a complex cartesian plane. Used to map points on one to the
/// other.
struct Plane {
bounds: (usize, usize),
upper_left: Complex<f64>,
lower_right: Complex<f64>,
width: f64,
height: f64
impl Plane where {
/// Define a mapping between the coordinates of an integral
/// cartesian plane and a complex cartesian plane.
pub fn new(width: usize, height: usize, ulp: Complex<f64>, lrp: Complex<f64>) -> Plane {
let bound_width = width as f64;
let bound_height = height as f64;
Plane {
bounds: (width, height),
upper_left: ulp,
lower_right: lrp,
width: ( - / bound_width,
height: ( - / bound_height,
/// Given the row and column of a pixel on the integral cartesian plane,
/// return an complex number that corresponds to the equivalent location
/// mapped to the complex cartesian plane.
pub fn pixel_to_point(&self, pixel: (usize, usize)) -> Complex<f64> {
re: + pixel.0 as f64 * self.width,
im: + pixel.1 as f64 * self.height
pub fn render(&self, pixels: &mut[u8]) {
assert!(pixels.len() == self.bounds.0 * self.bounds.1);
for row in 0..self.bounds.1 {
for column in 0..self.bounds.0 {
let point = self.pixel_to_point((column, row));
pixels[row * self.bounds.0 + column] =
match escape_time(point, 255) {
None => 0,
Some(count) => 255 - count as u8
pub fn subplane(&self, top: usize, height: usize) -> Plane {
let ulc = self.pixel_to_point((0, top));
let lrc = self.pixel_to_point((self.bounds.0, top + height));
Plane::new(self.bounds.0, height, ulc, lrc)
pub fn render_concurrent(&self, pixels: &mut[u8], threads: usize) {
let rows_per_band = self.bounds.1 / threads + 1;
let bands: Vec<&mut [u8]> = pixels.chunks_mut(rows_per_band * self.bounds.0).collect();
crossbeam::scope(|spawner| {
for (i, band) in bands.into_iter().enumerate() {
let top = rows_per_band * i;
let height = band.len() / self.bounds.0;
let subplane = self.subplane(top, height);
spawner.spawn(move || {
fn write_image(filename: &str, pixels: &[u8], bounds: (usize, usize)) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let output = File::create(filename)?;
let mut encoder = PNMEncoder::new(output).with_subtype(PNMSubtype::Graymap(SampleEncoding::Binary));
encoder.encode(pixels, bounds.0 as u32 ,bounds.1 as u32, ColorType::Gray(8))?;
pub fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
if args.len() != 5 {
writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "Usage: mandelbrot FILE PIXELS UPPERLEFT LOWERRIGHT").unwrap();
writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "Exaple: {} mandel.png 1000x750 -1.20,0.35 -1,02.0", args[0]).unwrap();
let bounds = parse_pair(&args[2], 'x').expect("Error parsing image dimensions");
let upper_left = parse_complex(&args[3]).expect("Error parsing upper left hand point");
let lower_right = parse_complex(&args[4]).expect("Error parsing lower right hand point");
let mut pixels = vec![0; bounds.0 * bounds.1];
let plane = Plane::new(bounds.0, bounds.1, upper_left, lower_right);
plane.render_concurrent(&mut pixels, 8);
write_image(&args[1], &pixels, bounds).expect("Error writing PNM file");
fn pixel_to_point(
pixel: (usize, usize),
bounds: (usize, usize),
upper_left: Complex<f64>,
lower_right: Complex<f64>) -> Complex<f64>
let (width, height) = ( -,
|||| -;
Complex {
re: + pixel.0 as f64 * width / bounds.0 as f64,
im: + pixel.1 as f64 * height / bounds.1 as f64
fn test_parse_pair() {
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<i32>("", ','), None);
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<i32>("10", ','), None);
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<i32>(",10", ','), None);
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<i32>("10,20xy", ','), None);
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<i32>("0.5x", ','), None);
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<i32>("10,20", ','), Some((10, 20)));
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<f64>("0.5x", ','), None);
assert_eq!(parse_pair::<f64>("0.5x1.5", 'x'), Some((0.5, 1.5)));
fn test_parse_complex() {
assert_eq!(parse_complex("1.25,-0.0625"), Some(Complex{ re: 1.25, im: -0.0625 }));
assert_eq!(parse_complex(",-0.0625"), None);
fn test_pixel_to_point() {
assert_eq!(pixel_to_point((25, 75), (100, 100),
Complex { re: -1.0, im: 1.0 },
Complex { re: 1.0, im: -1.0 }), Complex { re: -0.5, im: -0.5 });
fn test_plane() {
let plane = Plane::new(100, 100, Complex{ re: -1.0, im: 1.0 }, Complex{ re: 1.0, im: -1.0 });
assert_eq!(plane.pixel_to_point((25, 75)), Complex{ re: -0.5, im: -0.5 });
Reference in New Issue