A bit of a cruftectomy; removed most of the reportage displays, and enabled dynamic scanning of the device list so that the stylus & eraser now remap automatically, even after they've been added dynamically via modprobe. Signficantly reduced the number of shell-outs as well As is my usual nature, I removed almost all the case handling and replaced it with a table, which is DRY: Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system. The table has a name, number, transformation matrix, and x and y orientation check functions. Everything else is just checking on that. |
autorotate | ||
Some simple scripts for Linux on the Surface Pro 3.
Autorotate: autorotate.py run with python2 needs
Script for managing autorotation of the screen and deactivation of the touchscreen through the pen.
- install libnotify and python2-gobject (needed for notifications)
- copy autorotate.py, touch.py, changeautorotatestatus.py, touch.txt, status.txt in the same folder
Start script:
$ python2 /path/to/autorotate.py
Deactivate/reactivate autorotation:
$ python2 /path/to/changeautorotatestatus.py
Deactivate/reactivate touch:
$ python2 path/to/touch.py