Dynamically enable stylus and eraser remapping.

A bit of a cruftectomy; removed most of the reportage displays,
and enabled dynamic scanning of the device list so that the
stylus & eraser now remap automatically, even after they've
been added dynamically via modprobe.  Signficantly reduced
the number of shell-outs as well

As is my usual nature, I removed almost all the case handling and
replaced it with a table, which is DRY: Every piece of knowledge must
have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.
The table has a name, number, transformation matrix, and x and y
orientation check functions.  Everything else is just checking on
This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2017-11-03 15:18:01 -07:00
parent bd6eaf1fb0
commit bf5a5f7342
1 changed files with 95 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -1,147 +1,114 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import time
import os
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from gi.repository import Notify
import time
def readFile(path): #self.filename
myDatei = open(path, "r")
myList = []
#Liste aus Datei erstellen
for Line in myDatei:
Line = Line.rstrip()
#Line = Line.decode('utf8')
from collections import namedtuple
devicename = 'NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05'
freq = 5.0
MONITOR_CONNECTED_RE = re.compile(r'\bconnected\b')
DIGITIZER_RE = re.compile(r'NTRG0001\:01\s+1B96\:1B05')
PEN_RE = re.compile(r'\bPen (stylus|eraser)\b')
PROXIMITY_RE = re.compile(r'\bProximity\=(\w+)', re.M)
current_orientation = ''
currently_proximate = False
xinput_statemap = {True: 'disable', False: 'enable'}
def find_accelerometers():
spath = '/sys/bus/iio/devices/'
dpath = [os.path.join(spath, p) for p in os.listdir('/sys/bus/iio/devices/')
if re.match('iio\:device\d', p) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(spath, p, 'in_accel_scale'))]
if not dpath:
sys.stderr.write("Could not find iio device to monitor.")
return (os.path.join(dpath[0], 'in_accel_x_raw'),
os.path.join(dpath[0], 'in_accel_y_raw'))
x_accel_path, y_accel_path = find_accelerometers()
def writeFile(path, myList): #self.filename
myDatei = open(path, "w")
#Liste aus Datei erstelle
def refreshtouch():
os.system('xinput disable "NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05"')
os.system('xinput enable "NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05"')
def checkdisplays():
check_displays = "xrandr | grep -w 'connected'"
str_displays = str(subprocess.check_output(check_displays, shell=True).lower().rstrip())
list_displays = str_displays.splitlines()
int_displays = len(list_displays)
return int_displays
count = 0
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
devicename = "'NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05'"
penname = "'NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05 Pen'"
freq = 5.0
def countdisplays():
return int(len([l for l in subprocess.check_output(['xrandr', '--current']).splitlines()
if MONITOR_CONNECTED_RE.search(l)]))
# Look for accelerometer
while count <= 9:
if os.path.exists('/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device' + str(count) + '/in_accel_scale') == True:
dpath = '/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device' + str(count) + '/' # directory of accelerometer device (iio)
count = count + 1
# Landscape
def lsx(thex): return thex >= 65000 or thex <= 650
# Portrait
def ptx(thex): return not lsx(thex)
# Left
def lfy(they): return they <= 65000 and they >= 64000
# Right
def rgy(they): return not lfy(they)
# It's a little odd that X labels it 'left' when you've just turned
# the tablet to the right, and vice versa, but that's the convention,
# I guess.
Transform = namedtuple('Tranform', ['name', 'mode', 'matrix', 'xrule', 'yrule'])
transforms = [
Transform('normal', 0, '1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1', lsx, lfy),
Transform('inverted', 1, '-1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1', lsx, rgy),
Transform('left', 2, '0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1', ptx, rgy),
Transform('right', 3, '0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1', ptx, lfy)
def is_in(pen):
res = PROXIMITY_RE.search(subprocess.check_output(['xinput', 'query-state', pen]))
return (res and res.group(1).lower() == 'in')
#Commands for correct rotation
normal = 'xrandr -o normal; '+'xinput set-prop ' + devicename +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1;"+'xinput set-prop ' + penname +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1;"
inverted = 'xrandr -o inverted; '+'xinput set-prop ' + devicename +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1;"+'xinput set-prop ' + penname +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1;"
right = 'xrandr -o left; '+'xinput set-prop ' + devicename +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1;"+'xinput set-prop ' + penname +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1;"
left = 'xrandr -o right; '+'xinput set-prop ' + devicename +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1;"+'xinput set-prop ' + penname +" 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1;"
state_dict = {0: "normal", 1: "inverted", 2: "right", 3: "left"}
current_state = 0
previous_tstate = "on"
previousStylusProximityStatus = "out"
firstrun = True
with open(dpath + 'in_accel_scale') as f:
scale = float(f.readline())
while True:
multimonitor = False
int_displays = checkdisplays()
if int_displays > 1:
multimonitor = True
int_displays = countdisplays()
previous_state = current_state
status = readFile(os.path.join(path, 'status.txt'))
if str(status[0]) == "on" and multimonitor == False:
with open(dpath + 'in_accel_x_raw', 'r') as fx:
with open(dpath + 'in_accel_y_raw', 'r') as fy:
with open(dpath + 'in_accel_z_raw', 'r') as fz:
thex = float(fx.readline())
they = float(fy.readline())
thez = float(fz.readline())
if checkdisplays() == 1:
if (thex >= 65000 or thex <=650):
if (they <= 65000 and they >= 64000):
current_state = 0
if (they >= 650 and they <= 1100):
current_state = 1
if (thex <= 64999 and thex >= 650):
if (thex >= 800 and thex <= 1000):
current_state = 2
if (thex >= 64500 and thex <=64700):
current_state = 3
if int_displays == 1:
print("ExtDi: " + str(multimonitor))
print("A-ROT: " + status[0])
print(" x: " + str(thex))
print(" y: " + str(they))
print(" z: " + str(thez))
print(" POS: " + state_dict[current_state])
if status[0] == "off" or multimonitor == True:
print("ExtDi: " + str(multimonitor))
print("A-ROT: " + status[0])
print(" x: " + status[0])
print(" y: " + status[0])
print(" z: " + status[0])
print(" POS: " + state_dict[previous_state])
if current_state != previous_state:
print "Touchscreen refreshed"
# Check accelerometers
# Do we need to check the touch_devices list every time? I
# think we do; the list will change dynamically if we
# dynamically load the stylus driver after the system has
# booted.
touch_devices = filter(lambda n: DIGITIZER_RE.match(n),
subprocess.check_output(['xinput', '--list', '--name-only']).splitlines())
with open(x_accel_path, 'r') as fx:
with open(y_accel_path, 'r') as fy:
thex = float(fx.readline())
they = float(fy.readline())
for check in transforms:
if check.xrule(thex) and check.yrule(they):
if current_orientation != check.name:
print "Switching to orientation %s" % check.name
os.system('xrandr -o %s' % check.name)
for device in touch_devices:
os.system("xinput set-prop '%s' 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' %s" %
(device, check.matrix))
current_orientation = check.name
stylusProximityCommand = 'xinput query-state "NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05 Pen" | grep Proximity | cut -d " " -f3 | cut -d "=" -f2'
stylusProximityStatus = str(subprocess.check_output(stylusProximityCommand, shell=True).lower().rstrip())
tstatus = readFile(os.path.join(path, 'touch.txt'))
if str(tstatus[0]) == "on" and stylusProximityStatus == "out":
os.system('xinput enable ' + devicename + '')
print("TOUCH: " + tstatus[0])
if str(tstatus[0]) != previous_tstate:
Notify.init ("Touchscreen-ON")
RotationON=Notify.Notification.new ("Touchscreen","Touchscreen is now turned ON","dialog-information")
elif str(tstatus[0]) == "off" and stylusProximityStatus == "out":
os.system('xinput disable ' + devicename + '')
print("TOUCH: " + tstatus[0])
if str(tstatus[0]) != previous_tstate:
Notify.init ("Touchscreen-OFF")
RotationOFF=Notify.Notification.new ("Touchscreen","Touchscreen is now turned OFF","dialog-information")
previous_tstate = str(tstatus[0])
if str(tstatus[0]) == "off" and stylusProximityStatus == "in":
print("TOUCH: " + tstatus[0])
print(" PEN: " + stylusProximityStatus)
elif str(tstatus[0]) == "on" and stylusProximityStatus == "in" and firstrun == False:
os.system('xinput disable "NTRG0001:01 1B96:1B05"')
print("TOUCH: " + "off")
print(" PEN: " + stylusProximityStatus)
elif stylusProximityStatus == "out":
print(" PEN: " + stylusProximityStatus)
firstrun == False
# Palm rejection (sort-of):
pen_devices = [p for p in touch_devices if PEN_RE.search(p)]
pen_status = bool([p for p in pen_devices if is_in(p)])
if pen_status != currently_proximate:
print "%s palm rejection" % ("Activating" if pen_status else "Deactivating")
currently_proximate = pen_status
os.system("xinput %s '%s'" % (xinput_statemap[pen_status], devicename))