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Elder Scroll Display


The Highspot Coding Challenge. The premise is to display a deck-builder card catalog (such as Magic The Gathering, although in this case it's Elder Scrolls) made available via a RESTful API. The requirements as set out in the Code Challenge are:

Requirements Checklist

  • ✓ Show results in a card grid format with the image prominently displayed.
  • ✓ Each card displays: Image, Name, Text, Set Name, and Type. Additional fields are optional.
  • ✓ Display a loading indicator when communicating with the API.
  • ✓ Use a responsive design that accommod_es, at minimum, desktop and mobile.
  • ✓ Initially, fetch and display the first 20 results returned by the API.
  • ✓ As the user scrolls down the page, load and append additional cards using "infinite scroll."
  • ✓ Retrieve additional pages of results as-needed but do not load more than 20 cards with each request.
  • Allow the user to search for cards by Name.
  • ✓ Use modern open-source web technologies to implement your solution (React, Backbone, Angular, Vue, Underscore, etc.).
  • Provide instructions for prerequisites, installation, and application setup and build in a README file.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Are all stated requirements met?
  • Does the application successfully build and run?
  • Is the code well-organized and easy to understand?
  • Does the code reflect contemporary web development techniques?
  • Are functions and variables clearly named to express their purpose?
  • Was the solution visually appealing?
  • Were any scope decisions, TODO items, and known issues called out in code comments or the README file?

Available Resources

NOTE: The Elder Scrolls Legends API is a free, third-party service built by an independent developer; it is not affiliated with Highspot, or with the intellectual property owners of Elder Scrolls Legends. Please help us use it responsibly.

Initial impressions

This is a single-page application. The 'search' is more of a filter, sending the ?name=<param> to the /cards API endpoint. To meet the requirements of the application, the pageSize=20 argument must be passed to the endpoint.

Startup seems to be relatively straightforward, and there won't be anything fancy here: A flexbox will probably do just fine, as will a progressive fill. I'm inclined to not use MaterialUI here; it's probably overkill. Just an application, with some nice CSS and a decent cache.

For the search feature, we'll want to go with whatever the API offers, but when clearing the search, let's go for a fast reload with no data requirements. That's provide some speed when going back to the basics. I won't be using the ServiceWorker, as I don't feel confident enough in my familiarity with it to make it matter.

Also, because I'm a nerd, I can't start without first picking out a theme: white on black, with a paper texture from my design library desaturated, darkened, and rendered a seamless tile, using the Google 'Marcellus' font, which kinda sorta looks Tolkeinesque.